Soledad Pinero Misa : Creator Retoy centers | Ogunte | Women Social Innovators MYC4 Venture Capital Dispatch An entree sold via the food delivery site and app, Munchery. Online food delivery has become big business. GrubHub Inc. and Just Eat PLC recently made public market debuts, and American upstarts like EatClub Inc., Spoonrocket Inc. and Zesty Inc. have raised venture funding. Internationally, PedidosYa S.A. delivers in countries across Latin and South America, and Delivery Hero Holding GmbH operates services across Europe, Asia and Australia. Now, venture-backed startup {*style:<a href=' Inc. Dita Zakova: Founder Ecolibri : Quadruple bottom line in Lake Atitlan region | Ogunte | Women Social Innovators Josh Lerner General Information Academic Programs Alumni Faculty & Research Recruit Resources Close Harvard Business School Browse By: Topic Industry Geography Josh Lerner 45 Results Resolving Patent Disputes that Impede Innovation Technical standards both spur innovation and protect the innovators, but abuses in the intellectual property protection system threaten US competitiveness. Standard-Essential Patents Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole Standards play a key role in many industries, including those critical for future growth. The Disintermediation of Financial Markets: Direct Investing in Private Equity Lily Fang, Victoria Ivashina, and Josh Lerner As numerous news stories document, interest on the part of institutional investors in undertaking direct investments—and thus bypassing intermediaries—appears to have increased substantially. Crowdfunding a Poor Investment? Crowdfunding promises to democratize funding of startups. Faculty Symposium Showcases Breadth of Research Ann Leamon and Josh Lerner Steven J. Paul A.
Rhea Alexander: Founder of sustainable design house DIGS | Ogunte | Women Social Innovators Microfinance Focus Global Tribal Network | A better world. Powered by women | Micro-Magazine - Micro-Magazine Dec'11: 13 ways to be a focused... | Social, Lineh Hold on to your flip-flops wherever you are in the world, there's still a bit of decluttering and maintenance work worth doing before Spring/Autumn (wherever you are...!) Top 4 personal maintenance tips & questions 1. 2. 3. 4- Secrets to being a productive social entrepreneur, the follow-up. Join ADAL's List! Ada Lovelace wrote the first programming language in 1842. First stop shop for women in business in Brussels Capital. Competitions to win £15,000 Digital Science is looking for the best and brightest innovators in scientific software to help them get their ideas off the ground. Check Horizons 2020 eu calls for proposals - Europe is here to help! Have you checked the latest news from Funds for NGO's? UNITED KINGDOM | OXFORDJAM'14: 9th-11th APRIL 2014 OxfordJam is in its 5th year and is shaping up to be bigger and better than ever before. More info here... Are you currently developing an idea for an entrepreneurial project (with or without a profit goal)?
Romans & Literatuur | Doorstart TenPages een feit Graag infomeren we u over de overeenstemming die we hebben bereikt met de curator van TenPages inzake de overname van bepaalde activa van TenPages. Tekst en Uitleg BV is van plan het crowdfundingplatform TenPages in gewijzigde vorm voort te zetten. In dit kader verwijs ik naar de onderstaande berichtgeving. Mochten er vragen zijn dan kunt u contact opnemen met ondergetekende. Met vriendelijke groet, Tekst en Uitleg BV De Horst 21 9321 VH Peize Kontaktpersoon Jaap Burgstra M: 06-12866377 E: I: Bericht voor aandeelhouders Geachte heer, mevrouw, Op 25 februari 2014 heeft de Rechtbank te Amsterdam in staat van faillissement verklaard de besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid TenPages B.V. tevens handelend onder de namen en Where books are born. Daags na datum faillissement heb ik de mogelijkheden van een verkoop van de onderneming en activa van TenPages onderzocht. Femke Jorritsma, curator
Donna Morton | Co Founder and Ceo First Power Canada | Ogunte | Women Social Innovators Shilpi Kapoor | Ceo BarrierBreaks Technology : | Ogunte | Women Social Innovators Prêmio Empreendedor Social - Finalistas - Gisela Maria Bernardes Solymos No começo da década de 1970, em um ponto da imponente avenida Paulista, símbolo da cidade de São Paulo, Gisela Maria Bernardes Solymos, então com 6 anos, tem seu primeiro contato com a desigualdade. De mãos dadas com a mãe, Ivone Bernardes Solymos, viu a desnutrição e a pobreza refletidas em um morador de rua. A menina que sonhava com fazenda, plantações e criação de animais descobriu naquele momento que comer não é tão simples como pensava ser. É o começo de uma vida de questionamentos, em que as respostas para perguntas simples nem sempre atendem à ânsia de conhecimento da garotaÉ o começo de uma vida de questionamentos, em que as respostas para perguntas simples nem sempre atendem à ânsia de conhecimento da garota. Ouvir que bater o bolo apenas de um lado era fundamental para que a massa crescesse a levava mais longe. Era a mãe a explicadora oficial aos questionamentos da garota. Foi com essa essência de mudança que fez seu primeiro trabalho em uma favela de São Paulo.
A genuinely global, groundbreaking community It’s awe inspiring to think about all the women and men joining us all across the world for today’s TEDxWomen. There are over 100 events on every continent, in every time zone, enabling thousands of people to gather in community and experience the TED talks taking place in New York and Los Angeles, as well as their own local TED talks. It is the first bi-costal, global TEDx event in history. We are amazed by the energy of all of our TEDx organizers and their dynamic, diverse communities. Picture the women of TEDxNASAJSCWomen, gathered at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Picture the women of TEDxBuslimWomen in Tripoli, Libya, which will actually take place tomorrow. Picture the women of TEDxDirahWomen in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, many of them students at King Saud University. Picture the women of TEDxDaLuz in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the women of TEDxEwhaWomen in Seoul, South Korea.