EVOLUTION PRIX DES CARBURANTS DEPUIS 1956, part des TAXES Les prix des carburants vont grimper pour le week-end de Pâques Mardi 15 04 2014 à 11h56 Attention, hausse des prix en perspective. Selon le comparateur Carbeo, les prix du carburant se ressentiront des effets de la crise ukrainienne à l'approche du week-end de Pâques. Du 7 au 13 avril déjà, les prix de l'essence ont gagné un centime: le ... Le Figaro EVOLUTION PRIX DES CARBURANTS - Gazole: 1.3 € - SP95: 1.51 € Prix au 18/4/2014 Prix du carburant : possible flambée due à la crise en Ukraine Mardi 15 04 2014 à 17h06 La crise en Ukraine pourrait, par ricochets, engendrer une flambée des prix du carburant aux pompes françaises. Baisse de 6 centimes à partir du 29/08/2012 Au 29/08/2012 au soir, le gazole a effectivement baissé de 6 centimes en moyenne en parcourant le site prix des carburants du gouvernement... confirmé le 3/09/2012. Le prix des carburants plus élevé que mi-2008, date de l'envolée du prix du pétrole Evolution du prix de l'essence en France. Commentaires cr1317 Mars 2014, 16:43
Diary of a Walking Butterfly | we can escape the institutions that clip our wings, if only we organise to make it so! Forensically Forensically is a set of free tools for digital image forensics. It includes clone detection, error level analysis, meta data extraction and more. It is made by Jonas Wagner. You can read a bit more about it in this blog post. You should think of forensically as a kind of magnifying glass. Also absence of evidence is still not evidence of absence and Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Offline mode enabled. Tutorial Video The Tools Magnifier The magnifier allows you to see small hidden details in an image. MagnificationAlso known as the zoom factor. EnhancementThere are three different enhancements available at the moment. Clone Detection The clone detector highlights similar regions within an image. Regions that are similar are marked in blue and connected with a red line. Minimal SimilarityDetermines how similar the cloned pixels need to be to the original. Minimal DetailBlocks with less detail than this are not considered when searching for clones. Error Level Analysis Mode
PREVISION INFLATION EN FRANCE POUR 2011, 2012 PREVISIONS INFLATION MOYENNE 2013 et 2014 (Octobre 2013) L'inflation moyenne de l'année 2013 devrait finalement être proche de 1%. PREVISION INFLATION POUR 2013 : tendance IPC depuis 2000 (Avril 2013) L'inflation en 2013 s'annonce comme devant être assez faible. En effet, en tendance long terme depuis 2000, L'IPC et donc les prix augmentent régulièrement suivant une droite de pente 2%. Evolution de l'Indice des Prix depuis 2000 La tendance de l'IPC est représentée par la droite en pointillé dont la pente est de 2% (0.164/mois *12 = 1.97%/an) Malgré des variations parfois importantes autour de cette droite, l'IPC suit parfaitement cette tendance jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Coins des experts: L'indice des prix suit une droite de pente 2%, cela implique que l'inflation sur la période a tendance à s'amortir. PREVISION INFLATION POUR 2013 : paradoxe inflation basse Le niveau très bas de l'inflation actuelle peut alors surprendre quand on voit la tendance long terme de l'IPC. en cours ... Commentaires
GLOBAL RELAY NETWORK PimEyes Monnaies alternatives JMC - Le fait que ce sujet, plus ancien qu'on ne le pense généralement, prenne une nouvelle dimension est dû à plusieurs facteurs : la crise financière et monétaire bien sûr, mais aussi l'arrivée depuis quelques mois de plates-formes permettant de créer sa monnaie sur internet ou sur téléphone mobile qui devraient démocratiser la conception et la diffusion de monnaies complémentaires. Nous devrions donc avoir une émergence de ce que l'on appelle l'innovation ascendante (une innovation faites par un très grand nombre de personnes plutôt que réservée à un petit nombre de chercheurs spécialisés). Pour prendre un exemple, le fait que l'informatique et les réseaux soient passés dans le monde de l'innovation ascendante grace aux micro ordinateurs, au Web et plus récemment au Web 2.0 fait que depuis 1993, la naissance du Web, jusqu'à nos jours il y a eu plus d'innovations (technologiques mais aussi de service ou d'usage) que depuis la naissance de l'humanité jusquà 1993.
Doc 40 Intel471 With digitization and the natural growth of your company, your attack surface is growing more complex. As it grows in scale and complexity, it becomes harder to track and therefore protect each asset within it. This can leave you vulnerable to a devastating cyber incident. If you truly want to mitigate threats to your attack surface, you need to go one step further: you need visibility of the potential threats to it that are mobilizing within the cyber underground. Database of radiological incidents and related events compiled by Wm. Robert Johnston last modified 20 January 2014 Contents Introduction: This database is a compilation of general data on radiological accidents/incidents and other events which have produced radiation casualties. Listed events include: Events resulting in acute radiation casualties. This listing is far from complete, although it includes most of the worst accidents. Frequently asked questions (criteria, Three Mile Island, etc.). Lists: Links and documents: Database--incidents and events: listed chronologically; accidents/incidents resulting in fatalities listed in bold, those involving more than one fatality indicated by * Skip to: 1945 - 1950 - 1955 - 1960 - 1965 - 1970 - 1975 - 1980 - 1985 - 1990 - 1995 - 2000 - 2005 - 2010 - Comments? Copyright © 2004-2013, 2014 by Wm.
Criminal IP Demand growing for non-GMO corn seed | The Organic & Non-GMO Report Published: January 4, 2013 By Ken Roseboro Category: Non-GMO Market News To access all the articles in this month's issue of The Organic & Non-GMO Report, SUBSCRIBE NOW. Farmers questioning the value of GMO traits in corn Interest and demand for non-GMO corn seed among US farmers is growing, according to seed suppliers who say that higher yields and returns, less cost, dissatisfaction with genetically modified traits, and better animal health are driving the demand. Tim Schneider, a sales representative for Tom Eischen Sales (515-320-3431) in Algona, Iowa, said he is selling 20 times as much conventional, non-GMO corn seed as GM this year. “Demand has never been higher. Though based in Ontario, Trudell says he is getting many calls from US farmers wanting non-GMO corn seed. Mark Terpstra, owner of Mark Seed (www.markseed.com), says that four years ago, he was selling 70% GM corn seed to 30% non-GMO, but now those numbers are reversed. Higher yields, less cost “Stacked” GM traits aren’t working
Google hacking From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hacker technique Basics Devices connected to the Internet can be found. A search string such as inurl:"Mode=" will find public web cameras. History The list of Google Dorks grew into a large dictionary of queries, which were eventually organized into the original Google Hacking Database (GHDB) in 2004.[6][7] Google Dorking has been involved in some notorious cybercrime cases, such as the Bowman Avenue Dam hack[12] and the CIA breach where around 70% of its worldwide networks were compromised.[13] Star Kashman, a legal scholar, has been one of the first to study the legality of this technique.[14] Kashman argues that while Google Dorking is technically legal, it has often been used to carry out cybercrime and frequently leads to violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.[15] Her research has highlighted the legal and ethical implications of this technique, emphasizing the need for greater attention and regulation to be applied to its use. Protection
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