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You need Views if You like the default front page view, but you find you want to sort it differently. You like the default taxonomy/term view, but you find you want to sort it differently; for example, alphabetically. Views can do a lot more than that, but those are some of the obvious uses of Views. Views for Drupal 8 Views is in Drupal 8 Core! Recommended versions of Views! For new installs of Drupal 6, we recommend the 6.x-3.x branch. The 6.x-2.x branch of Views is in critical/security maintenance mode only. Dependencies The Drupal 7 version of Views requires the Chaos Tool Suite also known as CTools. Views' bug squad The Views' bug squad is a group of people who have dedicated a few hours a week to help provide support and fix bugs in the issue queue. Views documentation Views 1 Views 2 (This link goes to the Advanced Help project page. Sponsorship This project is sponsored by IO1. Our book Our book, Drupal's Building Blocks is now available.

Views attach Note: This module has been deprecated for Drupal 7 in favor of its phoenix, EVA. This module provides two additional Views display plugins, "Profile" and "Node content". These displays do not display on a page but get "attached" to either a user page or nodes of specified types. These views are not stored with the user or node, the way viewreference.module would, so they can be globally-reconfigured. The node content display can be reordered on the "Manage fields" tab if CCK is enabled. Usage tips Many people have asked how to use this module to show content related to the node or user to which a view is attached. Create a nodereference field on some node type. The same approach works for nid, uid, userreference, or similar fields. Videos Mustardseed Media has posted an excellent videocast on using Views Attach with Nodereference URL. Oliver Seldman has also posted a video from the LA Drupal group showing how to use Views attach with Content Profile. Credits

The files directory In most cases, Drupal would create the files directory for you. If Drupal can't create the directory, follow the instructions below. After installing Drupal, you will need to ensure the directory files can be accessed by your Web server. Here’s how: In the folder sites/default create a new directory called files. Most FTP programs will allow you to create the new directory and set its permissions. Once you've completed these steps confirm the appropriate permissions have been assigned by navigating to Administer -> Reports -> Status report. Troubleshooting Apache-based Web Servers If the directory files is not "owned" by the Web server there are two ways to proceed. Ideally you will be able to change the "owner" of the directory files to match the name of the Web server. $ ps aux |grep apache # for Apache 2.x$ ps aux |grep httpd # for Apache 1.x Depending on your Web server one of these commands will return a series of lines like this: www-data 13612 0.1 0.9 50640 20340 ? Warning

Workflow The workflow module allows the creation and assignment of arbitrary workflows to Drupal node types. Workflows are made up of workflow states. For example, a workflow with the states Draft, Review, and Published could be assigned to the Story node type. Transitions between workflow states can have actions assigned to them. If you are interested in the future of the workflow module, please join the workflow group on . Watch the FOSDEM 2005 video where John VanDyk presents actions and workflows if you are unfamiliar with the concepts (video is at*-drupalconf-workflow.ogg (replace the * in the filename with the word 'please') and requires something like VLC ). If you are still using Workflow 5.x it it strongly recommended that you update your site to Drupal 6 or 7. Notes: If you are upgrading from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 versions of Workflow, please be aware that there has been a complete overhaul of module layout. NEW Jan 29, 2013: NEW Feb 20, 2013:

Views Slideshow Views Slideshow can be used to create a slideshow of any content (not just images) that can appear in a View. Powered by jQuery, it is heavily customizable: you may choose slideshow settings for each View you create. Potential uses News item slideshow (such as the title, image and teaser of the last 5 news articles submitted) The Last X number of X submitted (images, videos, blog entries, forum posts, comments, testimonials, etc.). Rotate any image, based on any filters you can apply in views. Hottest new products for any ecommerce drupal site. The possibilities are really endless, as the more ways you can think of to categorize and add to views, the more you can rotate. Views Slideshow Installation and Configuration Related modules Requirements Views Slideshow 2.x requires Views 2.Views Slideshow ThumbnailHover 2.1+ requires Views 2.7+.Views Slideshow 3.x requires Views 3. There is no upgrade path from views slideshow 2 to views slideshow 3. Use the issues queue for questions or comments.

Premier test sur Drupal ! Ce chapitre va vous expliquer comment accomplir les tâches d'administration de base de votre site Drupal et comment créer vos premiers contenus. La page de démarrage temporaire En vous connectant pour la première fois sur votre site fraîchement installé, vous découvrirez cette page : Drupal vous donne ainsi quelques conseils sur la marche à suivre pour commencer à paramétrer et utiliser votre site web. Vous devez savoir que cette page disparaitra dès lors que vous aurez créé votre premier contenu (un article par exemple). L'interface d'administration de Drupal Contrairement à beaucoup d’autres CMS, l’interface d'administration d’un site Drupal n’est pas séparée du reste de votre site. Lorsque vous êtes identifié en tant qu'administrateur, rien ne change, si ce n’est un « menu de navigation » qui apparait, par défaut, dans la barre latérale gauche de votre site. Configurer votre site Par défaut cette page est divisée en cinq zones administratives : Gestion du contenu. Gérer les droits d’accès

Rules The Rules module allows site administrators to define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events (known as reactive or ECA rules). It's a replacement with more features for the trigger module in core and the successor of the Drupal 5 workflow-ng module. Example use cases Build flexible content publishing workflows changesSend customized mails to notify your users about importantCreate custom redirections, system messages, breadcrumbs, ...Build an eCommerce store using Drupal Commerce And many more... Features Obviously, you may use reaction rules to react upon any event with custom conditions and actions.Allows functionality to be re-used via components (Drupal 6: Rule sets only).Flexible scheduling system that allows scheduling any component / action.Users can share their customizations by using the built-in import/export feature. Integrations Modules may use the Rules module's API to provide new events, conditions, actions or default rules, which can be customized by users.

Content types and fields In Drupal, a Content Type is a pre-defined collection of data types (Fields) which relate to each other by an informational context. In this sense, "context" means "parts that should be considered as a correlated whole." Content Types are how site editors can input original content on a Drupal site, and are the building blocks for structured authoring and content. Content types often work in conjunction with Views, which is one way you can serve up content to your end users; you can control the content types that appear and the order in which they appear. Developers can also customize the authoring experience in the same way. One way to think of content types is to visualize the contacts on your mobile phone. The Field UI module provides an administrative user interface (UI) for attaching and managing fields. Managing fields with the Field UI Uses Planning fields There are several decisions you will need to make before defining a field for content, comments, etc Reusing fields Remove field

Guide des modules indispensables pour Drupal | Julien dubreuil Une des tâches les moins faciles avec Drupal est de trouver ‘le’ module qui correspond à votre besoin, celui dont vous rêvez qu’il vous suffira simplement d’installer pour qu’il exauce tous vos souhaits. Avec un peu plus de 5500 modules disponibles et un besoin un peu spécifique c’est comme chercher une aiguille dans une botte de foin. Au fil de mes trouvailles j’ai commencé une petite liste des modules qui me semblaient intéressants, puis tout doucement, celle-ci à grossi. Vous trouverez donc ci dessous une petite sélection de modules classés par thème, dont certains très connus et d’autres moins. Sommaire Administration – Contenus – CommunautaireDates – Développement – Ecommerce – Images & VidéosIndispensables – Localisation – MenuMultilingue – Recherche – Référencement et optimisationUtilisateurs – Taxonomie – Thème – Wysiwyg Les indispensables que vous connaissez déjà Retour au sommaire Facilitez l’administration de votre site Améliorez la gestion et la construction de vos contenus

Panels An Overview of Panels The Panels module allows a site administrator to create customized layouts for multiple uses. At its core it is a drag and drop content manager that lets you visually design a layout and place content within that layout. Integration with other systems allows you to create nodes that use this, landing pages that use this, and even override system pages such as taxonomy and the node page so that you can customize the layout of your site with very fine grained permissions. Integration with CTools module Panels 3 utilizes the CTools' system of "context" so that the content you place on the page can be aware of what is being displayed. Panels uses Contexts - What are they? In a Panel, you can create contexts, which represent the objects being displayed. In addition, these contexts can be checked for information and use that not only to make content available to be displayed, but to choose which layout to display! Panels can also be used for items smaller than pages.

Nodequeue The Nodequeue module allows users to collect nodes in an arbitrarily ordered list. The order in the list can be used for a any purpose, such as: A block listing teasers for the five top news stories on a siteA user’s favorite music albumsA group of favorite from which one is randomly displayed Nodequeue provides a simple drag-and-drop interface to manually order any queue. Additionally, it allows nodes to be added and removed from queues without needing edit permissions to the node. Smartqueue API Nodequeue provides a robust API that allows other modules to define smartqueues, which are associated with external data. Modules that Extend Nodequeue: Smartqueue per-user: Makes a personal queue available to users of one or more roles.Smartqueues for Organic Groups: Makes a queue available for ordering by members of an Organic Group or Group admins only. Apache Solr Search Integration Nodequeue contains an extensive API. Releases for 5.x and prior are unsupported at this time.

40 Best Drupal 7 Themes As an open source content management platform, Drupal has always been considered as one which is difficult to learn and maintain, thus more appropriate for big businesses and establishments whose websites are taken care of by highly skilled webmasters. This is not really true especially now that Drupal 7 has arrived. Searching for a good Drupal theme, on the other hand, is a time consuming and frustrating activity. Unlike WordPress, there has only been few Drupal 7 themes to choose from, but this is getting better as more and more themes get unveiled. To make things easy for you, we have searched and found the best Drupal 7 themes. Advertisement Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). If you find this article useful please share this to your friends. Porto – Responsive Drupal 7 Theme – DEMO 5pika – Premium Drupal Theme – DEMO Nevia – Responsive Drupal Theme – DEMO
