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Since our launch in June of 2005, TagCloud has registered over fourteen thousand users, kept track of around 120,000 website feeds, and peaked at over 6 million pageviews a month. Our dirty little secret: that's all been done on one single server. Many people have written us frustrated that we haven't been able to keep up with the demand, and they've been correct. We're happy to announce that we are now sponsored by iWeb Technologies, a hosting company in Montreal. We're delighted that this will give us some much needed head room to scale our service. Unfortunately, it also means we need to break some things behind the scenes.

웹 기반 SW에서 비즈니스 애플리케이션 돌리기 엔터프라이즈 웹 2.0의 한 가지 전제는 웹 기반 소프트웨어가 기존 소프트웨어를 이용한 솔루션 분야에 침투하기 시작할 것이라는 것이다. 지지자들에 따르면, 이 성숙한 온라인 소프트웨어 전달 방법은 활용도가 높고, 편리하며 더 값어치가 있다고 한다. 웹 소프트웨어의 유연성, 이동성 그리고 완전한 연결성 등은 점점 무시하기 어려워지고 있다. 그리고 우리의 대부분은 의식적으로든 아니든, 우리의 일상 작업을 브라우저를 이용하여 하고 있고 웹에서 호스팅 되는 애플리케이션을 사용하거나, 자신이 속한 조직 내에서 웹 기술을 사용하고 있다. 이런 것들과 함께 사람을 중시하는 웹 2.0 소프트웨어 측면 때문에 소프트웨어 개발자들은 자신들의 온라인 소프트웨어에 더 공개적이고 공유 가능한 서비스와 데이터를 제공하는 기능을 추가하고 있다. 이 기능들은 보다 생동감 있고 유용한 커뮤니티로 사람들을 끌어 모으게 되고, 혹은 보다 단순하게 태그 기능을 추가하거나 Ajax GUI를 제공하는 등의 더 나은 서비스를 가능하게 하기도 한다. Antigravitas - Tag! You're it! Half a decade ago the guys in control of the world-wide-web standards decided to take things to the next level. They called their concept the Semantic Web and it promised to create a whole new world of web usability by tying different web pages together based on meaning and purpose. Finally they could bring rationality and organization to the wild tangle of links we call the web!

BADSTRING If you use Blogger as your blog CMS, you’ll find out rather quickly (like I do) that it sometimes fall short of your needs and expectations. Heck, it’s free and TANSTAAFL. One glaring feature that’s missing is categorizing posts. Well, here’s my “poor man’s tagging/categorization” hack. It leverages the linking power of, a nifty Javascript bookmarklet, and Blogger’s BlogThis! tool. FeedBlendr - blending RSS, Atom and RDF feeds into a single river of news! Folksonomies: power to the people ISKO Italia. Documenti paper presented at the ISKO Italy-UniMIB meeting : Milan : June 24, 2005 Introduction In recent times, an unprecedented amount of Web content has begun to be generated through web logs, wikis and other social tools thanks to lower technology and cost barriers.

Blogger publish ping and categorizer tool I've done some further updates and improvements to my comment blogging helper Greasemonkey user script announced earlier, and since it has more than doubled in size and I don't seem to get much feedback about whether these tools work or not (perhaps they all do everywhere, though I would be surprised -- I have just tested them in Mozilla 1.5RC2 so far), I opted not to just overwrite the old version. So, what's new? Well, I wanted to make it easier to ping external sites which track new blog posts using HTTP pings rather than polling your RSS feed once in a while, and so the new version adds ping buttons to the publish page. In this version, it supports Pingoat and Svensk lemonad, quite simply because those were the only ones I remembered off the top of my head (<hint>request features!</hint>). For those of you eager enough to already have taken it out for a spin, here is why it didn't add any buttons -- you have to configure it first.

O&#039;Reilly Network: What Is Web 2.0 Published on O'Reilly ( See this if you're having trouble printing code examples by Tim O'Reilly 09/30/2005 Oct. 2009: Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle answer the question of "What's next for Web 2.0?" in Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On. The bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001 marked a turning point for the web.

Blogging_: categories categories categories in Blogger blogs Freshblog (mentions), Ubi Dubium Ibi Libertas (mentions), Brown Rab Girl Fish, Great Britain, not little England (mentions), 7CM Internet Marketing Blog (mentions), Gavin Corder's Blog, Pike Mot Samtiden, This is not my country, Tempus Fugit (mentions), Capital Defense Weekly, Em duas línguas (mentions), Graça Morais, par Lui, avec Lui et en Lui , For Myself and Strangers , idei de imprumut , A Rare View, Okazu, the truth hurts, Amateur Gardening, Forest Law, mckib•in•nihon, owsblog and many more - see my technorati ranking and google search. Many bloggers have noticed that categories are not supported in Blogger. If you've used them before, you'll know categories are a good thing to have. In fact, many other blogging sites and popular blogware such as WordPress actually allow bloggers to create/manage categories and classify all their posts under them.

Zeitgeist on 43 Things Literally NEARLY got round to this today, I was on the edge of cleaning up!!! I signed up to Volunteer for the Brewers 10K race in MKE on Sept 20th. Helping with the post-race results. Today I’ve read my email, and there it was, Internal Vacancy Announcement from HR.

Trying out this whole Performancing thing Theoretically, I can now tag my blog entries. Happy day! Performancing is anadd-on to the Firefox browser which theoretically is supposed to make this whole "tagging" thing work... and theoretically I'm teaching the world of activits about "tagging" so that they can index and find each others work more easily.

Community walk example: new commandment men&#039;s ministry Explore weddings, venues, and vendors in Colleyville, TX, USA Churches With Men's Team Ministries to the Widowed and Single Parents Churches that have started, or are about to start, men's team ministries to the widowed and single parents. How To Tag Minnesota&#039;s Elections With Gathering Minnesota’s voter-driven Internet storm … or Tagging brings us together Written by Steven Clift We’ve received awesome positive feedback about our “tagging” 2006 strategy for your Voter Voices section. In short, folks uploading video on YouTube, pictures into Flickr, and links into are all using a unique new tag – mnpolitics - to mark content. We also suggest mn06video for YouTube and for items specific to the 2006 election, simply mn06. We have more details instructions here as well as a new video screencast demonstration on how it works with YouTube, Flickr, and
