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Le Haka des All Blacks

Le Haka des All Blacks

Chris Jordan - Midway On Midway Atoll, a remote cluster of islands more than 2000 miles from the nearest continent, the detritus of our mass consumption surfaces in an astonishing place: inside the stomachs of thousands of dead baby albatrosses. The nesting chicks are fed lethal quantities of plastic by their parents, who mistake the floating trash for food as they forage over the vast polluted Pacific Ocean. For me, kneeling over their carcasses is like looking into a macabre mirror. ~cj, Seattle, February 2011 For updates on Chris Jordan”s upcoming film ALBATROSS, visit ALBATROSS film trailer

Jimi Hendrix‬‏ In his brief four-year reign as a superstar, Jimi Hendrix expanded the vocabulary of the electric rock guitar more than anyone before or since. Hendrix was a master at coaxing all manner of unforeseen sonics from his instrument, often with innovative amplification experiments that produced astral-quality feedback and roaring distortion. His frequent hurricane blasts of noise and dazzling showmanship -- he could and would play behind his back and with his teeth and set his guitar on fire -- has sometimes obscured his considerable gifts as a songwriter, singer, and master of a gamut of blues, R&B, and rock styles. When Hendrix became an international superstar in 1967, it seemed as if he'd dropped out of a Martian spaceship, but in fact he'd served his apprenticeship the long, mundane way in numerous R&B acts on the chitlin circuit. It was in a New York club that Hendrix was spotted by Animals bassist Chas Chandler.

Il lègue une partie de sa fortune au village de son enfance Alcool : non, non, les Bretons ne sont pas les champions Dessin de na ! « Boire un verre tous les jours, c’est mettre sa vie en danger » dit la prochaine campagne de lutte contre l’alcoolisme. Et contrairement à ce que les non-Bretons se plaisent à répandre, ce n’est pas en Bretagne qu’on met le plus en danger sa vie sur ce mode. Certes, on y excelle en « cuites », mais c’est plutôt dans le Sud qu’on ferait mieux de se regarder dans le fond du foie. Selon l’Inpes (Institut national de prévention et d’éducation pour la santé), au-delà de trois verres par jour, vous entrez dans la catégorie des consommateurs excessifs. Un homme, la quarantaine – la tranche d’âge visée par la campagne – y enquille les verres. Cet homme-là a plus de chance (ou de risque) de vivre en Languedoc-Roussillon ou en Midi-Pyrénées, qui arrivent juste après le Nord pour la consommation d’alcool « significativement supérieure au reste de la France », qu’à Paimpol ou Plougrescant. Non, la Bretagne n’est pas la plus alcoolo Leader : le binôme Nord-Sud

Test Kangoo Electrique Test d'une voiture électrique "La Kangoo Hybride" - Mois de mai 2005 Les chapitres 2005: Prologue l'achatUtilisation: mai - juin - juillet - août - septembre - octobre - novembre - décembre2006: janvier - février - mars - avril - Rallye Phébus - mai - Rallye 21 - juin - Le record - juillet - Août - Septembre - Octobre - Novembre - Décembre2007: janvier - février - mars - avril - Rallye Monte-Carlo - mai - Phébus 2007- juin juillet août - septembre 2ème traversée - octobre nov - décembre2008: janvier - Epilogue Toujours Contente - Août 2008 Naissance de l'Auto-Magique - septembre - octobre novembre - décembre 20082009: janvier février - Mars - Avril - Mai 13 mai 2005, Livraison du véhicule Chapeau à toute l'équipe Renault! Ma Kangoo est bien là, super équipée et ma surprise a été totale en constatant que le gros poque est devenu un tout petit poque de rien du tout, Merci! Premier objectif, vérifier que mon installation électrique permet bien de recharger le véhicule. + objectif technique:

Graphene loudspeaker could rival commercial speakers and earphones Researchers in the US have made a graphene loudspeaker that has an excellent frequency response across the entire audio frequency range (20 Hz–20 kHz). While the speaker has no specific design, it is already as good as, or even better than, certain commercial speakers and earphones in terms of both frequency response and power consumption. Loudspeakers work by vibrating a thin diaphragm. "Thanks to its ultralow mass, our new graphene loudspeaker fulfils this important requirement because it has a fairly flat frequency response in the human audible region," says team leader Alex Zettl of the University of California, Berkeley. Because the graphene diaphragm is so thin, the speaker does not need to be artificially damped (unlike commercial devices) to prevent unwanted frequency responses, but is simply damped by surrounding air. High-fidelity sound A preprint of the research is available on the arXiv server.

The Future of Self-Improvement, Part I: Grit Is More Important Than Talent In the late ’60s, Stanford psychologist Walter Mischel performed a now-iconic experiment called the Marshmallow Test, which analyzed the ability of four year olds to exhibit “delayed gratification.” Here’s what happened: Each child was brought into the room and sat down at a table with a delicious treat on it (maybe a marshmallow, maybe a donut). The scientists told the children that they could have a treat now, or, if they waited 15 minutes, they could have two treats. All of the children wanted to wait. When the researchers subsequently checked in on these same children in high school, it turned out that those with more self-control — that is, those who held out for 15 minutes — were better behaved, less prone to addiction, and scored higher on the SAT. Instead of getting obsessed with the marshmallow — the “hot stimulus” — the patient children distracted themselves by covering their eyes, pretending to play hide-and-seek underneath the desk, or singing songs from “Sesame Street.”

Download "Hacktivism & The Future of Political Participation" May 10, 2006 I'm making my complete dissertation, Hacktivism and the Future of Political Participation, available for download as of today. Depending on your interests, you might want to download the complete manuscript (284 pages) or to look at selected chapters: You can still access chapter summaries and references (with hyperlinks to sources, where available) by using the drop-down menu at top left.
