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World News Mapped by Buzztracker - 2011-07-23

World News Mapped by Buzztracker - 2011-07-23

ICT Fwix Attempts to Fill the Local News Void One of the most distressing aspects of the freefalling newspaper industry is the effect that has on local news reporting. Although the fall of local papers is certainly an opportunity for bloggers and community-driven news sites, for news consumers, finding local news can become increasingly difficult. Yesterday, Fwix launched, and it's designed to be a local consumer newswire. Visit the Fwix page for your city and you have access to the latest local news stories from local sources and validated user-contributed content. You can then easily share those stories with your friends on Twitter or Facebook. Right now, Fwix is in 80 different cities in the U.S. and Canada. Fwix also has an iPhone application (iTunes link) that lets you view and share stories from your device. How well Fwix works as a local news aggregator really depends on your city. (Image courtesy of whatnot on Flickr)

Latest and greatest from Chicagoans | ChicagoNow AuthorMap AuthorMap: Arts and Humanities AuthorMap explores author relationships through co-citation patterns. The assumption is that if two authors are often cited together by many other authors, these two authors likely have common intellectual interest in their research and writing. When many related authors' pair-wise co-citation patterns are explored, we will have a map of a subject domain where authors on the map represent ideas or subtopics as well as their relationships. When an author search is conducted, AuthorMap generates a list of 25 authors co-cited most often with the given author.

Automated Genealogy Who Is an Average Facebook User? CiteSpace: visualizing patterns and trends in scientific literature CiteSpace is a freely available Java application for visualizing and analyzing trends and patterns in scientific literature. It is designed as a tool for progressive knowledge domain visualization (Chen, 2004). It focuses on finding critical points in the development of a field or a domain, especially intellectual turning points and pivotal points. Detailed case studies are given in (Chen, 2006) and other publications. CiteSpace provides various functions to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of network patterns and historical patterns, including identifying the fast-growth topical areas, finding citation hotspots in the land of publications, decomposing a network into clusters, automatic labeling clusters with terms from citing articles, geospatial patterns of collaboration, and unique areas of international collaboration. The primary source of input data for CiteSpace is the Web of Science. Notes: You need to have Java Runtime installed on your computer. Yes. Disclaimer

Home OHPR News and Notices The OHPR project moved out of its development phase in April 2007. The site has been relatively static since then. We are pleased to pass on the news that the Central Statistical Office Ireland has published the Irish census reports from 1926 to 1991 (a total of 12 censuses) on their website. If you have trouble finding any relevant report which you would expect to be here, please email us at A collection of British Historical Population Reports The Online Historical Population Reports (OHPR) collection provides online access to the complete British population reports for Britain and Ireland from 1801 to 1937. The collection goes far beyond the basic population reports with a wealth of textual and statistical material which provide an in-depth view of the economy, society (through births, deaths and marriages) and medicine during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Weblog Presentatoren » Blog Archief » Wat doet NOS Nieuws met social media? “We kijken mee”, antwoordt redacteur Bas de Vries, “met name op belangrijke nieuwsmomenten.” Hij noemt het voorbeeld van het ingestorte dakdeel van de Grolschveste in Enschede. Ik presenteerde op 7 juli het 13 uur Journaal en daarin konden we foto’s laten zien die Bas, Robert en Marilou van NOS Net binnen wisten te halen voor DrukBij het monitoren van social media passen we natuurlijk hoor- en wederhoor, checkdubbelcheck en andere journalistieke principes toe. KunstAls een nieuwsgebeurtenis trending topic wordt op Twitter bijvoorbeeld is het juist de journalistieke kunst om mensen er uit te filteren die echt ter plekke zijn, en die interessante dingen kunnen vertellen. Help“Mensen help ons”, luidt dan ook het credo van NOS Net. Deze video maakte ik samen met Journaal24. Ga ook naar mijn eerdere blogs in deze serie:

Digital Sociology Between Promise and Practice: Web 2.0, Intercultural Dialogue and Digital Scholarship Professor Ien Ang Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney Dr Nayantara Pothen Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney Introduction The Internet has been a popular method for communication and collaboration across far-flung sites for some time, and its potential for enhancing participatory democracy has been much commented on. This article provides a critical (self-)analysis of diverCities: A Global Collaboration Space for Intercultural Dialogue, a digital humanities experiment. Although it was in the research team's mind to eventually launch diverCities in the public domain of the Internet, the project never reached beyond the prototype phase: this public launch will never happen because the project turned out to be inviable, and not just because of financial restrictions, as we will describe below. Intercultural Dialogue Building Content: Users and Contributors

29 Incredibly Useful Websites You Wish You Knew Earlier There are so many wonderful websites around, and it is difficult to know each and every one of them. The below list provides some of those websites that I find particularly helpful, even though they are not as famous or as prevalent as some of the big names out there. 1. Are you bugged constantly to sign up for websites, even though you do not wish to share your email? 2. This nifty little website tracks whether the emails sent by you were opened and read by the receiver. If you are on a constant lookout of free full length movies, then Zero Dollar movies provides a collection of over 15,000 movies in multiple languages that are available to watch for free on Youtube. 4. Livestream allows you to watch and broadcast events live to viewers on any platform. converts your email address into a short custom URLs, that can be shared on public websites. 6. TinEye is a Reverse Image search tool which is as accurate as Google’s Reverse Image search tool. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Self-surveillance NYU ITP graduate student Federico Zannier collected data about himself — online browsing, location, and keystrokes — for his thesis. As he dug into personal data more and looked closer at company privacy policies, he wondered what it might be like if individuals profited from their own data. That is, companies make money using the data we passively generate while we browse and use applications and visit sites. What if individuals owned that data and were able to sell it? Enter Zannier's Kickstarter campaign to sell his own data for $2 per day of activity. I started looking at the terms of service for the websites I often use. Clearly this is more of a statement and conversation starter, but what if? There's about a week left in the campaign, and it's well past the goal.

Twitter Search, Monitoring, & Analytics | With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search Drag down from the middle of the Home screen and type what you're looking for. Siri Suggestions Drag right from the Home screen to show Search and get Siri Suggestions. Get Siri Suggestions Siri Suggestions include apps and contacts that you might be interested in. You can use Siri Suggestions with iPhone 5 and later, iPad Pro, iPad (4th generation) and later, iPad mini (2nd generation) and later, and iPod touch (6th generation). Change search settings Go to Settings > General > Spotlight Search. From here, you can turn Siri Suggestions on or off and choose which apps to include in your searches. If you don’t want Siri or Spotlight to suggest nearby locations, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services. Last Modified:
