First Solar Owns a Gold, Silver and Tellurium Mine? First Solar (Nasdaq:FSLR) is by far the leading producer of cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar panels (and the leading producer of thin-film solar panels, for that matter). The firm is the largest solar company by market capitalization at $10.37 billion. First Solar plans on a capacity expansion to 2.9 gigawatts by 2012. That's a lot of solar panels, a lot of CdTe photovoltaic materials, and a lot of CdTe constituent materials -- cadmium and tellurium. Tellurium is a byproduct of copper mining and there is an ongoing debate over whether the global tellurium supply can support the growing needs of the solar industry. Prices for tellurium surged from under $100 per kilogram in 2007 to over $200 per kilogram in 2008, according to Lita Shon-Roy of market research firm Techcet Group. So, where is First Solar going to get a predictable source of tellurium? Answer: From the gold mine in Mexico it appears to own. The 10K continues, Price rise of Tellurium, according to Metal Pages.
Information on Motorsport Careers Careers Guidance There are wide-ranging career opportunities for those wishing to be part of this exciting and rewarding industry. A career in motorsport can involve working long hours and weekends, lots of time away from home, and working whilst exposed to the elements... Still keen? Read the MIA's Motorsport Careers Guide This advice is under continuous review and will be updated regularly How to start racing The sporting side of UK motorsport is governed by the Motor Sport Association (MSA), which deals with all licence holders and competitors.
Demand for minor metals to rise, but supply disruptions a risk Volunteers in Motorsport - racing, rallying, sprinting, offroad, karting and motorcycles Indicateur - En Janvier 2012, les prix des matières premières importées à nouveau en hausse En janvier, le prix du pétrole en dollars s’est redressé (+3,2 % après –2,4 % en décembre). Il s’est établi à 111,5 $ le baril de Brent. Les prix en devises des matières premières hors énergie importées en France sont également repartis à la hausse (+2,6 % après –2,2 % en décembre). Le prix du pétrole en dollars se redresse En janvier, le prix en dollars du baril de pétrole de la mer du Nord (Brent) s’est redressé (+3,2 % après –2,4 %). Les prix des matières premières industrielles importées rebondissent En janvier, les prix en devises des matières premières industrielles ont augmenté (+3,0 % après –1,6 % en décembre). D’autre part, la baisse des prix des matières premières agro-industrielles s’est atténuée (–0,4 % après –1,4 % en décembre). Les prix des matières premières alimentaires à nouveau en hausse En janvier, les prix des matières premières alimentaires en devises sont repartis à la hausse (+2,2 % après –3,2 % en décembre). Prix du pétrole (Brent) Source : Insee
Graduate Jobs in Engineering | Mechanical Engineer | Tata Steel Hey, just to let you know this site uses some unobtrusive cookies to store information on your computer. Some cookies on this site are essential, and the site won't work as expected without them. These cookies are set when you submit a form, login or interact with the site by doing something that goes beyond clicking on simple links. We also use some non-essential cookies to anonymously track visitors or enhance your experience of the site. If you're not happy with this, we won't set these cookies but some nice features of the site may be unavailable. To control third party cookies, you can also adjust your browser settings. By using our site you accept the terms of our Privacy Policy. (One cookie will be set to store your preference) (Ticking this sets a cookie to hide this popup if you then hit close. about this tool About Cookie Control
Rare Earths' Unstoppable Demand: Jeb Handwerger Not long after the New Year dawned, Gold Stock Trades Editor Jeb Handwerger noted certain rare earths emerging from their 2011 slumber to produce impressive gains. It's not yet March, but the good news keeps coming. Despite dire predictions that demand is drying up, Handwerger tells The Critical Metals Report in this exclusive interview that the world remains at risk of supply shortfalls. It's not strictly a rare earths story, either. Read on to see what he has to say about the nascent niobium space. The Critical Metals Report: Jeb, as a student of the critical metals space who's been watching precious metals stocks over the past 20 years, do you believe we're seeing a renaissance in the industrial metals space? Jeb Handwerger: It's interesting. TCMR: How is it more important than just that one deal? JH: Banks are aligning with resource seekers to create real competitors to giants such as Vale S.A. JH: Exactly. TCMR: Even with lack of Chinese transparency? JH: Right. JH: No. JH: Correct.
Mechanical engineer: Job description Mechanical engineers provide efficient solutions to the development of processes and products, ranging from small component designs to extremely large plant, machinery or vehicles. They can work on all stages of a product, from research and development to design and manufacture, through to installation and final commissioning. Most industries rely on a form of mechanical systems and mechanical engineering is thought to be one of the most diverse of all engineering disciplines. Due to this, there are employment opportunities in a wide range of sectors, including: manufacturing; power; construction; medical. Mechanical engineers can be involved in the management of people and resources, as well as the development and use of new materials and technologies. Typical work activities Across all sectors, tasks generally include: There are 84 jobs available in engineering and manufacturing View jobs >
A Coming Paradigm Shift in Silver? For years, silver bulls have lamented the metal’s failure to significantly outperform gold in this precious metals bull market. They look at the statistics: silver’s dwindling warehouse inventories, only a fraction of what they were a few decades ago; no huge government stockpiles of silver overhanging the market; stagnant production with increasing demand; announcements of new uses released almost daily; annual sales of the American Silver Eagle, which is only one of many silver investment vehicles available, now exceeding yearly US domestic silver production; the USA a net importer of silver as domestic production meets only about one-third of demand. Why, silver bulls ask, has the price of silver not outstripped the price of gold? Steve St. A paradigm shift comes with a radical change in the thinking of a large number of people. In making his point for a coming paradigm shift in silver, St. St. I’m in Sprott’s camp.
Mechanical engineer: job description Mechanical engineers produce specifications for, design, develop, manufacture and install new or modified mechanical components or systems. What does a mechanical engineer do? Typical employers | Qualifications and training | Key skills Job responsibilities vary greatly according to the size and type of employer, but typically include: assessing project requirements agreeing budgets, timescales and specifications with clients and managers liaising with suppliers problem solving undertaking relevant research producing and implementing designs and test procedures measuring performance of mechanical components, devices and engines testing, evaluating, modifying and re-testing products writing reports and documentation providing technical advice analysing and interpreting data Typical employers of mechanical engineers Engineering, transport, manufacturing, construction and process companies Research and development organisations Consultancies Utilities The Civil Service The Armed Forces
La bonne mine des matières premières LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Alain Faujas S'il fallait une preuve que les minerais sont promis à un avenir radieux, la fusion proposée le 7 février entre le premier négociant mondial de matières premières, le suisse Glencore, et le quatrième groupe minier mondial, le suisse Xstrata, en serait une superbe. Ce rapprochement en cours, d'une valeur boursière de 90 milliards de dollars, confirme que les investisseurs de la planète font le pari d'une rareté des matières premières, face à une demande qui galope. Ils tentent donc de sécuriser leurs approvisionnements et de s'approprier au maximum cette chaîne de valeur très prometteuse. Cette conviction s'est manifestée chez les grands groupes par une frénésie d'investissements destinés à soutirer à la terre toujours plus de minerais métalliques ou énergétiques, afin de répondre à l'appétit pantagruélique des pays émergents, à commencer par la Chine. Les pays visés par ces achats ? Service Economie