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100 Years of Change

100 Years of Change
then and now Let's explore some of the ways American life has changed in 100 years. Average individual income Unemployment People per household Median age at first marriage Most popular baby names Boys Girls Boys Girls John Mary Aiden Sophia William Helen Jackson Emma James Dorothy Ethan Olivia Robert Margaret Liam Isabella Joseph Ruth Mason Ava Overall population By ethnicity (percentage of overall population) White 88.8% 63.4% White Black 10.7% 13.1% Black Other 0.5% 23.5% Other races races Life expectancy 2x5= School-aged children enrolled in school High school graduates* Early figures measured 17-year-olds; modern calculation includes up to age 25 Bachelor's degrees* Early figures measured 23-year-olds; modern calculation start at age 25 Entertainment "Traffic in Soles" "Iron Man 3" is the top-grossing film, bring in takes in more than $413,000 $340 million ($94 million in today's dollars) Top Songs Top Songs When Irish Eyes Ar Smiling Can't Hold Us by Chauncy Olcott by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis by Charles Harrison by Pink

Sydney Architecture Images- St. Andrew’s Anglican Cathedral St Andrew's Cathedral is one of the finest Gothic-revival church buildings in New South Wales and is the pre-eminent church building within the Sydney Anglican Diocese. The building represents the aspirations of the Colony and was the focus of much of Sydney life both during and after its construction. The completion of the Cathedral building was a major achievement for both the church and the City of Sydney. Early Construction 1811-c.1874 The Cathedral was planned by Governor Macquarie to be an impressive Gothic building in the centre of Sydney within a large square which would contain major civic buildings. Macquarie's vision has since been realised with the construction of the cathedral and later the Town Hall. It is clear that Macquarie intended the building to be a cathedral and for it to be located in the centre of Sydney. Early planning and construction was haphazard. In October 1850 six bishops of Australasia met in Sydney for a conference.

ملف كامل عن عجينة التارت - منتديات روضة القرآن النسائى اولا: طريقة عمل العجينة المقادير 2 كوب دقيق ربع ملعقة شاي ملح ثلثي كوب زبدة باردة جدا من 4 إلى 5 ملاعق طعام ماء مثلج العجينة المثاليه هي التي يكون طعمها حلو و طريه و في نفس الوقت مقرمشه و ذلك يعتمد علي طريقه العجن الطريقه: 1. اخلطي الدقيق الابيض مع الملح 2. 3. او يتم الخلط باستخدام السكين ملاحظة: كل ما قللنا مدة العجن كل ما حصلنا على عجينه طريه 4.اضيفي الماء المثلج: ابدئي باضافه من 3 الي 4 ملعقه طعام من الماء المثلج و يتم التقليب بالشوكه و بخفه شديدة حتي يختفي الماء فقط ثم اضيفي من 1 الي 2 ملعقه طعام ماء مثلج 5-بالنسبه للماء...لا تضعي اكثر من 5 ملاعق طعام بأي حال من الاحوال 6.قسمي العجينه الي قسمين و ضعي كل قسم في ورق شفاف 7. طريقة فـــــــــرد العجينة 1.التحضير لفرد العجينه:- سخني الفرن علي 475 فهرنهايت / 240 مئوي.حركي رف الفرن لاسفل وضع ممكن و ذلك لتجنب عدم استواء العجينة ضعي على رخامه المطبخ قماشه خاصه بالعجين اسمها"pastry cloth" و ثبتيها في مكانها بشريط لزق و فائدة هذة القماشه انها تسهل عمليه فرد العجينه و تفادي لصقها في الرخامه 2. عند فرد العجينه بالنشابه,القماشه ستمتص الدقيق بدل العجينه 3. 4.

The American Testimony: Discovery and Colonization of the New World Back to Index I Home I DVD Store I Historical Documents I Video Guides I Customer Service I About Us Need to print this document? Go to "Print Preview" in your web browser and select "Shrink to Fit." Book 1: Discovery and Colonization of the New World (1492 - 1763) © Copyright 2005 Bryan Hardesty. (NOTE: The DVD Edition of The American Testimony is available at our store.) It is not known how long humans have wandered the expanse of land that came to be known as America. Columbus was a mapmaker who believed that Europeans could reach the Orient more efficiently by ocean travel than across land. By the mid-to-late 1400’s, Europeans began to build sturdier ships than before, and Portugal’s Henry the Navigator was among the first to apply the direction-finding principles of Ptolemy, the ancient astronomer, to long-distance sea voyages. As a prominent seafaring nation, Portugal initially appeared to be the best possible site where Columbus could raise money for shipbuilding.

Rare Historical Photos A boxing match on board the USS Oregon in 1897. Albert Einstein looking fabulous. Here's his report card! Samurai taken between 1860 and 1880. A shell shocked reindeer looks on as World War II planes drop bombs on Russia in 1941 Roy O. and Walt Disney on the day they opened Disney Studios. Che Guevara. The Microsoft staff in 1978. The last known Tasmanian Tiger photographed in 1933. A different angle taken of "Tank Man," the man who stood against a line of tanks in Tiananmen Square.He is standing in the street between the tree trunk and the fleeing man.You can see the tanks approaching from the right. Winston Churchill out for a swim. The London sky following a bombing and dogfight between British and German planes in 1940. Martin Luther King, Jr removes a burned cross from his yard in 1960. Google begins. Nagasaki, 20 minutes after the atomic bombing in 1945. A Native American overlooking the newly completed transcontinental railroad in 1868. The Great San Francisco Fire and Earthquake of 1906.

Cathedral History Background Situated above busy Town Hall Railway Station, St Andrew’s Cathedral is in the heart of Sydney. A popular tourist attraction, next to Sydney’s Town Hall, it is also a key evangelical church for overseas and interstate visitors. The Cathedral is the central gathering place for Diocesan events, being the “seat” of the Archbishop of Sydney. These events draw large numbers of people together from our many parishes. The wider community of Sydney also enjoy coming to the Cathedral for special occasions. And yet for all the grand occasions, the Cathedral is also a great place to come for weddings. Even in the midst of a busy city, there are times when the Cathedral can be a place to sit quietly and pray and think. St Andrew’s Cathedral School has a close association with the Cathedral as well, since it was first established as a school for the Cathedral choir. The Cathedral continues to be the centre of much of the Christian celebrations in the city throughout the year. Architecture

Unusual Night in Nature Two French hotel/camp, Attrape Reves in Bouches-du-Rhone (near Marseille) and Sky River near Loir-et-Cher, are the places where you can sleep under the stars. Concept of sleeping in balloons are designed by French designer Pierre Stefan, wanting to create an environmentally friendly space: when a plastic bubble pack, the area remains almost intact. Balloons are small and cozy, their diameter is about four meters. Some are completely transparent, while others provide a little more privacy. Of course, if you want comfort that provides, for example, “Ric”, these unusual balloons are probably not for you. Sleeping under the stars gets a new meaning in the unusual “camps” in France – visitors are accommodated in nature under the open sky.

Where is Anne Boleyn Buried? “Intelligence, Spirit and Courage” A True and Exact Draught of the TOWER LIBERTIES, survey'd in the Year 1597 by GULIELMUS HAIWARD and J. GASCOYNE. On the morning of May 19 1536, Anne Boleyn went bravely to her death in a private execution at the Tower of London. It took only one stroke of the executioner’s sword to sever her delicate neck, the very same neck that the poet Thomas Wyatt had once praised as ‘fair’ in one of his admiring verses. Anne’s head was covered in a white cloth and carried by one of her ladies. Although only a short while ago Anne had been Queen, loved and desired by a King, no provision had been made for a proper coffin. Chapel Royal St Peter ad Vincula Anne’s women carried her body approximately 65 metres (Ives, Pg. 359) to the royal chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, passing the newly filled graves of Norris, Weston, Brereton and Smeaton, and buried her in the earth beneath the chancel pavement in an unmarked grave (Weir, Pg. 273). Anne Boleyn's Memorial Plaque*

6 Baffling Discoveries That Science Can’t Explain For those who don’t get to the bottom, the source of the article is It is posted here with many edits. Edits made were edits to remove opinion, swearing, vulgar comments and racism from the originial article so that it would be more acceptable for our audience. Original article sourced twice for those who want to see the full. Ancient cultures have left many relics and structures that have us guessing why, what and how. #6 - The Voynich Manuscript The Voynich manuscript is an ancient book that has thwarted all attempts at deciphering its contents. It appears to be a real language–just one that nobody has seen before. Translation: “…and when you get her to put the tennis racket in her mouth, have her stand in a fountain for a while. There is not even a consensus on who wrote it, or even when it was written. As you can imagine, proposed solutions have been all over the map. #5. #4. So what’s the big deal? Oddly, the pipes are clean of debris despite being older than Zeus. #3.
