EYLF Programming Documentations - Early Years Curriculum Planning The Early Years Learning Framework describes the curriculum as “all the interactions, experiences, activities, routines and events, planned and unplanned, that occur in an environment designed to foster children’s learning and development”. The Childcare Curriculum Plan is a planned sequence of activities and experiences, which are intended to achieve an outcome. This means, all the activities / experiences that the children engage in on a daily basis, have an aim / objective and are planned to be available for the group of children on that specific day. What is a Curriculum Plan The curriculum plan is a document that lists all the experiences, events and activities that are available for the children throughout the course of the day. As part of implementing a curriculum plan, documentation (daily diary, learning stories and observations) becomes a resource tool that is used to reflect on and extend upon the children’s learning and development. Collecting Evidence of Learning Input Keys:
Early Years Foundation Stage paperwork On this page you'll find all the guidance and templates Surrey Early Years and Childcare Service produce to help you deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The best way to keep up to date with changes is by subscribing to the Way Ahead e-bulletin. You can also contact your early years sector improvement advisor or home-based childcare advisor for advice and guidance. If you're not sure who this is, call Surrey Early Years and Childcare Service on 01372 833833 or email eycs.admin@surreycc.gov.uk. Templates for planning, observing and documenting individual children's learning We have developed three templates to help you plan, observe and document the learning and development of individual children in your care. Observation sheet (available as A4 portrait or A4 landscape)Summary and planning sheet (available as A4 portrait or A4 landscape)Progress tracker (available as A4 landscape only) Information sheet for parents about the revised EYFS Download the information sheet.
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