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Yoga Programs-Inner Transformation-Yoga Center @ ISHA Foundation

JÓGA KÖZPONT - Test nem marad szárazon! Köszönjük, hogy érdeklődéseddel megtisztelsz minket. Számunkra a jóga életforma, és célunk, hogy Neked is megmutassuk mennyi mindent kaphatsz általa. A jóga egy út - lehet az egészségmegőrzés, a gyógyulás, az önismeret vagy akár a harmonikus élet útja - mindenkinek más. De mindenkinek ad valamit. Ez a mi célunk is. ...azt jelenti: "Meghajlok a benned lévő belső fény előtt!"

Free meditations: how to meditate and attain inner peace and freedom Adi Shakti Kundalini Jóga Budapest Mindfulness Meditation Technique Equipping individuals to deal with stressful situations by accepting them and being aware of them, Mindfulness Meditation is an effective and miraculous technique of meditation against life’s problems and situations. True, stress, anger, disappointments, frustrations, and other negative emotions adversely affect our minds and even bodies. Such negative emotions and actions should be dealt effectively and set-backs should be accepted without injuring our health. Mindfulness Meditation is that medicine which helps to deal with negative emotions and situations in the most effective manner. Mindfulness Meditation, also referred to as Insightful Meditation, requires or allows individuals to be aware of their surroundings, to develop a sense of sensitivity in perceiving every moment, and enabling them to accept stressful situations, instead of avoiding them. The practice of Mindfulness Meditation focuses our attention on our thoughts, actions, and present moments non-judgmentally. Reference:

Kismama Jóga - JógaSzülés - Tudatos Várandósság Program
