Les réseaux sociaux | Je vous présente Google Plus
Au départ, Google+ a repris les fonctionnalités de Facebook en ajoutant quelques nouveautés comme les hangouts, les vidéos de groupe, ou le classement des contacts dans des cercles indépendants les uns des autres.Google ajoute régulièrement de nouvelles fonctionnalités à son réseau social. Sont récemment apparues, par exemple, la recherche locale et les communautés.Google intègre petit à petit ses principaux services à Google+. Malgré l’accroissement du nombre de fonctionnalités, Google a réussi à conserver une certaine simplicité d’utilisation.Il suffit de comprendre le fonctionnement de Google+ et de prendre quelques bonnes habitudes pour l’utiliser facilement et efficacement. Présentation du réseau Google+ est un réseau social. Vous choisissez qui peut voir les contenus que vous partagez. Les personnes qui voient vos contenus peuvent agir sur ces derniers. Elles ont également la possibilité de partager à leur tour votre publication. Créer votre profil Google + Modifiez votre profil
Bill Gassett - Google+ - PageRank, Link Juice & SEO for Google+ Communities. Can…
PageRank, Link Juice & SEO for Google+ Communities. Can PageRank save G+ Communities becoming FB link farms? ① G+ Communities have PageRank, another Aha! Moment. ② Is PR in communities a good thing, or is it a bad thing? ③ Automated posts are the perfect recipe for ZERO PageRank. ④ Why didn't G make all links in Communities nofollow? ① G+ Communities have PR was another Aha! Quality & engagement is something I covered previously as important to acquiring good PageRank. While analyzing some Google search results -a favorite pass time of mine, or a bad habit, I don't know which-I noticed a link I had shared of the PageRank Part 3, article that outranked my own post and realized that was only possible if the community had PageRank. Turns out that was exactly right. You might wonder if they can give PR as well, or bleed it. ② Is PR in communities a good thing, or is it a bad thing? Won't it just attract more spammers and link dumpers? Now that would be just awful! "Hello? And why? Ready?
The Beginner's Guide to Google+
When Google+ entered the social space in 2011, it was met largely with skepticism. Joining a crowded field with platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, many users questioned the need for another social network. But roughly two years later, Google+ has established itself as the second-largest social media site in the world and boasts a monthly active user base of 235 million. And some of the products that Google built into the platform, such as Hangouts and Communities, along with its added integration in Google News that can benefit an active poster, have made Google+ an intriguing network for all users. If you're a newbie to Google+, these tips will help you get started. Creating a Google Account First things first, in order to have a Google+ account, you must have a Google account. Next, you'll be prompted to add a profile photo to accompany your Google Account. After adding your profile picture, you will then be redirected to your new Gmail account. Creating Circles Navigating the Stream
How to Add Google Author Tags to Your Blog for Improved Search Results
Does Google know you’re the author of the content you publish online? If you answered “I don’t know,” chances are you haven’t heard of a very powerful piece of HTML markup code known as rel=”author”. When implemented correctly on websites or blogs with authored content, this small addition to your articles can have a dramatic impact on how your content appears in Google’s search results. This article will explain exactly what rel=”author” is, why you need to pay attention to it and most importantly, how to set it up on your website or blog. What is rel=”author”? Most of us are familiar with the HTML anchor tag as a way to link out to content as seen in this image: Standard anchor tag linking to Google+ account. In that traditional format, the “href” part of the markup is called an attribute of the anchor tag that references the location of the content being linked to. Now, if we add the attribute rel=”author” to the anchor tag, the link looks like this: How to Implement rel=”author”
Actualités et conseils sur Google+, tutoriels gratuits Google Plus
Google+ est un réseau social créé par Google, lancé en juin 2011, permettant de partager des informations avec des contacts, classés par cercles, de faire des tchats (texte ou vidéo), d’uploader des photos depuis son smartphone… Avec Google Plus, Google tente d’utiliser les meilleures idées de Facebook, LinkedIn et Twitter ! Mais c’est en fait la colonne vertébrale de Google, tous les produits et services majeurs étant intégrés à Google+. Consultez également la rubrique sur la gestion des auteurs (authorship). Vous pouvez vous abonner par email (newsletter) ou par RSS et me suivre sur Twitter, Facebook ou Google+. Si vous appréciez cette rubrique, dites-le en cliquant sur ces boutons Dans : Google+ - Par Olivier Duffez, le 24 octobre 2014 Annoncées en décembre 2013, les annonces +Post sont désormais disponibles pour tous les annonceurs (ayant au moins 1.000 abonnés à leur page Google+). Dans : Google+ - Par Olivier Duffez, le 10 octobre 2014
10 Steps to Developing A Niche Following on Google Plus
Do you want to get a head start on the untapped market of Google Plus for your business? Google Plus has an audience of more than 500 million users, and uses what you share on it to impact your companies search results. It’s not rocket science to see that you should be a part of what’s going on sooner rather than later. Here are 10 Steps to get the jump ahead of your competition and get a following on Google Plus: Create targeted niche circles based on your industry. 1. For example – a mommy blogger who posts fitness, food and parenting tips on her blog could come up with some specific keywords like – cupcakes, foodies, running, fitness, yoga, bullying, parenting, wine, education. Search by keywords and add people who post about that topic to your circles selectively. 2. An example of the business page square symbol. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Your profile is your sales page - take time to make it detailed and sell you. 8. 9. 10. What about Brand Pages? How do you use Google Plus?
The Future Of Mobile-Social Could Spell The End For Social Networks
Editor’s note: Keith Teare is the founder of just.me and a partner at Archimedes Labs. He is also the co-founder of TechCrunch. Follow him on Twitter @kteare. Because of Google I/O, this was a momentous week for those of us who are watching the rapid transition that is taking place from desktop computing to mobile, and particularly for those focused on mobile-social as I am because of my job at just.me. Here is my take on what we just witnessed. Standalone Hangouts. Facebook Home problems. What is at stake? There are many common themes and questions that underpin the launch and evolution of Hangouts as a separate app and previously led to the decision to launch the Facebook Home product. To set the context for an analysis let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room that is partially driving these decisions. Mobile Messaging is rapidly becoming the primary way users engage socially on mobile. Phones were created as social tools. Similar challenges exist from media-sharing apps.
Advanced Google Plus Networking Strategies
(Photo credit: Wikipedia) Google Plus Strategy for Networking : Creating and growing the influence of your Google Plus network, which is more powerful than you know. I don’t think anything I’ve ever written online has received as much attention as last month’s “ Your Google Plus Network Is More Powerful Than You Know ” on this blog. So many people have told me that the post opened their eyes for the first time to why Google+ is not “just another social network .” In that post I gave you some basic starter strategies for building a Google+ network that can expand your reach and build your influence, not only within Google+ itself, but perhaps even more importantly in Google Search . The strategies I’m going to recommend this month are for those ready to go to the next level in building an influential Google+ network. 1. When Google+ first began, like a lot of other users I tried to use Circles to segment people I was following by topics. Google+ Circle Slider 2. 3. 4. [social-bio]