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12 Excellent New Web Tools for Teachers

12 Excellent New Web Tools for Teachers
1- EQuizShow EQuizShow is a great app for teachers who want a quick and easy way to engage students and have them ready for exams or assessments tests. It allows you to easily create a jeopardy quiz show for your students. 2- FatURL FatURL is a link sharing service provided to you free of charge by platform .The service enables you to forward multiple long or short URLs with just one single URL. 3- Every Stock Photo This a search engine for free photos. LikeHack is super easy and powerful tool. 5- Feedspot This a great tool where you can read all your favorite websites in one place and discover new good ones. 6- PDF Mergy As its name indicates, this is a free web tool that you can use to merge PDF files , The process if very easy and does not require any software installation 7- Tranquillity Tranquillity is a great tool for those who like writing poetry. it provides a clean interface for poetry writing, syllable count, comprehends rhyme scheme, and suggests rhyming words. 8- GeoSettr Related:  Herramientas para prof de historia

70+ Web Tools Organized For Bloom's Digital Taxonomy The number of web tools currently available to teachers, administrators, and students is downright absurd. You can’t swing an iPad without hitting a free web tool looking to revolutionize your classroom. Luckily, there are a few brave souls out in the world wide web attempting to organize the chaos a bit. We like to take our best shot here at Edudemic but also like to showcase some of the great organizing done by others. One of those fabulous organizers is Phillippa Cleaves ( @pipcleaves – worth following!) The web tools are all listed (and clickable!) NOTE: You can click on any of the web tools listed in the presentation to go to their respective website. Source of top image: Wikispaces - Google Docs for Visual People 10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. Designing An Infographic Some great tips for designing infographics: Keep it simple! Ideas for infographic formats include: Timelines;Flow charts;Annotated maps;Graphs;Venn diagrams;Size comparisons;Showing familiar objects or similar size or value. Here are some great tutorials on infographic creation: Creating Your Infographic Plan and research.If required, use free software to create simple graphs and visualisations of data.Use vector graphic software to bring these visualisations into the one graphic. Ultimately, if you have a little design skill, the very best approach is to create all the simple graphs and illustrations yourself using vector graphic software. Free Online Tools For Creating Infographics Stat Planet Hohli Hohli is an intuitive, simple online chart maker. Creately New York Times Many Eyes Wordle Tableau

10 Great Search Engines for History Teachers Use the LUNA Browser to check out David Rumsey’s Map Collection with more than 30,000 images, searchable by keyword. Find excellent sources for women’s history with the Genesis dataset and extensive list of web resources. Get access to historical military records through Fold3, the web’s premier collection of original military records and memorials. Use the Internet Modern History Sourcebook to find thousands of sources in modern history. Use the history guide from the Library of Anglo-American Culture and History for a subject catalog of recommended websites for historians, with about 11,000 to choose from. History Buff offers an online newspaper archive, reference library, and even a historical panoramas section in their free primary source material collection. University of Houston’s Digital History database offers a wealth of links to textbook, primary sources, and educational materials in digital history.

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning The following post was co-authored by EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland & Tracy Sockalosky. When we think about the tools and resources that benefit all learners, certain key attributes come to mind: multiple modalities, scaffolding, communication, collaboration, and support. While there are hundreds of tools and devices available, we have found 10 strategies to maximize the learning possibilities through creative uses of All Things Google . 1. Google Docs At its most basic level, Google Docs provides students with a foolproof means to access their work from any device. On a deeper level, working in shared Docs also creates an almost real-time feedback loop. Docs do not have to be used only for assessments. 2. Imagine having the ability to know your students’ comprehension level before they walk into class or immediately after you introduce a new concept. 3. What if your students could hear your thoughts as you read their work and provided input? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

PowToon : Online business presentation software to create free, cool, animated, powerpoint video alternatives Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles Here Is An Amazing Tool for History Teachers September , 2015WhatWasThere is an excellent web tool and mobile app that uses Google Maps technologies to provide users with an interactive experience through which they get to learn how different places looked in the past. It’s like a virtual time machine that takes you in a journey in space and time. When you install WhatWasThere on your iPad or iPhone and once it is launched, the app will detect the geographical location where you are and will provide you with any historic photographs that were captured nearby plotted on a map! You can also switch into Camera view to get an augmented reality experience of the history that surrounds you.' Historic photographs found on WhatWasThere come in with source information and more details to help you Google Street view it. WhatWasThere is still a work in progress and much content is still lacking.

Iroquois WebQuest Welcome to the Iroquois WebQuest ! Your task is to follow the links below to gather information about the Iroquois, the Native Americans who once inhabited most of what is now New York State. As you visit each site you will be searching for the answers to a specific set of questions. Record your answers in the graphic organizer packet you will be given. There will be a separate organizer for each site you visit. Who are the Iroquois? Organizer 1 : Go to The Iroquois of the Northeast . What did the Iroquois call themselves? Organizer 2 : At the same site , follow the link for THE THREE SISTERS. What were "the Three Sisters?" Organizer 3 : At the same site , follow the link for IN THE FOREST. What were the roles of men in Iroquois society? Forest and Clearing Organizer 4 : Find out about Iroquois homes and answer the following questions. What was an Iroquois home called? Organizer 5 : Explore an Iroquoian village and answer the following questions. Why were villages built on plateaus?

El mundo de los metadatos aplicados a las bibliotecas En las tareas relacionadas con el proceso técnico todos hemos visto y conocido su evolución, y los que somos bibliotecarios y afortunadamente podemos dedicarnos a ello, hemos visto que la normalización ha sido uno de los grandes pasos que nos han facilitado el trabajo a todos, aunque haya veces que no lo parezca :D Hemos podido trabajar y aplicar la ISBD, ahora estamos “empapándonos” de la ISBD consolidada, hemos trabajado con el formato Ibermarc, con el Marc21 (y seguimos haciéndolo), etc., pero ahora estamos sumergidos en el mundo de los metadatos, normalización imprescindible para poder “estandarizar virtualmente lo catalogado”, me gusta más que la expresión de “datos sobre datos” :D La BNE en su apartado de Normas Internacionales nos habla también de los metadatos y nos proporciona la siguiente información sobre dicha materia: Cómo explica María Jesús Lamarca Lapuente en su obra ” Hipertexto: El nuevo concepto de documento en la cultura de la imagen”. ¡ Gracias #documaniac@s! Me gusta:

5 Good Lesson Planning Tools for Teachers April 20, 2016 In yesterday’s post we reviewed web tools that you can use to create interactive lessons, lessons that integrate a wide variety of multimedia materials. In today’s post, we are sharing with you another collection of web tools in the same direction. These are tools to help you with your lesson planning. Besides allowing you to design engaging teaching materials, they also provide you with practical functionalities to monitor students learning and track their progress using features such as quizzes and discussions. 1- PlanbookEdu ‘PlanbookEdu takes the hassle out of lesson planning. 2- Blendspace by TES Bendspace is a platform that allows you to create engaging lessons to use in your instruction. 3- WeLearnedIt 'DocentEDU is a great web tool and mobile app to use with your students. ‘Engage, assess and personalize your class with Socrative!
