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Craft Foam Armor Tutorial

Craft Foam Armor Tutorial
I was searching for a cheap, light, but nice-looking material to make armor out of, and I discovered one - craft foam! This tutorial is designed to show what you can create using only materials that are widely available at general craft stores, with no need for specialty shops or internet orders. I specifically used it for Helm's Deep elf armor, but it could be used for almost any armor that you can break down into fairly flat pieces. The method listed below is what I've come up with, but there really is no one right way to use craft foam; check the end of the tutorial for links to other foam armor sites. For an example of a finished project, here's a picture of my elven armor. Advantages: Light weight Inexpensive materials Widely available materials Easy to make Safe to wear in crowds Most steps are safe for kids to do Flexible - won't break or crack Great 'beginner' armor Disadvantages: The tools you will need are: Scissors Paintbrush Heat source - heat gun or stove burner You're done! Related:  cosplay

when silence drowns the screams, Fabric Insets using Facings! Don't have Polka Dots? DIY | Everybody, Everywear When it comes to adding polka dots to clothing the possibilities are endless. Here are a few super easy, super cheap ways to add polka dots to your clothes! How it's done:- Place a piece of cardboard between layers of fabric. - Work on one side of the fabric at a time.- Add little dots to the fabric by squeezing out a small amount of fabric paint for each dot. If you mess up just wait for the fabric paint to dry and peel it off.- Allow paint to dry before flipping over the the other side of the garment. Works best:- On all types of fabrics- On all colors of fabrics- For small dots How it's done:- Place a piece of cardboard between layers of fabric.- Work on one side of the fabric at a time.- For this I used a flat paint brush the same width as I wanted my polka dots. Works Best:- On all types of fabrics- On all colors of fabrics- For medium to large dots Works Best:- On all types of fabrics- On all colors of fabrics- For any size dot

» Horn Pattern Collection – DOWNLOAD|PDF In this collection are included patterns for: Ram HornsThick HornsLong HornsCurved HornsSpiky Horns I recommend using 5mm low density EVA foam as well as contact cement to create these horns. Other materials work as well of course. Vector files are scaleable and can easily be resized or changed to your own liking. Please choose your correct printer size between European DIN-A4 (21×29.7cm) or US/Canada letter (8.5x11inch). This is a digital PDF download.

Cosplay – SYNDROME - Cute Kawaii Harajuku Street Fashion Store Sort by Filter by Color Filter by Size New in Sale How to make self covered buttons! It's... - Emilie Gauvin Creations Fakie Screen Printing Tutorial by taeliac on DeviantArt detangling discovery: silicone spray lubricant So. Since finishing my Rider cosplay I've had a bedraggled waist-length wig hanging out in my room. It became hopelessly tangled the first time I wore it, and I never managed to get it untangled or defrizzed to a point where I could comb it; not with fabric softener, hair conditioner, or any other product lauded for its synthetic wig conditioning powers. But at long last, I have tamed the monster, using a product you can probably find at your local hardware store for under $5! 3 IN 1 Silicone Spray Lubricant It's basically silicone + petroleum distilates, a concentrated version of the two ingredients in human hair conditioner that serve any purpose on synthetic fiber. Before you decide to go mad science on your wigs, a few words of caution. - Try not to breathe it. Okay, on to procedure! 1) Affix your wig into something secure, ie a clamped wig head. EDIT: I realize now that spray may have been an ambiguous term. Before and After - Demonstration on a Godiva XL, with notes.

How To Wash a Wig Tutorial (With pictures!) For new wig owners, it can be difficult to figure out how to do things with your wig. I've developed a method to take care of wigs and keep them in top condition, and I'd really like to share it with everyone. :D Honestly, I made this tutorial out of boredom, and I really hope it helps some people! On to the tutorial! Materials; You wig (Duuuh!) Styrofoam wig head (Preferably one with a deep hole at the base) Foldable music stand, camera tripod, or anything you can stick your wig head on Any size spray bottle Generic shampoo and conditioner Dish soap Beach towel Hand towel Access to a sink or shower Multi-setting hair dryer (If applicable) Comb Step one; Potion making! First off, select your favorite drug store shampoo and conditioner! Now, go grab some dish soap from the kitchen! After gathering your ingredients, grab your spray bottle and start yer mixin'! And ta-da! Step Two; Spraying the wig Make sure you lay down your beach towel to keep your carpet clean and dry!

Owari No Seraph- Mika's sword tutorial | Cosplay Amino This is how I made Mika's sword from Owari no Seraph for Yume 梦 bbi. I feel like this tut can be applied to many other swords, the only differences would be the shapes of the hilts, handles and the details but essentially most swords have this general shape. Once again, the sword comes apart for easy travel. A. Cutting out the pieces. The concept here is to essentially sandwich the blade between 2 pieces of the hilt/handle so you can slide the blade in and out. B. D. shape your blade. E. F. G. H. I believed I used 6 ish layers of gesso before i painted it. And your done! #tutorial #owarinoseraph #mika #props #proptutorial

キャラクターグッズ&アパレル製作販売|コスパ|COSPA Magi The Labyrinth of Magic Ren Kouha Coral Red Styled Cosplay Party Wig Cap Shipping to: Worldwide Anime on Stage Cosplay Vs Costuming: Why They’re Different, and Why It Matters - Anime on Stage When we’re tabling at conventions, many people come up to the Anime on Stage booth to see the bromides. One of the most common things we hear is, “Are these cosplayers?” This is understandable; if you’ve never heard of stage plays, there’s no reason to think that the people dressed as their favorite characters are anything but cosplayers. However, sometimes we hear, “This cosplay isn’t even that good! The color is wrong, the wig is the wrong length, and the fabric is the wrong choice. Mine is way more accurate!” While it’s understandable to feel that way, there are several reasons why many costume designers for Japanese stage plays don’t go for accuracy in their costume-making. Functionality is Key As anyone who’s done an intricate cosplay knows, there are convention cosplays, and then there are photoshoot cosplays—the ones you can only wear in pre-arranged circumstances because they’re too awkward/unwieldy/obnoxious/delicate to wear around other people. The Audience is Far Away

Custom Quin Cosplay Costume from Death Parade - How to measure? A: About the measurement, when you choose custom size, you need to measure your exact body size (according to the following picture) instead of the costume size. Our tailors will make the costume fit for you. Once you make an order, it will take 15–20 working days to customize your costume by professional dressmaker. Complicated dress may need more than 30 days. Some wigs and Customized shoes will take a litter longer, about 4 to 5 weeks. Our dressmaker will start customizing the dress for you within 2 days after receiving your payment, it's impossible to cancel an order. Payment: We accept payments from CCNow, Worldpay and Moneybookers. CCNow accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover/Novus, Diner's Club, and JCB cards.This includes all card types that are derivatives of those brands. Moneybookers mainly accepts payments by credit cards, bank transfers and “pay by Moneybookers” account. For WorldPay, it accepts Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit and MasterMoney. Refund:

Quin - Death Parade Wiki - Wikia Quin (クイーン Kuin) is a worker in the information processing bureau, and is in charge of sending the memories of the dead to arbiters, as well as testing their abilities. She used to be an arbiter in Quindecim until Decim replaced her. Appearance Edit Quin is a tall woman with pale-colored skin. She wears a lab coat atop a gray hoodie and long pale blue skirt. Personality A chatterbox who loves drinking sake and gets along very well with Nona. Plot Quin is first prompted by Nona in Episode 2 to send the memories of Decim's oncoming guests. In Episode 5, Quin is mentioned by Nona when explaining to Decim that he was due for Quin's Memory Test and that he had failed to handle the situation properly, as his attention was diverted to a decoy. Quin finally makes her first full appearance in Episode 7 arriving at Nona Ginta to have a few drinks with Nona. Later in the episode, Nona notices that Quin is less upbeat lately and asks her about it. Relationships Nona Edit Castra Decim Trivia
