Shawn Achor op TED: ‘The Happiness Advantage’ | Even goed ervoor gaan zitten… want deze TEDtalk gaat ongelooflijk snel, maar wat Shawn Achor te vertellen heeft is de moeite waard. Hij neemt je in een mix van anekdotes uit zijn eigen leven en onderzoeksresultaten mee langs wetenschappelijk onderzoek (en de neiging om naar ‘het gemiddelde’ te kijken ipv de outliers), de kerngedachte van positieve psychologie (‘kijk juist wel naar de outliers om daarvan te leren’) en houdt dan een pleidooi voor het omkeren van de ‘Happiness Formula’. Die zeker in de VS wijdverbreid is, maar ook wel in onze cultuur genesteld. Happiness Formula Die basisaanname over geluk is – impliciet of expliciet – : ‘als ik harder werk, word ik succesvol/bereik ik mijn doelen en dan ben ik gelukkig’. Door succes als voorwaarde te zien fop je je brein, legt Achor uit: dat stelt immers steeds weer nieuwe doelen als het eerdere doel bereikt is. Draai het om Kijken en lezen? Zo scherp en levendig als Achor het vertelt kan ik het hier niet navertellen.
Why "20% Time" is Good for Schools Have you ever met an adult who doesn't really love what they do, but just goes through the motions in their job and everyday life? Have you spoken with men and women who constantly complain, showing no visible passion for anything in the world? I'm sure that, like me, you have met those people. I've also seen the making of these adults in schools across our country: students who are consistently being "prepared" for the next test, assessment, or grade level . . . only to find out after graduation that they don't really know what they are passionate about. These are the same students who are never allowed to learn what they want in school. Enter 20% time. What 20% time allows students to do is pick their own project and learning outcomes, while still hitting all the standards and skills for their grade level. With 20% time, we can solve one society’s biggest problems by giving students a purpose for learning and a conduit for their passions and interests. Students Teachers Parents
Schuld van de ouders? Judith Rich Harris Judith Rich Harris - "The Nurture Assumption" Verbanden Enige tijd geleden werd bij een onderzoek naar kinderen met de diagnose ADHD een verband gevonden tussen het feit dat zij waren opgenomen in een dagcentrum en het feit dat zij uit probleemgezinnen afkomstig waren. Het viel me op dat dit verband in de media met veel bombarie gebracht werd als een oorzakelijk verband, terwijl het dat natuurlijk helemaal niet hoeft te zijn! Overal hoorde je opeens ‘probleemgezin veroorzaakt ADHD bij het kind!’; ‘slecht ouderschap leidt ertoe dat kind opgenomen moet worden in een dagcentrum!’. In een bepaalde periode werden er in een land veel meer ooievaars gezien dan in de jaren ervoor en erna. Het is dus bepaald onwetenschappelijk, en zelfs wel dom, om in ieder verband een oorzakelijk verband te zien. top Judith Rich Harris In 1998 is er een boek uitgekomen van Judith Rich Harris, gebaseerd op enkele wetenschappelijke publicaties van haar: ‘The nurture assumption’. Nature versus Nurture
- Create a Culture of Questioning and Inquiry 4 Comments August 14, 2013 By: Guest Blogger Nancy White Aug 13 Written by: 8/13/2013 6:00 PM ShareThis I have often suggested to teachers that when students have access to technology, whether it is provided by the school in a 1:1, BYOD, or simply the smart phone in their pocket, there should never be a question that goes unanswered –or un-followed. What I discovered in the 300+ observations I have done for our 21st Century Learning grant work was that the problem isn’t necessarily about allowing time for students to answer questions. As the new school year begins, think about how you might begin to shift from a culture of compliance, to a culture of questioning in your classroom. Ask: “What do you wonder?” This seems like a simple thing to do – and it is! Question wall I found these in several classrooms I visited recently. Question journal Get students in the habit of collecting questions in a journal – paper or electronic. Question Formulation Technique Inquiry days
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Hij is hoogleraar en voormalig hoofd van de psychologie-faculteit van de Universiteit van Chicago. Bronnen[bewerken] Beyond Boredom and Anxiety, 1975, San Francisco: Jossy-Bass.Flow: The psychology of optimal experience, 1990, New York: Harper & Row.Creativiteit, over 'flow', schepping en ontdekking, 1998, ISBN 90-5352-373-1Flow, psychologie van de optimale ervaring, 1999, ISBN 90-5352-508-4De weg naar Flow, 1999, ISBN 90-5352-535-1Flow in zaken, over leiderschap en betekenisgeving, 2003, ISBN 90-5352-909-8 Externe link[bewerken] Why Teaching Helps Students Learn More Deeply Teaching Strategies Tulane Public Relations/Flickr Learning, and thinking, are deeply social activities. This is not the traditional view (Rodin’s iconic sculpture, “The Thinker,” is conspicuously alone in his chin-on-fist musings), but it’s the view that is emerging out of several decades of social science research. Our minds often work best in interaction with other people’s minds, and there are particular kinds of relationships that are especially good at evoking our intelligence. One is the master-apprentice relationship. “Student teachers score higher on tests than pupils who are learning only for their own sake.” Students enlisted to tutor others, these researchers have found, work harder to understand the material, recall it more accurately and apply it more effectively. Educators are experimenting with ways to apply this model to academic subjects. Feedback from the teachable agents further enhances the tutors’ learning. Related
RECOUP Blogger | Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty Online Student Communication Guidelines To be effective, an online classroom must be a safe space where students feel their voices will be respected, supported and heard. Establishing clear guidelines for online interactions is a critical step in creating an online forum that will be successful long-term. A stronger in-class community will form as a result of establishing and maintaining a safe space in your online site. Strategies for Creating and Maintaining a Safe Space: Use each other’s names. Examples of Strong Sentence Starters: Rebecca’s comment made me think about…. Although Zach made a strong point that__________, I think…. I had not thought about Leigh’s point that…. I respectfully disagree with Lawrence’s assertion…. I really appreciate Deborah’s insight into…. Thank you, Manuel, for sharing…. Great point, Angela! Even though Katie’s point is valid, I tend to…. Building on Dustin’s statement that…. In contrast to Michelle’s point…. Brady highlighted some key ideas when he said… Caitlin, can you clarify your statement that…?
John MacBeath Position/Status Emeritus Professor John MacBeath is Professor Emeritus at the University of Cambridge, Director of Leadership for Learning: the Cambridge Network and Projects Director for the Centre for Commonwealth Education. He acted in a consultancy role to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), UNESCO and ILO (International Labour Organisation), the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Prince's Trust, the European Commission, the Scottish Executive, the Swiss Federal Government, the Varkey Group in Dubai (Emirates) and the Hong Kong Education Department. Dan Pink: How Teachers Can Sell Love of Learning to Students By Jennie Rose In his new book To Sell is Human, author Daniel Pink reports that education is one of the fastest growing job categories in the country. And with this growth comes the opportunity to change the way educators envision their roles and their classrooms. Guided by findings in educational research and neuroscience, the emphasis on cognitive skills like computation and memorization is evolving to include less tangible, non-cognitive skills, like collaboration and improvisation. Jobs in education, Pink said in a recent interview, are all about moving other people, changing their behavior, like getting kids to pay attention in class; getting teens to understand they need to look at their future and to therefore study harder. “We have a lot of learned behavior of compliance, and hunger for external rewards and no real engagement.” Whether a teacher is presenting to her board or pitching a crowd of 12-year-olds on why Shakespeare was a genius, it’s all the art of persuasion. Related