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Learn how to meditate, guided meditation CDs, free audios, podcast, blog, instructions

Learn how to meditate, guided meditation CDs, free audios, podcast, blog, instructions
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CAYA Coven Chakra Meditation- Balance Your Chakras From Root to Crown Chakra Power- The key Ingredient In All Spiritual Development! Covers Each and Every Chakra No Extensive Practice Required Immediate Results Guaranteed Chakra Stimulation is an ancient art used by Practitioners of Yoga and Meditation experts to heighten spiritual awareness. Spiritual energy is the core of every ability you possess, and Chakras are the factories of this spiritual energy. The human nervous system is a network connecting the sensory organs to the brain. The Chakra Stimulating system stimulates each of the seven Chakras with different frequency ranges and predetermined base frequencies. How Does It Work? Isochronic Tones- If you are looking for the most effective type of brainwave entrainment, Isochronic Tones are the way to go. We have different Chakra stimulation options. Tons of Free SamplesWe know you want samples, so we give you tons of them. Instant Download And Mailed CDs Our CD shipping warehouse is ready for your order. USA orders are shipped USPS First Class.

Mindfulness Exercises Mindfulness exercises can add value to everything you do. The practice activates RB, the rational brain, residing in your prefrontal regions. It focuses your attention on becoming self aware. The heightened activation of RB dampens neural activity in the amygdala, the primary wellspring of fear and anger. Your mind becomes quieter. Mindfulness exercises take control of the mind through methodical observation.The exercise enables RB, your common sense, to take charge of your mind.RB is your highest prefrontal intelligence, which competes with its mammalian and reptilian counterparts.The attention of RB stills the activities of the lower level animal intelligences.Mindfulness enables a durable and ongoing control of your mind by RB, in its ceaseless competition with lower intelligences. Mindfulness Exercises - Enable Common Sense To Take ChargeMindfulness exercises enable RB to take charge of your life. Freshness and creativity are needed for vitality. Effective Mind Control Link

Introduction to Tarot Cards Tarot Class by Michele Introduction to the Tarot The course will be generic in nature and will not be keyed to any specific deck. As long as you are using a standard Tarot deck with a theme that does not cause the interpretations to stray too far from the traditional, you should be able to follow along. The interpretations given will be simple, basic and have been culled from many sources. They are by no means "the correct" interpretations, but they will be based on the "traditional" meanings. Feel free to jump in and share your insights and interpretations as well. I will not go into a long history of the Tarot here, too many books are available which can discuss this topic much more intelligently than I can. The Court Cards represent other people in our lives or aspects of our own personality. Some of the more common alternate names are: Wands - Staves Cups - Vessels, Bowls Swords - Crystals Pentacles - Disks, Coins Tarot Notebook Now is the time to make yourself a Tarot Notebook. 1.

Jan Geurtz - Workshop Spirituele relaties Cursus spirituele relaties Ook in het komende seizoen is er weer een cursus "spirituele relaties". De aanleiding is mijn boek "Verslaafd aan liefde, de weg naar zelfacceptatie en geluk in relaties". Uit vele reacties blijkt dat er behoefte is aan concrete handvatten om het traditionele relatiedenken los te laten, en een nieuwe vorm van relatie te onwikkelen die niet langer gebaseerd is op behoeftigheid en angst, maar op liefde en spirituele ontplooiing. Het probleem Bijna iedereen heeft een zelfbeeld dat gebaseerd is op zelfafwijzing, en op behoeftigheid aan liefde en erkenning van buitenaf om je waardevol te kunnen voelen. Voor iemand die geen relatie heeft, vindt een vergelijkbaar proces plaats: hij of zij krijgt steeds meer last van het gemis aan een vervullende relatie, gaat zichzelf daarover afwijzen, en ontwikkelt een toenemende behoeftigheid aan een nieuwe relatie, of aan bezigheden en middelen die deze behoeftigheid proberen toe te dekken. De oplossing De inhoud De werkvormen

Mindful Meditations - Download free content from UCLA Path-working on the Qabalistic Tree of Life - Alex Sumner Path-working on the Qabalistic Tree of Life by Alex Sumner Introduction "Path-working" is a comparatively new phenomenon in the Western Mystery Tradition, as it does not seem to have existed as an occult practice prior to the occult revival of the late nineteenth century. Yet nowadays it is an established practice amongst many schools of magical thought. Simply put, "Path-working" is the art of clairvoyantly investigating the Paths of the Tree of Life. Another technique, making use of this faculty[5], was described in a paper recording a lecture by Frater Sub Spe.[6] The idea was to re-read the rituals, and then endeavour to re-tread the Paths astrally. However, one should not imagine that when, nowadays, different people in the Western Mystery Tradition refer to Path-working they mean exactly the same thing. and Path-working and the Active Imagination Active Imagination does not make use of the Tree of Life, nor does it make use of the Tarot Trumps. ... Path-working: A Suggested Method

Rigpa - centrum voor Tibetaans Boeddhisme onder leiding van Sogyal Rinpoche Listen to the Meditation Oasis Podcast Our podcast features guided meditations, instructions for meditation, and music for meditation. You can listen to it at iTunes or by clicking on the links below. Episodes are listed from the oldest to the most recent. Have an iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Android Smartphone? The Meditation Oasis Podcast App (from Wizzard Media) is the ideal way to listen to the podcast and get the most out of it. See details at the iTunes store or on if you have an Android phone. Our Smartphone Apps - If you enjoy our meditations, you may want to purchase some of our apps. Podcast Copyright 2006-2013 Mary and Richard Maddux. #1 – Relaxation Break: Guided Meditation with Music – Nov. 7, 2006. 7 mins. #2 – Body Awareness Meditation – Nov. 14, 2006. 22 min. #3 – Breath Awareness Meditation – Dec. 5, 2006. 9 min. #4 – Stillness in the Breath Meditation – Jan. 3, 2007. 12 min. #5 – Simply Being – Jan. 19, 2007. 8 min. #6 – Music for Meditation & Relaxation – Feb. 2, 2007. 31 min.

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