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Timeline of NSA Domestic Spying

Timeline of NSA Domestic Spying

Propaganda in the Spanish-American War As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation La NSA à la sauce française En temps de crise et pour savoir ce que le contribuable paie à l’Etat français, un voile se lève depuis l’affaire Snowden, ceci afin que de petits informaticiens malins de l’Hexagone ne révèlent point au grand jour ce que la DSGE (Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure) a construit depuis longtemps (?) l’ombre: son super NSF. Un super NSF ou «Gros Frère» installé depuis des lustres dans les sous-sols de la DSGE précitée récemment dans cet article, au Boulevard Mortier (ça ne s’invente pas!) à Paris et qui n’est autre qu’un super calculateur qui surveille la totalité des échanges téléphoniques, ou numériques, ou encore électroniques des citoyenNEs françaisES pour les stocker bruts de coffrage dans des bases de données et ce, pendant des années, on ne sait jamais ! Sans compter le fric dépensé pour une telle institution afin d’écouter Madame Bidochon demander à son mari, via son iPhone5 : «Chéri…ton rosbeef, tu le veux à la sauce parisienne??», «Mmmh, chè pas!» Like this:

President Obama’s Dragnet Those reassurances have never been persuasive — whether on secret warrants to scoop up a news agency’s phone records or secret orders to kill an American suspected of terrorism — especially coming from a president who once promised transparency and accountability. The administration has now lost all credibility. Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is given and very likely abuse it. Based on an article in The Guardian published Wednesday night , we now know the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency used the Patriot Act to obtain a secret warrant to compel Verizon’s business services division to turn over data on every single call that went through its system. A senior administration official quoted in The Times offered the lame observation that the information does not include the name of any caller, as though there would be the slightest difficulty in matching numbers to names.

Manhattan Project Two types of atomic bomb were developed during the war. A relatively simple gun-type fission weapon was made using uranium-235, an isotope that makes up only 0.7 percent of natural uranium. Since it is chemically identical to the most common isotope, uranium-238, and has almost the same mass, it proved difficult to separate. Three methods were employed for uranium enrichment: electromagnetic, gaseous and thermal. Most of this work was performed at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In parallel with the work on uranium was an effort to produce plutonium. The project was also charged with gathering intelligence on the German nuclear energy project. The first nuclear device ever detonated was an implosion-type bomb at the Trinity test, conducted at New Mexico's Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range on 16 July 1945. The Manhattan Project operated under a blanket of tight security, but Soviet atomic spies still penetrated the program. Origins Feasibility Proposals Bomb design concepts Organization

Netflix ou le beau piège à cons! / Fuck Netflix in english too in english after the image Ben c’est un système qui n’est pas encore en Europe, mais qui ne saurait tarder, et qui a pour but de verrouiller les tablettes et autres ordinateurs avec le système DRM ou, si cela ne vous parle pas, c’est facile de le comprendre, même en anglais : Digital Restrictions Management Et ce n’est que le début d’un long processus qui a pour but de verrouiller les programmes écrits en HTML5 et qui sont principalement présents sur les navigateurs que l’on dit avec «Premium Extensions vidéo», soit les deux géants du web : Google et Microsoft dont les navigateurs sont Google-Chrome et Internet Explorer. Si la proposition finale du Netflix, qui n’est autre qu’une manipulation du World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), est adoptée, il y a un moyen de sortir de ce système. Envoyer un message Netflix: Annuler votre abonnement (Ceci ne fonctionne que si vous êtes connecté à votre compte.) Utilisez le hashtag # CancelNetflix à dire @ Netflix pourquoi tu te barres!. PS. Like this:

Beyond "Soda, Pop, or Coke": Regional Dialect Variation in the Continental US Using data from Bert Vaux's dialect survey , we examine regional dialect variation in the continental United States. Each observation can be thought of as a realization of a categorical random variable with a particular parameter vector that is a function of location—our goal was to interpolate among these points in order to estimate these parameter vectors at a given location, making use of a combination of kernel density estimation and non-parametric smoothing techniques. Results in a smooth field of parameter estimates over the prediction region. Using these results, a method for mapping aggregate dialect distance is developed. Please see the FAQ below. Thank you to everyone who has emailed over the past few days—the response these maps have been getting has been absolutely incredible. Please direct all media requests to Tracey Peake ( at the NCSU press office. Right now, the maps only take into account the four most popular answers for a given survey question.

The Reichstag Fire, 68 years on Book Review Alexander Bahar, Wilfried Kugel: Der Reichstagbrand - Wie Geschichte gemacht wird (The Reichstag Fire - How History is Created), edition q, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-86124-523-2, 864 pages, price: 68.00 DM 5 July 2001 On February 27, 1933—more than 68 years ago—the Berlin Reichstag, the seat of Germany’s parliament, was set on fire. Even before his identity was established, the Nazi leaders accused the German Communist Party (KPD) of having committed arson. For the Nazis, who had been in power less than a month, since January 30, 1933, the Reichstag fire was the excuse for a hitherto unparalleled persecution of Communist and Social Democratic workers, intellectuals and party leaders. All left-wing newspapers, including the Social Democratic daily Vorwärts, the Communist Party press and the German Trotskyists’ newspaper Permanente Revolution, were confiscated and banned. "The front must now be directed against fascism. Who were the arsonists? References

La privatisation du domaine public à la BnF, symptôme d’un désarroi stratégique Vendredi, une déclaration commune a été publiée par La Quadrature du Net, SavoirsCom1, Creative Commons France, L’Open Knowledge Foundation France et Communia pour s’opposer aux partenariats de numérisation envisagés par la Bibliothèque nationale de France et validés par le Ministère de la Culture en début de semaine. Depuis, plusieurs organisations ont souhaité se rallier à ce texte : Framasoft ; Regards Citoyens ; Veni, Vivi, Libri ; Libre Accès, le Parti Pirate Français et Vecam. La déclaration sur le site de SavoirsCom1 Un large front se dessine pour refuser cette dérive vers une privatisation du domaine public en France, comme l’a dénoncée Philippe Aigrain sur son blog. Il explique également sa position dans cet article sur Actualitté, de même qu’Hervé Le Crosnier le fait sous un angle différent d’après son expérience d’éditeur. Ou encore cette Déclaration d’amour au domaine public, rédigée par l’enseignante de Lettres C. Les profs disent le domaine public. La page Facebook de Gallica

Download Nyquist Plug-ins Plug-in authors These plug-ins have been contributed by: Steve Daulton Edgar Franke Steven Jones David R.Sky Jvo Studer Installing Plug-ins Nyquist plug-ins may be available as plain text files with the file extension .NY , or as a ZIP archive file. To install Nyquist plug-ins, place the NY file in the Plug-Ins folder inside the Audacity installation folder. On Windows computers, this is usually at C:\Program Files\Audacity ( or C:\Program Files\Audacity 1.3 Beta (Unicode) in legacy 1.3 versions ) . Restart Audacity, then the plug-ins will appear underneath the divider in the "Effect", "Generate" or "Analyze" menus. Plug-in Lists In the lists below, click a "Downloads" link to go to the page for Generate, Effect or Analyze plug-ins, or click the individual links to go directly to the description of that plug-in. Left-clicking the View link displays the plug-in code in your browser. Generate Plug-in Downloads These plug-ins usually appear towards the bottom of the Generate menu in Audacity.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq Illustration: John Ueland At A congressional hearing examining the march to war in Iraq, Republican congressman Walter Jones posed "a very simple question" about the administration's manipulation of intelligence: "How could the professionals see what was happening and nobody speak out?" Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, responded with an equally simple answer: "The vice president." But the blame for Iraq does not end with Cheney, Bush, or Rumsfeld. The first drafts of history are, by their nature, fragmentary.

Apprendre le hacking - Les bases du hack et la sécurité informatique, le site du vrai hacking Vers le vrai hacking De mon point de vue, le hacking est simplement une faculté de compréhension des systèmes informatisés et de leur administration, compréhension basée sur une connaissance poussée de leur fonctionnement. Ainsi, il n'y a pas d'autre alternative que la lecture, les essais. Voici quelques modestes ressources qui fourniront au moins un point de départ (NB: ces liens n'ont pas été mis à jour depuis ~2011): S'entraîner

Rope (data structure) A simple rope built on the string of "Hello_my_name_is_Simon". In computer programming a rope , or cord , is a data structure for efficiently storing and manipulating a very long string . For example, a text editing program may use a rope to represent the text being edited, so that operations such as insertion, deletion, and random access can be done efficiently. [ 1 ] Description [ edit ] A rope is a binary tree . The binary tree can be seen as several levels of nodes. Operations [ edit ] Index [ edit ] Definition: Index(i) : return the character at position i Time complexity: O(log N) where N is the length of the rope To retrieve the i -th character, we begin a recursive search from the root node: // Note: Assumes 1-based indexing. function index( RopeNode node, integer i) if node.weight < i then return index(node.right, i - node.weight) else if exists(node.left) then return index(node.left, i) else return node.string[i] endif endif end Split [ edit ] Time complexity: O(log N)

Amherst and Smallpox Lord Jeffrey1 Amherst's letters discussing germ warfare against American Indians "... every Tree is become an Indian...." Colonel Henry Bouquet to General Amherst, dated 29 June 1763. [63k] Lord Jeff Lord Jeffrey1 Amherst was commanding general of British forces in North America during the final battles of the so-called French & Indian war (1754-1763). The town of Amherst, Massachusetts, was named for Lord Jeff even before he became a Lord. Amherst College china plates depicting mounted Englishman with sword chasing Indians on foot were in use until the 1970's. Click on the pictures to see full-size images in new windows. The history of the naming of the town of Amherst, New York, shows a similar idolizing of the general: On April 10, 1818, the Town of Amherst was officially created by an Act of the Senate of the State of New York. Smallpox blankets ... Drawing by Terry R. Lord Jeff's letters during Pontiac's Rebellion The documents provided here are made available to set the record straight.

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