How interactive technology is transforming storytelling
Let me begin by saying: reports of the death of the book are wildly exaggerated. Likewise traditional storytelling. Human beings have been telling stories around campfires since the first cavewoman struck a flint against another flint and noticed that an interesting spark flew off. Stories aren't going anywhere and nor is the visceral, inexplicable, bone-deep shivery delight of a good tale well told. What happens, however, is that new technologies give creative people new ideas. Art and science (or technology) are often imagined to be totally separate – but this is not, and never has been, true.
Social Media and Storytelling Part 1: Why Storytelling?
The following is the first of five blog posts adapted from a speech by Cameron Uganec , HootSuite’s Director of Marketing, given at the Marketo’s 2013 Summit Conference in San Francisco. The session, entitled “Social Media + Storytelling = Awesomesauce,” included Michael Brito of Edelman Digital and can be watched in full here . The game has changed. We no longer live in a broadcast era where marketers can simply buy people’s attention with a TV campaign.
Seven core concepts on transmedia storytelling – Part 1
To quote Henry Jenkins , Transmedia storytelling “…represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.” We like this definition on transmedia storytelling and we like Henry Jenkins’ seven Core Concepts of Transmedia Storytelling . Therefore we wish to promote them here. We will unroll his seven core concepts in seven blog posts starting with one today.
9 apps for creating multimedia content
Until a few years ago designing an attractive presentation, or any other form of multimedia content, required expert designers. You first had to explain your idea to the designer who would then spend hours in isolation, using complex tools and software, to turn them into reality. Most of the times, however, you would still go away dissatisfied with the final product. However, this is no more the case thanks to different online tools available freely on the internet. Using these tools,you can create multimedia content in a matter of minutes. You no longer need to explain your brains out to a designer who would still prefer following his own ideas.
The Social Era Is More Than Social Media
Editor's Note: This story contains one of our 11 New Years resolutions you can actually keep in 2014. For the full list, click here. Things we once considered opposing forces--doing right by people and delivering results, collaborating and keeping focus, having a social purpose and making money--are really not in opposition. They never have been. But we need a more sophisticated approach to understand business models where making a profit doesn't mean losing purpose, community, and connection.
What is Transmedia Storytelling?
Jump to: Previous Page “Contexts” Next Page: Transmedia Principles © Kevin Moloney “Once a thing is put in writing, the composition, whatever it may be, drifts all over the place, getting into the hands not only of those who understand it, but equally of those who have no business with it.” — Socrates Origin Stories
Why Teachers Need to Be Great Storytellers
The New Tech Network includes more than 100 schools in diverse settings that put project-based learning at the center of instruction. That's all true, but it doesn't begin to tell the story of what makes learning "electric." That's how one educator from this network describes project experiences that ignite students' curiosity and build their agency to tackle challenging work. The bare facts don't engage emotions in the way that a recent New Tech graduate does when she tells her former teachers, "Your students graduate not just prepared, but inspired to chase their own whys."
Reclaim Your Creative Confidence
Most people are born creative. As children, we revel in imaginary play, ask outlandish questions, draw blobs and call them dinosaurs. But over time, because of socialization and formal education, a lot of us start to stifle those impulses. We learn to be warier of judgment, more cautious, more analytical.
How to Tell a Story with Data - Jim Stikeleather
by Jim Stikeleather | 11:00 AM April 24, 2013 An excellent visualization, according to Edward Tufte, expresses “complex ideas communicated with clarity, precision and efficiency.” I would add that an excellent visualization also tells a story through the graphical depiction of statistical information.
3 Storytelling Styles that Work for Any Presentation
Google the word “storytelling” and you will find endless amounts of articles, posts and books on the topic. It’s certainly a buzzword these days, and many proclaim good storytelling to be what makes successful content strategy. Yet very few have been able to master this powerful craft. Today, I want to help you become one of those artists. Why is storytelling so important? A good story captivates an audience.