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Alan Watts - Teaches the Art of Meditation [FULL]

Alan Watts - Teaches the Art of Meditation [FULL]

How to Heal Emotional and Spiritual Blockages HJ: The only thing keeping you from having what you want — particularly the life, happiness and fulfillment you want — are emotional and spiritual blockages. Emotional states create outcomes. Your emotional state determines what you are capable of doing and becoming. A severely depressed person will constantly be struggling with themselves and hence experience the reflection of that in their lives. Someone happy and motivated will produce the opposite results of the depressed person. High level coaches and high achievers know that at the end of the day, it’s all about state management. One of the most important things for us to learn how to do is emotional processing. Emotional processing is not something that we have to do consciously because it occurs naturally when we focus on growth. Emotional Processing Dissolves The Ego The ego itself is the result of unprocessed energies and emotions. The ego (what is ego?) There are two levels of emotional processing.

Gurdjieff Internet Guide zen habits How to Meditate What should I do if my legs fall asleep while meditating? This is common for new meditators, and will likely get better over time if you stick with it. As long as feeling comes back to your legs within a few minutes after changing position, don’t worry about it. If it persists or bothers you too much, try a different position, like sitting on a higher cushion, a chair, or lying down. Which kind of meditation is best for someone with anxiety? Most types of meditation will teach you to calm your mind and be more aware of your thoughts and emotions, which will help with anxiety. Can I still meditate if I’m not religious? Absolutely. How can I stop myself from thinking while I meditate? Many of the techniques listed in this article will help you focus your mind on something other than your own thoughts.

Writing a Letter To Your Future Self Writing a letter to your future self is an exercise which I thought of back in 2006. It was inspired from when I chanced upon the Yahoo! Time Capsule project (website is now dead). Essentially, this is similar to the concept of a time capsule, where you write a personal note to your future self, seal it and only open it at a future moment in time. There are no restrictions on the time duration either — it can be one year later, three years later, five years later, 10 years later, or even 20 years later! Why Write a Letter To Your Future Self? Doing this exercise can be a really insightful experience. Just imagine writing a letter to your future self five years from now, then opening it at that exact moment five years down the road to read the message that the past you left for yourself. As you read the letter in the future, you can assess how many things match up (or not) vs. your expectations in the past and think about why that’s the case. What To Write About Look at today’s date.

Sex + Yoga = Orgasmic Enlightenment (NSFW) Sex and yoga have a lot in common. They’re both about opening and stretching into new places. Going deep inside yourself to find strength and endurance you didn’t know you had. Softening and letting go to remove your civilized layers and return to yourself. You can use each to amplify the power of the other. I went on a remote yoga retreat with my lover last fall. The combination of having a full week devoted just to us, quantum-leaped our connection. Sex is part of your natural rhythm. Like yoga, the more you commit to it, and trust it and learn to let go, it will transform you. Or an hour of life-shifting sex. I recommend taking a weeklong sex date several times a year to get out of your routine, and into each other. In between those weeks, you can maximize your time in yoga classes and during your weekly sex dates. Here’s where sex and yoga come together: 1) What happens in bed and on the mat carries out into life. 2) Sex and yoga rebirth you. 3) Sanctuary. 4) Breath is key.

5 Reasons to Write a Letter to Yourself (and How to Do It) In high school, my English teacher had everyone bring in a self addressed envelope. She gave us some paper and told us to write a letter to our future selves. I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but I realize now that she was doing us all huge favor. After we wrote the letters, she took them and said she would mail them in five years, just as most of us would be graduating from college. I will never forget reading that letter when it came back to me, exactly five years later as she had promised. This is an incredible exercise to do no matter how old you are. 1) Cultivate gratitude. One of the best things for your emotional health is to practice gratitude regularly. This letter is a message in a bottle. Fill it will positive affirmations and appreciation for the person you are. 2) Increase self-awareness. Do you ever go back and scroll through your old Facebook posts? It’s uncomfortable, it’s a healthy discomfort, because you’re confronting your own shortcomings. 3) Create your future.

18 Ways to Peacefully Motivate Yourself Most productivity tips boil down to clever ways of forcing yourself to do things you don’t want to do. How exhausting! It’s so much more peaceful – and so much more effective – to motivate yourself instead of forcing yourself. Think of one goal you’d like to achieve, but you’re having trouble motivating yourself. You care. That’s why you chose this goal in the first place. So read these 18 ideas with your goal in mind, and think about how you could apply one of them today to remind yourself why you care and how much you care. #1: Create a vision board Get a piece of poster board, cut up a bunch of magazines, and create a collage of images and words that remind you of why you care about your goal. #2: Create a desktop or smartphone background It’s like a digital vision board. #3: Set an alarm as a reminder Set an alarm to go off every morning with a reminder of why you care about your goal. #4: Use an app There are apps specifically designed to remind you of your goals. #5: Write a reminder
