Print on Fabric Using Sunlight: The Lumi Process by Lumi The adventure continues on our site, where you can find our products and information about the process: We have big plans for how to take the technology even further thanks to your amazing support and enthusiasm. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages as the campaign unfolds! You can also sign up for our email newsletter. Fab lab Un fab lab (contraction de l'anglais fabrication laboratory, litt. « laboratoire de fabrication ») est un tiers-lieu de type makerspace[1] cadré par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) et la FabFoundation[2] en proposant un inventaire minimal[3] permettant la création des principaux projets fab labs, un ensemble de logiciels et solutions libres et open-sources, les Fab Modules[4], et une charte de gouvernance, la Fab Charter[5]. Pour être identifié en tant que fab lab par la FabFoundation, il faut passer par plusieurs étapes[6] et il est possible de suivre une formation à la Fab Academy[7]. Les fab labs sont réunis en un réseau mondial très actif, d'après son initiateur Neil Gershenfeld[8]. Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Neil Gershenfeld a commencé en explorant comment le contenu de l'information renvoie à sa représentation physique, et comment une communauté peut être rendue plus créative et productive si elle a - au niveau local - accès à une technologie.
Visual & Media Arts At Emerson’s Department of Visual and Media Arts, the process of transforming your vision into reality is fast-paced, exciting, and rewarding. You’ll dive right in and start working with talented mentors, collaborators, and crew members from day one. Emerson’s Department of Visual and Media Arts is all about learning by doing. Is your medium film or video? The Internet or animation? Art In the Department of Art we specialise in making, curating and writing about contemporary art in a dynamic, critical and interdisciplinary environment. We have a world leading reputation that brings together students and researchers from all over the world. We work with a network of artists, curators, galleries and museums both in London and internationally to create an inspiring and dynamic place in which to study and develop an artistic practice. Many graduates of Goldsmiths Department of Art are among the most recognised names working in art today.
Synapse for Kinect SYNAPSE for Kinect Update: There’s some newer Kinect hardware out there, “Kinect for Windows”. This hardware is slightly different, and doesn’t work with Synapse. Be careful when purchasing, Synapse only supports “Kinect for Xbox”. Update to the update: There appears to also be newer “Kinect for Xbox” hardware out there. Model 1414 Kinects work with Synapse, but I’m getting reports that the newer 1473 models do not work. HackerspaceWiki Hackerspaces are community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects. This website is for Anyone and Everyone who wants to share their hackerspace stories and questions with the global hackerspaces community. Regular Events
Acting For Film One Year Program In the first part of the semester, students begin to build the foundation of their craft through a broad array of classes that incorporate both traditional stage performance, as well as film performance techniques and concepts. Acting Technique This class is an introduction to the various well-known acting techniques of the Master Acting Teachers. The classes begin with basic ensemble acting games and warm-ups. Students first explore the work of Konstantin Stanislavski, then move to the Method, briefly discussing the role of Sanford Meisner, then continue to the work of Lee Strasberg (sense and emotional memory), Stella Adler (absolute belief in given circumstances), Michael Chekhov (the psychological gesture), Jerzy Grotowski (physical approach/"outside in"), Anne Bogart (viewpoints) and Tadashi Suzuki.
Slade School of Fine Art At the Slade School of Fine Art we approach the practice of contemporary art and the history and theories that inform it in an experimental, research-oriented and imaginative way. An art school with a world leading reputation, the Slade makes a significant contribution to the field of contemporary art both nationally and internationally. The Slade has a lively and dynamic studio-led research culture. All studio staff are practising artists with significant exhibition profiles, actively involved in research as well as teaching.
University School of Art: Admissions Students are admitted only in September of each year. Applicants are notified of the admissions committee’s decisions on preliminary selections in early February, and final decisions in early April. No information about decisions can be given over the telephone. To apply for more than one area of concentration, separate applications, fees, and supporting documentation must be submitted. The work submitted should be representative of the applicant’s experience in that particular field.
Free Keylogger From the childhood we have been taught that spying is bad. But is it so? If we are talking about information security of your company or your family you will agree that the end justifies the means. Nowadays, in time of rapidly developing information technology we confide information to the computer using it as a storage for commercial and personal data, for communication, shopping, etc. Of course many asked themselves: How safe is it?
Foreign Exchange Students from other countries interested in attending The Cooper Union on exchange must be enrolled at one of the following participating schools with which the School of Art at The Cooper Union has formal exchange agreements. Gerrit Rietveld AcademieThe Universitat de Hochschule fur Gestaltung und Kunst (HGK) Berlin University of the ArtsGermany Staatl Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste (Staedalschule) Goodbye Effect Games Friends, The time has come to shut the doors on Effect Games, so we can move onto other projects. But we've preserved some of our old games and demos for you to play with: We've also open sourced the entire Effect Games engine, as well as the web IDE.
Visual Art & Art History Honours BFA in Visual Arts Admission to the Visual Arts Studio (BFA) program in the Faculty of Fine Arts at York University is based on both academic and artistic criteria. The University reviews your academic history, while artistic admissibility is assessed locally in the each Fine Arts department. Mixed Media - Pratt Workshop: Framing and Matting | 4.19 Todd Jannausch 9am-5pm Sat/Sun The ability to make your own frames and mats will not only save you money it will allow you total control over your artistic process. In this weekend workshop students will have the opportunity to create a mat and build a frame from start to finish for an existing piece of work.