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Official Neuro-Programmer 3 website

Official Neuro-Programmer 3 website
How does NP3 work? It’s surprising science, but thanks to modern equipment it’s easy to prove that this works because we can watch it happening on an EEG. And over 80 years of scientific investigation have revealed many useful applications for this method, which are being widely used today.5 Neuro-Programmer 3 takes advantage of the latest research in this field to deliver the most effective neural stimulation experience. Benefits Inspired and informed by the best practices and research in the fields of psychology, neurology, and audio-visual stimulation studies, Neuro-Programmer 3 is a software application with unlimited potential and broad capabilities. Although it is incredibly simple to use, it’s also one of the most effective tools for positive mental change that you’ll ever find. 1. Back to the top

Sharp Brains The Science Of Binaural Beat Brainwave Entrainment Technology - for meditation relaxation stress management and achieving altered states of consciousness What are Binaural Beats? The Discovery Of Binaural Beats Altered States Resonant entrainment of oscillating systems How it works on the brain Synchronized brain waves The "frequency-following response" effect. Various Uses Of Audio With Embedded Binaural Beats Resetting Your Brains Sodium/Potassium Ratio In Theta Top What Are Binaural Beats? Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses which originate in the superior olivary nucleus of each hemisphere. Top The "frequency-following response" effect. The binaural-beat appears to be associated with an electroencephalographic (EEG) frequency-following response in the brain(3). Various Uses Of Audio With Embedded Binaural Beats Uses of audio with embedded binaural beats that are mixed with music or various pink or background sound are diverse. Resonant entrainment of oscillating systems Resonant entrainment of oscillating systems is a well-understood principle within the physical sciences. The Discovery Of Binaural Beats How It Works On The Brain

Synchronisation des ondes cérébrales Qu'est ce que la synchrothérapie ? Le cerveau est certes un territoire énigmatique, mais depuis une cinquantaine d'années, la science a élucidé certains de ses mystères. Aujourd'hui, on utilise non seulement des produits pharmaceutiques pour intervenir dans sa chimie, mais aussi diverses technologies pour en modifier les mécanismes physiques. Ainsi, simplement en écoutant des enregistrements conçus à cet effet ou à l’aide de petits appareils émettant des signaux lumineux, semblables à des stroboscopes, on peut accélérer ou ralentir les ondes cérébrales ou encore synchroniser les ondes de l'hémisphère droit avec celles de l'hémisphère gauche. Les ondes cérébrales Dans les différentes zones du cerveau, l'influx nerveux fonctionne en relative cohérence et de façon rythmique : les neurones s'activent ensemble (plus ou moins), comme une pulsation, puis se calment, puis s'activent de nouveau. L'intensité de l'activité cérébrale se manifeste par la fréquence de ces ondes.

Sound Health Products Inc. An Easy Way to Increase Creativity Creativity is commonly thought of as a personality trait that resides within the individual. We count on creative people to produce the songs, movies, and books we love; to invent the new gadgets that can change our lives; and to discover the new scientific theories and philosophies that can change the way we view the world. Over the past several years, however, social psychologists have discovered that creativity is not only a characteristic of the individual, but may also change depending on the situation and context. The question, of course, is what those situations are: what makes us more creative at times and less creative at others? One answer is psychological distance. According to the construal level theory (CLT) of psychological distance, anything that we do not experience as occurring now, here, and to ourselves falls into the “psychologically distant” category. Why does psychological distance increase creativity? A prisoner was attempting to escape from a tower.

Vision Improves EMF Meters (Gauss Meters) for Measuring AC Magnetic Fields Attention all pacemaker wearers!Attention all paranormal researchers!Attention electrical sensitives! What could be better than a meter which alerts you with a loud audible alarm when it encounters a field? How about a meter which allows you to set the sensitivity of the alarm? We are very excited to offer this simple and useful item for anyone who wants to monitor their EMF environment without having to stare at their meter for hour after hour. Personal EMF Alarm (Cat. ElectroSensor™ The Smallest Gaussmeter We Could Find! ElectroSensor (Cat. Popular EMF Meter with Sound This little meter measures the level of ELF magnetic field radiation from power lines, computers, kitchen appliances, and more! Most experts agree that chronic exposure to more than 2.5 milli-Gauss is inadvisable. Hand-held, lightweight and durable, with two easy to read scales (0-1 mG, & 0-10 mG), and dramatic audio signal. Want to make modifications to your GaussMaster? Exclusive Push "ON", Push "OFF" switch E.L.F.

Thinkertoys’ 10 Tips to Become an Idea Person In an age where new ideas quickly becomes commodity, creativity is a must. It is creativity that continuously give us new ideas to keep us ahead in the competition. Regarding this, I recently found an interesting book: Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko. This book contains a lot of actionable ideas on how to become an idea person and get our creative juice flow. In chapter 2 of the book, Michalko gives us 10 tips to become an idea person which I find very useful and thought-provoking. Here are the summarized explanation of the 10 tips: 1. Set yourself an idea quota for a challenge you are working on, such as five new ideas every day for a week. 2. Fighter pilots say, “I’ve gone tone” when their radar locks onto a target. 3. Deliberately program changes into your daily life. For example: take a different route to work, change your working hours, make new friends, and read fiction if you normally read non-fiction. 4. Creative thinkers read to feed their minds new information and ideas. 5. 6.

Photographic Memory | Speed Reading | Brain Power Mind Modulations Light and Sound Mind Machines (sometimes called Auditory/Visual Stimulation (AVS) systems) change your mind state by altering brainwaves patterns. Our brainwaves shift and follow certain patterns as you perceive them. Our machines gently shift your brainwaves where you want them by stimulating your enses with beautiful patterns of light & sound. Brainwave frequencies are linked to mind state and mood. And to top it all off, the most extraordinary kaleidoscopic patterns of color and geometry unfold before your eyes. New to this technology?

Kreatives | Besser und kreativer schreiben, lernen, denken, arbeiten und leben. Online-Magazin, Online-Kurse und Selbstlernkurse. Bates Method - Bates Association for Vision Education ProA é Doutoranda em Psicologia pela UFSC. Desde o início da graduação trabalha com pesquisa, tendo realizado e supervisionado a execução de diversos estudos, especialmente na área de medidas fisiológicas e cognitivas. Ministrou diversos cursos de estatística aplicada para graduandos, mestrandos e doutorandos da UFSC, UDESC, UNISUL, UNICRUZ, entre outras. Trabalha em parceria com a ( ) desde o início do seu mestrado, em 2005, tendo traduzido, adaptado e validado estas baterias cognitivas para o uso no Brasil. Essa parceria está evidenciada em um artigo de impacto internacional publicado por ela em conjunto com o fundador da CogState, David Darby, no periódico Biological Psychology. Currículo Lattes: é mestre em psicologia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Currículo lattes: {*style:<b><b>Emílio Takase </b> é Prof. Currículo Lattes: </b>*}
