transmedia storytelling - Technology Media Telecom | GeoActive Group Transmedia Storytelling in Action In the good old days – actually, not that long ago – market development for a new product or service launch was considered to be predictable. A skilled marketing communications or PR person would contact “the media” and pitch them the same story – over, and over again. That repetition resulted in a crescendo of editorial coverage -- as that limited list of qualified journalists recited the “messaging” to their assumed to be receptive audience. Why Cross-Media Methods Thrived Those schooled in legacy marketing or public relations practices offered a non-solution. The more enlightened digital marketing practitioner would use cross-media techniques to take the same basic narrative -- about the product or service attributes -- and repeat it across different media. How Digital Storytelling has Evolved Today, the savvy marketer is experimenting with a more advanced approach to digital storytelling and multimedia asset development.
... just Laura: school projects "mom, i have a project due". to me, those are the 6 most dreaded words that can come out of my girls mouths. lol! seriously, i just dread school projects with every ounce of my being. i consider myself a pretty crafty person. i know stuff, about a lot of crafts. but school projects? they're a whole other set of "crafts". usually involving a shoebox or a posterboard, and a whole lot of creativity. the kind that i'm not good at. i started to realize just how many of these school projects we have done over the last 12 months. let's check them out, shall we? a diorama project for sarah on a wild animal. the leopard, to be exact. we had a shoebox, but i thought it was too big. so i went to target, and picked out a shoebox from some toddler shoes and asked if i could take it home for a project. smaller box, less space to fill. smart thinking, right? mission poster board project for sarah. i'm actually thankful for this project. since most 4th graders have to actually build a mission. lol!
Malvinas30 | Documental Interactivo Create a Society Project: Middle School Project on Creating Your Own World Cultural Aspects of the Project We have ascertained how many people live on the island and which parts they inhabit. Students have already made some decisions about how rural or developed the civilization is. Now is the time to build upon this. Culture/Religion/Mythology/Folklore: Does the island society have a religion, mythology or folklore? Make sure all of your ideas are tied into one consistent set of beliefs. Art: What types of art do they have? Music: How do the island people make music? Dance: Extra credit: create an original island dance to go with the original island music.
Latitude — The Future of Storytelling 5 Games to make Geography Exciting! - Blessed Beyond Crazy I LOVE geography! I know that makes me weird. But I was a history major in college so a love of geography probably comes along with that. Now I’m a homeschooling mom. I’ve noticed that my 5 year old also loves geography. I don’t even really have to teach him either. These games will work perfect in a homeschooling setting, but even if you do not homeschool you can still use these games to help your child review. It makes me sad that some people view geography as a “Necessary Evil” when it comes to teaching. I know that children learn best when the teacher enjoys teaching. This is a simple, but fun game. Arm your child with a loaded nerf gun. This one is good for learning and introducing new material. Cook a small pot of spaghetti noodles. Let’s pretend we are learning about the state of Nevada. You can trace the geography shape onto the paper before using the noodles if you want to make it a little bit easier. The noodles will not last so prepare your child beforehand. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Paris créé un fond de soutien aux projets transmédia | CATS - Cluster Aquitain du Transmedia Storytelling La Ville de Paris lance un nouveau fonds d’aide aux projets transmédia afin de compléter et valoriser l’écosystème parisien autour de la création numérique audiovisuelle et cinématographique. Après avoir mis en place dès 2006 un fonds de soutien au court métrage, qui a permis de faire émerger de nouveaux talents en accompagnant la production de près de 100 films, Paris entend favoriser les nouvelles formes d’écritures audiovisuelles et cinématographiques par la création d’un fonds d’aide aux projets transmédia. Financé en partenariat avec le Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC), il sera expérimenté à l’automne 2015. Alors que le festival « I love transmédia » s’apprête à fêter « 10 ans de webcréation » à la Gaîté lyrique le 1er octobre, ce fonds entend accompagner les nouvelles écritures se déployant sur plusieurs écrans et proposant une expérience interactive, du web documentaire aux web séries en passant par les « concerts à emporter ».
teq Google Lit Trips allows students to tour the places where the characters they read about are living. This website has over 35 pre-created trips that teachers and students can download and run through Google Earth. The lit trips are easy to navigate and organized by grade level. The website also gives step by step instructions on how teachers can create their own lit trips, tips for using Google Earth and ideas for integrating Google Lit trips into your current curriculum. Check out the “getting started” section to see a video on how to begin using Google Lit Trips in your classroom. IN LIMBO Interactive | ARTE et l’ONF