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30 Unique And Must-See Photos From Our Past

30 Unique And Must-See Photos From Our Past
1. Unpacking the Head of the Statue of Liberty delivered June 17, 1885 Photographs have long been used to record special and unique moments - birthdays, weddings and the occasional selfie are all commonplace. But these next 30 photographs go beyond the norm - they encapsulate the mood, tone and values of yesteryear, a compelling account of the evolution of our values if you will. From landmarks in history, strange feats of physical endurance through to peculiar devices & oddball characters we hope this series of images will astound, confound and enthrall you. Via CavemanCircus

Related:  Historical Photography

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ISO 12233 Test Chart The ISO standard for measuring resolution of “electronic still imaging”" cameras is 12233, available only from the International Standards Organization for only 116 Swiss Francs (about $US93 as of this writing) and under copyright protection. But the design of the test chart seems not to be protected; its description has been available on the Web in an Excel spreadsheet. I have semi-manually converted this to an Adobe Illustrator file which is displayed here. Realistically colorized historical photos make the past seem incredibly real [36 pictures] Over the last couple years, an increasingly popular trend online has been to create and share colorized photos from history. Artists such as Jordan Lloyd, Dana Keller and Sanna Dullaway take intriguing old black-and-white photos and bring them to life with color as if they’d been taken only yesterday. Here are some examples… Unemployed Lumber Worker and His Wife, circa 1939

CRACKED: Old-Timey Animal Photos You Won't Believe In the old days, concepts like safety, animal rights and sanity weren't as well-defined as they are now. And while there's no question that we treat animals better today than we did a few decades ago, sometimes what's good for the animals is bad for the field of insanely badass photography. So, we'll just have to fill that void with old-timey photos like these. #9. Rocky VII: Rocky Fights a Bear

Big Bang: Abstract Photograms Created by Exposing Photo Paper to Fireworks What kind of imagery results when you mix photo paper and fireworks? That’s a question photographic artist Ross Sonnenberg has been exploring for the past few years. He creates one-of-a-kind camera-less photograms that look like abstract images of galaxies, but are actually random and colorful patterns created by the light of firecrackers. He has been creating images for two projects: Color Bang, which features this technique done on smaller pieces of photo paper, and Long Bang, which uses the technique on much grander scale. Here’s a video in which Sonnenberg introduces his technique:

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Kyle Thompson Self Portrait Photos Are Awesome A couple of years ago, Kyle Thompson became interested in photography. Unfortunately, his anxiety prevented him from talking to people, so he opted to experiment with self-portraits. He would spend hours, even days, walking alone through forests and exploring abandoned houses. 40 Maps They Didn’t Teach You In School ! – Tunisme No more geography lessons based on just one and the same world map! Rediscover our world through these 40 Maps.The Most Famous Brand From Each State In The US Image credits: Red Hair Map of Europe Image credits: Most Popular Sports in the World
