Rails Example App: rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber Live Tools - Form Builder Form Container Form Title Corner Roundness Border Thickness Highlights & Shadows Container Colors Form Fields Field Titles Field Colors Button Settings Highlights The Ui Store is packed with tons of Ui tools, premium quality design resources and other cool Ui design goodies. <form class="form-container"> <div class="form-title"><h2>Sign up</h2></div> <div class="form-title">Name</div> <input class="form-field" type="text" name="firstname" /><br /> <div class="form-title">Email</div> <input class="form-field" type="text" name="email" /><br /> <div class="submit-container"> <input class="submit-button" type="submit" value="Submit" /> </div> </form>
Syrinxoon Tuts Rails Example App: rails3-subdomains Raccourcis Photoshop (mac et pc) « Blog Tuto On s’est dit que ça vous ferait plaisir.. Un joli et joyeux regroupement, de ce qui nous semble être les raccourcis clavier Photoshop les plus importants. Un peu manuel d’utilisation, aussi, qui assume pleinement le rose ; cette couleur à travers laquelle vous allez, désormais, voir votre life ! De quoi gagner en efficacité, en confort d’utilisation et en dextérité. Une liste d’enchainements de touches, d’ailleurs, qui peut faire parfois penser à Tekken, dans toute sa rageuse précision ! N.B. Raccourcis Photoshop Pc Raccourcis Photoshop Mac
Git Explained: For Beginners I’m working with Git now for about two years but only for my personal projects and those I have on GitHub. At work we still use TFS and SVN (as of now). Recently Paolo Perrotta came to our company to hold a course about Agile planning and since Git was quite new to most of my mates, he also quickly explained Git in the context of refactoring. Just before we start.. How is Git different from other VCS (Version Control Systems)? Git itself can be imagined as something that sits on top of your file system and manipulates files. As such in this tutorial I’d like to take a look at how Git works by viewing a Git repository from the point of view of the tree it constructs. adding/modifying a new file creating and merging a branch with and without merge conflicts Viewing the history/changelog Performing a rollback to a certain commit Sharing/synching your code to a remote/central repository Terminology Here’s the git terminology: master - the repository’s main branch. Workstation Setup Executing
Rails Example App: rails3-mongoid-devise Comment rédiger les mentions légales de son site ? Bien que les mentions légales soient obligatoires on ne sait pas toujours quoi y mettre exactement. Elles font partie néanmoins des incontournables d’un site internet et nécessitent que l’on se penche un peu sur ce contenu. Responsable de publication, hébergement, CNIL… : petit guide d’écriture des mentions légales… Les mentions légales, kezako ? Les mentions légales sont des informations concernant un site internet que l’éditeur soit une personne physique ou morale, et qu’il s’agisse d’un site personnel ou professionnel. Mais au-delà de l’aspect législatif les mentions légales sont également une sécurité pour les internautes car vous leur assurez une certaine transparence et instaurez un climat de confiance. Si les mentions légales sont obligatoires, il existe donc des risques si elles ne sont pas clairement présentes sur votre site. Que doivent comporter les mentions légales ? Pour une personne physique (blog par exemple) Pour une personne morale (entreprise, association etc…)
Rails Example App: rails3-mongoid-omniauth Beautiful Examples of Flat Icons Design Flat Design is one of the newest approaches in web design, aiming for simplicity and powerful visual impact and using shapes as patterns and backgrounds. Microsoft’s Metro user interface is probably the most popular Flat Design example. We already discussed the Flat Design approach in-depth, and we did it for quite some time now. Most of you know Designmodo promotes Flat Design with proudness and designers its own framework according to the Flat Design principles. Therefore today we took our time to browse around the web and find even more flat design examples, only this time we will focus mostly on icons, not on web designs as whole. Responsive Icon This icon can be used to mark themes and layouts which are responsive and fit every device perfectly. Calendar and Night Icon There are two icons here: there is the calendar icon, which in my opinion is the result of some amazing work, and a more abstract icon, which could be used for activating a “sleep mode” for example. Mail Icon Iconex
Rails Example App: rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan Web4all - En route pour le housing ! Rails Example App: rails-prelaunch-signup hij1nx/levelweb