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Quirky Bohemian Mama - A Bohemian Mom Blog: 50 Funny "Would You Rather" Questions for the Whole Family {kid friendly, family night game} This post took me a few days to complete. I tried my darndest to come up with original questions that are safe for the whole family and I think I did alright. Hee hee!! Some questions are absurd, some are kind of gross and some will have you scratching your head thinking - Hm, dang good question. So grab your spouse, the kids and grandparents too and prepare for a fun night of laughter and bonding over these 50 funny would-you-rather questions.

What does “Would of” Mean? Don't Make this English Grammar Mistake! - English learning article So, you’re happily going about your English studies and feeling quite happy with the language progress you are making when you get a message from one of your native English speaker contacts that goes something like this: “Sorry. I would of spoken to you yesterday if I hadn’t been busy”. 3 ways to get the most out of speaking activities Published 12 October 2017 Robert Dobie is an ELT teacher and owner of the popular ESL resource site, All Things Grammar. Following on from yesterday’s post (5 great reasons to extend activities), Robert talks about how to get the most out of speaking activities in your classroom. He also provides a downloadable rubric and grade sheet! Often, two of the main objectives of any speaking lesson are (1) to get the learners talking and, once the first objective is achieved, (2) to help them measurably improve their speaking ability.

English Listening Comprehension Exercises - Ejercicios de comprensi n auditiva de ingl s - Para aprender o practicar ingl s This the VOA Special English Agriculture Report. It can be hard to decide which foods to buy in an American grocery these days. The information on many products makes different claims. These labels suggest that the food is safe, pure or kind to animals. The label "organic" guarantees that the United States Department of Agriculture recognizes the product was grown under 125 High School English Argument Topics Any of the topics on this page would be good for a school essay. You could also look at my other lists of ideas if none of these appeals to you. The best topic for your school essay will be one that you care about. Here are some suggestions I give my students for choosing a topic: 1. Read the instructions of your teacher carefully and circle or underline any of the important words that help you understand what kind of essay you are supposed to write.

8 Good TED Talks to Help You With Public Speaking Anxiety (Infographic) January 22, 2017 Glossophobia, or fear of public speaking, is a common thing among a large number of adults. There are several reasons that factor in this phobia from social/psychological anxieties to speech pathologies. But regardless of what it is that makes some people shun away from facing an audience, glossophobia can be overcome through self-help (e.g reading books that tackle the problem, watching videos…etc), coaching, or even through direct assistance from professionals. In today’s post, we are sharing with you some excellent tips on how to overcome public speaking anxiety and deliver engaging talks.

Store - A-F 117: The English Sound System English is one of the richest languages in terms of sound variation. That is why it is sometimes a challenge for non-native speakers of English to understand native-speakers, or to achieve a good pronunciation themselves. This file introduces you to the different sounds in English and the special ways in which native speakers combine sounds in connected speech. It will greatly help your listening comprehension and you own pronunciation. 898 FREE Speaking Worksheets Learning to speak a new language is definitely a challenge. It’s very difficult for your students to do if they don’t practice on a regular basis. Luckily, you need to look no further because has the tools to help your students practice their speaking - and want to do it, too!

Wrong Planet Autism Community Forum Withdrawn wrote: 1. Where were you 3 hours ago? at my house on the far side of shelton. 2. Controversial statements: do you agree or disagree? What we believe, and why do we believe that? This lesson confronts advanced speakers and high school students with controversial statements which they must consider and agree or disagree. Objectives: Students will be active throughout the entire lesson.Students will lead discussion and debate.All students will present a personal opinion to the rest of the class.Students will be able to clearly state and define their personal opinions on controversial topics.Students will work in teams to establish a clear, defined presentation.

Topics for Debate in English This page lists suggested subjects that can be discussed to practise agreeing and disagreeing in English. Here are 20 topics to discuss with a friend or group. Practise agreeing and disagreeing even if you have to argue against something you actually believe in. One way to have fun with this is to make up a bunch of cards that say agree or disagree. Each person has to pick up a card and then the topic is read out. Giving Directions in English Giving directions in English is one of the most useful functions there is. Everyone understands that this is the function they are likely to use on the street, literally, and therefore the motivation is usually quite easy. To be able to give directions you need to learn a set of phrases which you later combine into a conversation. To teach the phrases we offer you the following. A simple drill (teaching the basic phrases), an infographic, several worksheet activities and an interactive quiz.

Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These PagesIf you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Would you like to help? If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. If you would like to suggest another topic, please send it and a set of questions to begin the topic.
