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How Biodiesel Works" If you've read or watched the news lately, you've probably come across some article, snippet or sound bite related to oil and oil prices. Even in your daily routines, there's a good chance of someone mentioning it. Whether it's in automotives, economics, history, geography or politics, oil has managed to filter into almost every aspect of our daily lives. It's one of the most discussed (and controversial) commodities that consumers rely on daily. All of this talk about oil sparks continued interest in gasoline alternatives. Lost in the mix are the biofuels, fuels made from biological ingredients instead of fossil fuels. In this article, we'll take a closer look at biodiesel, one of the major biofuels. Generally speaking, biodiesel is an alternative or additive to standard diesel fuel that is made from biological ingredients instead of petroleum (or crude oil). Biodiesel is safe and can be used in diesel engines with little or no modification needed. Photo courtesy U.S.

Australiano transforma espaço de 60 m² em fazenda urbana A agricultura urbana é uma das soluções para garantir a segurança alimentar no mundo. Este é o pensamento do permacultor australiano Geoff Lawton. Como um dos grandes incentivadores do plantio em pequenos espaços, ele mostra que é possível produzir diversos tipos de alimentos em áreas muito pequenas. Para provar a eficiência deste conceito, o especialista mostrou o exemplo criado por um de seus alunos, que produz centenas de quilos de frutas, legumes e ervas medicinais em sua própria residência. Angelo Eliade é um farmacêutico que vive na cidade de Melbourne, na Austrália. “Você pode transformar qualquer propriedade, de qualquer situação para a absoluta abundância”, explica Lawton. O farmacêutico explica que não é necessário ter um conhecimento profundo do assunto ou ser um especialista para começar a plantar. Uma das principais dicas do australiano consiste em manter sempre a variedade na produção. Eliade ainda lembra que nada do plantio deve ser descartado.

Guerilla Gardening Lyon: juillet 2011 L'action a eu lieu ce jeudi soir 28 juillet. Plusieurs guérilleros s'étaient réunis avec d'autres sympathisant, nous étions une bonne dizaine. nous avons commencé par réfléchir et imaginer l'emplacement des palettes. nous avons ensuite récupéré des pierres dans la friche de Cluzan, afin de lester les palettes qui servirons de fondations aux sièges et aux zones plantées On place ensuite la terre, donnée par nos amis les compostiers, pendant ce temps on finit les bancs et on les teste. on place ensuite les végétaux dans les interstices des palettes, graminés, sédums, roses trémières, menthe, fraisier... ET VOICI LE RESULTAT : (de nuit seulement)

Portable Power Station - Urban Survival La ONU dice que las cosechas orgánicas a menor escala son la mejor forma de alimentar al mundo Necesitamos cambios transformadores en nuestros sistemas alimentarios, agrícolas y comerciales con el fin de aumentar la diversidad en las granjas, reducir el uso de fertilizantes y otros insumos, apoyar a los agricultores que trabajan a menor escala y crear sistemas alimentarios locales fuertes. Esa es la conclusión de una nueva publicación extraordinaria de la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD). El informe, Trade and Environment Review 2013: Wake Up Before it is Too Late (Comercio y Medio Ambiente 2013: Despierta antes de que sea demasiado tarde) incluyó contribuciones de más de 60 expertos de todo el mundo (incluyendo un comentario de IATP) y contiene secciones en las que se habla en profundidad sobre el cambio hacia una agricultura más sustentable y resiliente; la producción ganadera y el cambio climático; la importancia de la investigación y la extensión; el rol del uso de la tierra; y el rol de la reforma de las reglas del comercio mundial. 1. 2.

Bloc béton pour la déco de jardin en 30 idées créatives Bloc béton pour la déco de jardin: 30 idées créatives pour vous! | Jardin | 1/30 Avez-vous jamais songé à enjoliver votre espace extérieur à l`aide de parpaings? Eh oui, vous savez peut-être, qu`ils sont très souvent utilisés dans la maçonnerie. Mais aujourd`hui, Deavita vous présentera 30 idées créatives et faciles à réaliser qui concernent la déco jardin DIY avec bloc béton! Bloc béton pour la déco de jardin: 30 idées créatives pour vous! Si vous avez un petit jardin que vous souhaitez aménager avec des fleurs, l`idée sur la photo ci-dessus est pour vous! Potager, réalisé en blocs de béton! Bloc béton pour la déco de jardin: 30 idées créatives pour vous! Si vous avec un esprit de bricoleur, créez votre propre meuble de jardin en bloc de béton! Banc en solives de bois, parpaings et galettes de chaises, joliment décoré de coussins et lanterne! Bloc béton pour la déco de jardin: 30 idées créatives pour vous! Trois options créatives à l`aide de blocs en béton pour vos fleurs dans le jardin!

Build a Simple Solar Heater After walking into my workshop one December morning and feeling a bone-chilling 10 degrees, I decided to install a heating system. Given the rising costs of propane and my family’s environmental concerns about using nonrenewable fossil fuels, a solar solution seemed fitting. I’m a retired aircraft engineer, but you don’t need a similar background to tackle this project. I reviewed many solar collector concepts and decided to install a thermosiphon air collector on the south wall of the workshop. To minimize costs, I integrated the collector with the structure and used readily available materials. How It Works The thermosiphon collector consists of clear, corrugated polycarbonate panels fastened to 2-by-6-inch studs. At night, airflow reverses as air in the collector cools to outside temperatures. Performance and Economics On sunny winter days, the collector raises interior temperatures to between 60 and 75 degrees. Be sure to install adequate insulation and to control air infiltration.

The New Urban Agriculture: Growing the Second Green Revolution This article was condensed from Rebecca Solnit’s article “Revolutionary Plots,” which was first published in the July/August 2012 issue of Orion and may be found at Orion Magazine. The anti-war poet and soldier Siegfried Sassoon reports that toward the end of World War I, Winston Churchill told him that war is the normal occupation of man. Challenged, Churchill amended this to “war — and gardening.” Could it be the antithesis of war, or a cure for social ills, or an act of healing the divisions of the world? Production with Purpose This second Green Revolution is an attempt to undo the destructive aspects of the first one, to make an organic and intimate agriculture that feeds minds and hearts as well as bodies, that measures intangible qualities as well as quantity. Today, major urban agriculture projects are firmly rooted in Burlington, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, Oakland, Los Angeles, San Francisco and dozens of other U.S. cities. Growing Community: City Slicker Farms
