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Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as HHO fuel

Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as HHO fuel

Aether Theory Nanowires Give Solar Fuel Cell Efficiency a Tenfold Boost A solar cell that produces fuel rather than electricity. Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and FOM Foundation today present a very promising prototype of this in the journal Nature Communications. The material gallium phosphide enables their solar cell to produce the clean fuel hydrogen gas from liquid water. Processing the gallium phosphide in the form of very small nanowires is novel and helps to boost the yield by a factor of ten. The electricity produced by a solar cell can be used to set off chemical reactions. Solar fuel cell To connect an existing silicon solar cell to a battery that splits the water may well be an efficient solution now but it is a very expensive one. GaP has good electrical properties but the drawback that it cannot easily absorb light when it is a large flat surface as used in GaP solar cells. Source: Eindhoven University of Technology

Prof René-Louis Vallée -- Synergetic Generator Single Circuits Generate Nuclear Reactions Tesla_2006 * NewbieSingle circuits generate nuclear reactionsAugust 01, 2006 Hello, there are many single electric and electronic circuits can generate controlled nuclear reactions, totally ecology and of low costs, I've tested 3 circuits with full results 1) Discharging a condenser in a carbon rod When a condenser is discharged in a carbon rod acelerated electrons hit the carbon atoms in a fusion reaction creating Boron in the following reaction C + e = B For this process is needed a fews Kilo-electronvolts (Kev) of energy powered for the condenser bank But that Boron atom is a inestable isotop and desintegrates in the original Carbon atom in a reversible reaction B = C + e This reaction liberates about 13 Mev, and liberates the same electron used for the first reaction but with more energy in a way of beta radiation. Very single circuit , an oscillator a doubler with a discharge condenser I know this one.

L'invention d'un chercheur japonais va révolutionner le rendement, facteur 3, des éoliennes ! L’invention d’un chercheur japonais, Yuji Ohyav, travaillant à l’Université de Kyushu, a permis de faire un grand pas en avant car elle permet de multiplier le rendement des éoliennes d’une nouvelle génération capable de produire de 2 à 3 fois plus d’énergie. L’invention d’un chercheur japonais, Yuji Ohyav, travaillant à l’Université de Kyushu, a permis de faire un grand pas en avant car elle permet de multiplier le rendement des éoliennes d’une nouvelle génération capable de produire de 2 à 3 fois plus d’énergie. L’invention est aussi simpliste que génial. Il suffit d’ajouter une paroi, une sorte de court cylindre de forme conique appelle « lentille » positionné autour des palles. L’ajout de cette « lentille » ( "Wind Lens" ou « Wind Lens Turbine » en anglais) permet de créer une zone de dépression qui aspire le vent, concentrant et accélérant le flux à travers les hélices. Source : Forte de ce succès, l’équipe de M. Des brevets ont été déposé Fin d'article.

Patent US20040164824 - Hyperspace energy generator - Google Patenten [0072] 1. Referring to FIG. 15, the coaxial cable has a braided gold wire outer conductor (A) and a braided gold wire inner conductor (B) separated by a dielectric (C). The open braiding promotes the conduction of the electromagnetic wave while allowing the hyperspace mist to seep out of the braid and permeate the surrounding material in which it is embedded. [0073] 2. The radius of the outer conductor a and the radius of the inner conductor b have the following values in order to couple the cable to the tetrahedral geometry of subspace. [0076] 3. [0057]FIG. 1. [0058]FIG. 2. [0059]FIG. 3. [0060]FIG. 4. [0061]FIG. 5. [0062]FIG. 6. [0063]FIG. 7. [0064]FIG. 8. [0065]FIG. 9. [0066]FIG. 10. [0067]FIG. 11. [0068]FIG. 12. [0069]FIG. 13. [0070]FIG. 14. [0071]FIG. 15.

Journal of Nuclear Physics Nesaranews Hidden Technologies News From PESWiki PESWiki Blog A lot of action here presently. Most of the new stuff is going here. Featured: PES Network > News > Free Energy Blog - Latest include: HopeGirl on QEG, in London • German Group achieves QEG resonance • Zenith of manufacturing: Airbus A380 • Latest on QEG: Re-insulating Core • YMNEE Provides 1 MW QMoGen Photos • My Dad & the World’s Most Accurate Atomic Clock • MORE...(index) (PESWiki; Bullet updated April 12, 2014; 1:40 GMT) Free Energy News Saturday, April 12, 2014 HopeGirl on QEG, in London - Her scheduled presentation, that she paid large sums to attend, was cut very short. Friday, April 11, 2014 Thursday, April 10, 2014 Featured: PES Network > Looking for Free Energy News Angel(s) - The challenging of getting investment money for the exotic free energy sector technologies is greater than our new friend anticipated; so he's not been able to help PES as he had hoped. Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Tuesday, April 8, 2014 Monday, April 7, 2014 Sunday, April 6, 2014 Note See also

Construire une éolienne maison et une éolienne à axe verticale Partagez : L’énergie éolienne continue d’en séduire plus d’un. Cependant, pas facile de savoir comment s’y prendre pour bénéficier de ses avantages ! Les éoliennes vendues dans le commerce sont plutôt alléchantes mais leur coût à l’achat et à l’installation vous effraie. Pourtant, vous vous dites qu’un autre choix est impossible. Et c’est là que vous vous trompez ! On ne cesse de le répéter, l’éolienne représente une excellente alternative pour réduire les dépenses en électricité, tout en veillant au respect de l’environnement. L’éolienne constitue une véritable énergie d’appoint principalement pour les habitants situés loin du réseau d’électricité. Par ailleurs, il existe également des kits de conception pour la fabrication facile d’une éolienne domestique, conçus spécialement pour les particuliers et conformes à leur besoins. L’éolienne sur le plan administratif Fabriquer une éolienne domestique Faites des économies avec une éolienne conçue par vous-même

Fuel cell Demonstration model of a direct-methanol fuel cell. The actual fuel cell stack is the layered cube shape in the center of the image Scheme of a proton-conducting fuel cell The first fuel cells were invented in 1838. The first commercial use of fuel cells came more than a century later in NASA space programs to generate power for probes, satellites and space capsules. There are many types of fuel cells, but they all consist of an anode, a cathode and an electrolyte that allows charges to move between the two sides of the fuel cell. The fuel cell market is growing, and Pike Research has estimated that the stationary fuel cell market will reach 50 GW by 2020.[3] History[edit] Sketch of William Grove's 1839 fuel cell The first references to hydrogen fuel cells appeared in 1838. In 1939, British engineer Francis Thomas Bacon successfully developed a 5 kW stationary fuel cell. Types of fuel cells; design[edit] Fuel cells come in many varieties; however, they all work in the same general manner.

Caduceus Coil The Caduceus Coil Also called the Smith Coil or the Tensor Coil The caduceus coil is well known to some branches of orthodox science but largely neglected, waved away and often relegated to what is referred to as the realms of pseudoscience and free energy irrationality. However, many electronic experimenters have reported that they have observed numerous properties unexplained by this very same science. What the following represents is a veritable ocean of unexplored possibilities. To reject such things purely on the basis of lack of theory, when others have built the hardware and seen it working, is a strange brand of science. A description of a caduceus coil by Wilbert Smith. The coil is said to be an energy sink --- that is, current fed into it just disappears, causing no radiation, even of heat. The Tensor Beam Verbatim extracts from the Smith archive: Index: July 5, 1993 Wilbert B. Links:
