Blog do PC UG Community @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com - The NEW List Of Amp Simulators, Cab Sims and Impulse Responses There was already a thread for this, but it's not been updated since 2009 (Thread Found Here). I thought it was time for an update, since I've recently found my VST guide to be surplus to requirement I thought I'd take the only useful bit (the list of amplifiers and plugs ins) and give them their own thread. So with no further delay:The NEW List Of Amp Simulators, Cab Sims and Impulse ResponsesDisclaimer: There is definately an element of bias in this thread, these plug-ins are simply ones that I've used or heard good things about, if you have anything to add, then please do. FREE AMP SIMS LePou PluginsLePou - Lecto - Mesa Boogie Rectifier CloneLePou - LeGion - An original voiced amp by LePou, seems to be very popular in the DIY Djent worldLePou - Le456 - ENGL Amp CloneLePou - SoloC - A Soldano SLO100 Amp CloneLePou - Hybrit - Classic British Amp (Marshall Superlead/JCM800 Hybrid) Nick Crow LabsNick Crow - 7170 Lead - Peavey 5150 CloneNick Crow - 8505 Lead - Peavey 6505 Clone
Psychic Modulation VST Plugins for Windows Dubtron2 is the successor to the original Dubtron bass synth, taking it's modulation-based concept into new territory, exploring quirky analogue basses, modern rhythmic soundscapes, chilly dub techno and experimental ambient textures. Dubtron2 uses beat-driven modulation and sub-rhythms along with randomization to bring about interesting rhythmic sounds and atmospheres. This along with it's serial filter system, a feedback-looping dub delay and a "Phonec-style" Melt feature makes Dubtron2 a extremely versatile instrument with a unique approach to sonic exploration. Phonec is best described as an 'analog flux synthesizer'. Construct is a drum machine with a sound design workflow based on layering, using both drum synthesis as well as sampled sounds for creating the various elements that build a drum. Aethereal is an ambient vector synth designed for the creation of evolving atmospheres, soundscapes and ambient textures. Cubix Groove Machine Metatron Gated Arp Synth Photon Subconscious Minimal
Music Generator : Free VSTi's NUSofting Crazy sounds modulator & generator download ndc Plugs An audiovisual instrument with a drawing-based interface. Sound is generated in a manner similar to scanned synthesis, with two oscillators whose waveforms are obtained by scanning the x- and y-axis positions of the trail drawn by the user. download ndc Plugs A crazy instrument which uses spherical harmonics to modulate the vertices of a sphere. download de la Mancha manic is an 8 slot random sample player where you decide the samples, but manic decides when to play them. download Portfolio Noah Vawter SBleep-0, or Super Bleep-o is a groove box (synthesizer w/ sequencer). The Non-Linear Waveform Combiner is the atom smasher that gives “Sblee” all its unique power. download Lower Rhythm Important: This plugin in outdated - The Lower Rhythm has a new website, and a a new series of free plugins which are released exclusively here. download Elogoxa Ambient texture generator. download PixelPops is a keyboard controlled random tone monosynth.
How to Create a DJ Template within Ableton Video Propellerheads Reason 4,Refills,update,loops y mas PCs que crean música de la nada No acostumbro a postear noticias, interés general ni ningun tipo de estas cosas, pero me llamó la atención esto que encontré que apareció en mi página inicial de iGoogle así que no los aburro más con palabras haciendo prólogo al pedo y le doy paso al copete de la noticia. En la Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) uno de sus estudiantes de doctorado ha desarrollado un software que es capaz de improvisar canciones y música a partir de la nada, al más puro estilo del género jazz. Oyvind Brandtsegg, el responsable de esta aplicación, es un aficionado a este tipo de música y su "instrumento computerizado" es capaz de tomar sonidos, dividirlos y recombinarlos para crear melodías. El proyecto fue descrito en la revista trimestral de uno de los departamentos de la NTNU llamada Gemini, en la cual se describía claramente el proyecto. Como indican en ZDNet, el programa ImprSculpt tampoco hace milagros. Si quieren bajarlo y ver que onda... Descargar!
How To Make A Monstrous Vocal Based Bass With Harmor In this tutorial I will show you how to make a monstrous vocal sample based bass using Harmor. I got inspired to make this tutorial after watching SeamlessR’s How To Bass -videos so lots of credits goes to him from the techniques I’m using here! First, here’s an audio example: Okay. We are going to use the Harmor’s audio resynthesis feature and there’s a section under the Advanced -tab (ADV) where you can tweak the resynthesis and performance quality. The Precision sets the computation precision. Now, go to the Image resynthesis tab (IMG). In here, you can import images and audio files to let Harmor create good quality reproduction of sounds or take advantage of it’s image-based synthesis. Now, drag a sample to the image window – preferably vocal sample if you want to create something similar you heard in the audio example. Use the Post FX volume fader to control the Harmor’s final volume level (post FX controls the ‘after effects’ volume level). Turn the Image gain pixel scale to 0%. Ok.