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The Future of the Book.

The Future of the Book.

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Projects "Pan-Anthem" is an interactive sound installation where the national anthem of every country in the World plays back on a movable speaker that is magnetically attached to a large wall. The speakers are precisely arranged to visualize national statistics: population, GDP, area, number of women in parliament, GINI, year of independence, HDI and so on. For example, when the work is configured to show military spending per capita, on the far left of the wall the public can hear the anthems of countries without military forces like Costa Rica, Iceland and Andorra while at the far right they can hear Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United States, which spend more than $2,000 per person per year. If no one is in the exhibition room all the speakers are silent, but as a visitor approaches a particular set of speakers these start playing automatically, creating a positional panoramic playback of anthems associated to similar statistics. View Details.

17 Digital Marketing Experts Share Their Top Tips, Tricks, and Tools With the breadth and depth of social media services out there, it’s no wonder that we often find ourselves lost in the vast array of services. Further, those who are seasoned may seem at a loss in the apparent “simplicity” of it all. I took the opportunity to contact some of my esteemed friends and colleagues who are experts in their field and asked for their advice on their favorite little known social media secret and social media tools, including their own if they had them. Here’s what they told me: Shannon Paul Shannon Paul is a social media manager at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and blogs on social media for business at Very Official Blog. Shannon’s Little Known Social Media Secret: One of my secrets is to be a fierce editor. Shannon’s Favorite Little Known Social Media Tool: One is a WordPress plugin called Editflow. Jason Falls Jason Falls is a social media guy who shares great insights at Social Media Explorer, his blog. David Armano Samir Balwani Adam Singer Kristi Hines

How Your Morning Coffee Can Make You a Better Designer | Innovation on GOOD Becoming a better designer is similar to getting physically fit. You need to exercise regularly in order to strengthen your muscles. Even if you didn’t go to design school, you’ll be surprised at how much impact you can have when you incorporate a few simple design skills into your life. First, make a conscious effort to study an everyday activity. As you practice basic design, you can also look beyond your own habits and think about solutions for others. IDEO designers use this same set of skills on projects. Design, at its simplest, is about being intentional about the things we do and creating impact in the world. Image courtesy of IDEO

iPad iBookstore Smashwords = Free, Low Hassle e-Book Publishing: Apple « Have a hankering to be a published author? With the iPad’s launch expected to exponentially increase interest in and demand for e-books, a new e-book publishing and distribution platform called Smashwords could be your ticket to , if not necessarily literary fame and fortune, at least the satisfaction of authorship and perhaps a few bucks of income enhancement. iBookstore Deal Smashwords has reportedly just inked a deal with Apple to distribute Smashwords titles on the iBookstore, with Smashwords and Apple jointly receiving 40 percent of the sale price of each copy sold, but no up front cost to the author or publisher. Apple requires ISBN (International Standard Book Number) support, which Smashwords is currently in the process of adding to its service. And of course, there are already all the “traditional” devices that support e-books such as iPhones and iPods, Amazon’s Kindle, and sundry others. Content Creator Retains Rights Related GigaOM Pro Research:

Better User Experience With Storytelling – Part One - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Stories have defined our world. They have been with us since the dawn of communication, from cave walls to the tall tales recounted around fires. Today we communicate a bit differently. Image credit: guldfisken Using storytelling, however, we can pull these fragments together into a common thread. It Begins with a Story In 1977, a simple story set the film industry on its side. Image credit: Wired (Courtesy of Ballantine Books) The movie, if you haven’t guessed, was Star Wars. Star Wars wasn’t a new story though. Revealing the Design in Stories The creation of a story is often viewed as an almost magical or random process. The story arc is widely used in screenwriting and novels. The structure of the story has been around since long before screenwriting was taught. Campbell studied the structure of religion and myths across many cultures. We find the blueprint for “The Hero’s Journey” in films like Star Wars and The Matrix (via Star Wars Origins, Unofficial Site) The Benefits

Home of the Tagtool Can We Create The Future Of Indie Marketing & Distribution—Or Is It Already Dead? > Hope for Film We speak of the need to utilize PMDs (aka Producers of Marketing & Distribution) on Indie/TFF movies these days, but how do these people get trained (not to mention, paid for)? Where do they learn their skill sets? Two or three years into this DIY Indie Movement of sorts, can you name more than three or four people (at best) who do this? Isn't this the missing piece? Two or so years ago, Jon Reiss and I developed a pretty extensive proposal for a Marketing/Distribution Lab. On the agency level, I hear the problem amplified. Sundance has made great strides under new Executive Director Keri Putnam to not only recognize that most independent film won't find a traditional corporately-backed distribution home, but also most shouldn't even opt for that. But their lies the rub: are artists willing to take responsibility for their work yet? I encounter the problem with myself. So what is to be done?

Interaction of Color App Demo Trailer Seth's Blog: What Matters Now: get the free ebook [Update! Now available in a print edition, all proceeds to Room to Read. Thanks Bernie!] Now, more than ever, we need to shake things up. Now, more than ever, we need a different way of thinking, a useful way to focus and the energy to turn the game around. Here are more than seventy big thinkers, each sharing an idea for you to think about as we head into the new year. Here's the deal: it's free. Have fun. Here's a lens with all the links plus an astonishing array of books by our authors. NEW BONUS: A different coop ebook, (click for free download) this time with contributions from authors that include JC Hutchins, Cory Doctorow, Joseph Finder and Chris Brogan.

Best Wedding Invite Ever That was f%#king awesome. Thank you to all who could make it. Here’s our invite, printed by the fine folks at Kayrock in Williamsburg. We went to Texas shortly afterwards just to chill out for a few days. Metafolksonomy and the Social Web: Introduction - The ENTiPping Point When you start to have more than a couple dozen folks that you follow on Twitter, the prospect of managing the relationships you're creating starts to get a little overwhelming. We've all met great people on social media sites. And there is usually some singular trait that drew you to interact with these great people. However, as you get to know them, watch their Twitter stream and see who else they interact with, you probably get to know more interesting things about them. So what may have started out as a business relationship interest, over time, the total picture of that person starts to become clearer. You may notice an industry pro talking about his grandmother who just used to live next to Abraham Zapruder. Maybe you find out someone went to pastry school while they "searched for identity" before becoming a CPA. You might discover that someone who has been so hard to get a response from on Twitter actually shares your love for collecting frog figurines.

Writing a Book – Making Money MMMMMMMM, money. How do you make money writing a book? Earlier posts in this series:Writing a Book – Finding TimeWriting a Book – DisciplineWriting a Book – StructureWriting a Book – Marketing And Promotion So, we’re at the end of the series, kids, but lots of you have asked along the way, “but can I make any money at this book thing?” Teaching Sells Think beyond the pages for a moment. Speaking Sells Julien Smith and I didn’t exactly buy matching ponies with the money. Selling Bits So why not sell something digitally? Pushing Paper You can make money selling actual books. But in that specific case, you know that you can do the distribution and you know that YOU can put those books in people’s hands. So, Where’s The Money? To me, the money was laid out to you in pretty much the order of best-to-worst money-making. The money for fiction authors? And the Secret Is Last Magazines pay pretty darned well. There you have it, my friends. orrrr, if you want another secret…well, never mind.

Botiquín de emergencia para sobrevivir a un apocalipsis zombi: ¡No se olvide las curitas! A continuación figuran algunos remedios para luchar contra los muertos vivientes propuestos por Vasily Vereshchak, del grupo antiterrorista ruso 'Alfa', por Bill White, del Navy SEAL estadounidense, y por Dan Haskell, de las fuerzas especiales de Israel. Todos ellos aparecen recogidos en el portal 1. ¿Qué llevar consigo? Vereshchak propone lo siguente: Agua (un par de botellas) Galletas (mejor no llevar consigo conservas enlatadas, porque es un peso innecesario).Vodka (una botella para no tener frío por las noches, pero tomar un poco: 100 gramos para los hombres, 50 para las mujeres, y un par de gramos disueltos en agua en el caso de los niños).Carbón activado (si la comida es mala).Yodo y vendajes.Manta para los niños. 2. Vereshchak: La ropa debe ser ceñida, ya que la holgada puede molestar. White: La ropa holgada es lo mejor, ya que los vaqueros impiden correr, saltar o escalar tapias. 3. 4. 5. White: Haga una parada en la tienda de armas. 6. 7. 8. 9.

