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FabHub - Digital Fabrication Hub

FabHub - Digital Fabrication Hub
What is FabHub? FabHub is a global directory of digital fabricators: makers, workshops, factories and manufacturers who offer a manufacturing service or services using digital fabrication technology. You can use FabHub to find a maker / find a digital fabricator who can make / manufacture / fabricate products that are designed for digital fabrication, be it CNC cutting, CNC routing, 3D printing, 3D scanning, laser cutting — any technology where you supply a digital design (normally as vector artwork or cutting sheets) that numerically controls a digital manufacturing machine. Traditionally, these digital manufacturing services have been used for rapid prototyping by companies looking to design and iterate products: one-off model making or short-run prototypes with a quick turnaround.

How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware A modular system unites the advantages of standardisation (as parts can be produced cheaply in large amounts) with the advantages of customisation (since a large diversity of unique objects can be made with relatively few parts). Modularity can be found to a greater or lesser extent in many products (like bicycles and computers) and systems (like trains and logistics), but the best examples of modular systems are toys: LEGO, Meccano, and Erector (which is now the brand name of Meccano in the US). LEGO, Meccano and Erector are composed of relatively few elementary building blocks, which can be used to build various objects. The parts can then be disassembled and re-used to build something completely different. Apart from the elementary buildings blocks, these manufacturers have produced many more specific building blocks, which are less versatile, but further increase customisation possibilities. Grid Beam, Bit Beam, Open Beam, Maker Beam and Contraptor

The Worlwide List of Open Source Hardware Online Stores Latest update: May 21st 2013. Thanks everyone for your comments! Don’t spend any more time browsing desperately the internetz to find parts for your RepRap, Arduino kits or local sensors and PCBs distributors for your new project. I put together this worldwide list of online stores selling open source hardware. There is a big chance your country is in it and that you will finally find your favourite local online store to get open source electronics, robotics, parts, kits, materials and supplies for your hardware projects.

Machines: Global Village Construction Set The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) is a modular, DIY, low-cost, high-performance platform that allows for the easy fabrication of the 50 different Industrial Machines that it takes to build a small, sustainable civilization with modern comforts. We’re developing open source industrial machines that can be made at a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. We are developing a lifesize, scalable, modular LEGO construction set.

10 Questions to Ask Before Renting Time on a CNC Mill If you’re like most of us, you probably don’t own an expensive CNC mill in your garage. In many parts of the country, one isn’t that far away. To use one, you’re likely going to have to rent time on it. Make every minute of time in front of the machine count by preparing in advance with these steps. Consider the capabilities of the machine.
