WolframTones: An Experiment in a New Kind of Music
Good Ear - Online Ear Training Site
Sound Systems | Student Technical Theatre Handbook
Introduction A bare-bones sound system consists of only a few main parts. You have a bunch of sound sources (microphones, CD players, etc.) fed into a mixing board (a device which combines a bunch of inputs into a couple of outputs). Speakers Speakers are the last part of the sound system chain, and have a huge effect on the sound quality the audience hears. The first thing you need to consider when buying speakers is what frequencies you want the audience to hear. Alternately, you'll sometimes want some real low frequency rumbles. The Amplifier The amplifier takes the sound you put into it, and makes it powerful enough to drive the speakers. The Mixing Board The mixing board lets you take a bunch of sound sources and combine them into a smaller number of outputs. Sound Sources Microphones For stage, there are 4 main types of microphones you'll use: Border microphones are used at the edge of the stage/playing area to pick up the general sound. Playing recorded music Finding Sound
The Chord Guide: Pt I - Chord Progressions
Chord progressions are the canvas on which musicians paint their masterpieces, and it’s a canvas which is a piece of art in itself. A chord progression can be subtle and in the background or it can be blatant and up front; it can be simple and catchy, or it can be technical and complex, it can stay in one key or it can change like the seasons. In any of these cases a chord progression is what drives the song as it literally shapes the music that accompanies it. This guide is meant to inject an interest in songwriting in new and old guitarists alike, I hope that at some point after reading this you will pick up your old guitar, blow off the dust, and join me in playing music. Chord Progression Guide This handy little guide will help all musicians create their own catchy chord progressions on the fly! Major Chord Chart Above is a chord chart for the 7 most used keys. Minor Chord Chart Above is a chord chart for creating minor chord progressions. Progressions With 2 Chords Chord Theory