Collaborative Protege The format of the Changes and Annotation ontology (ChAO) has changed in Protege 3.4.2 release. If have an existing ChAO project created with an earlier version of Protege and would like to take advantage of the new features, please follow the upgrade instructions from here. Collaborative Protege is an extension of the existing Protege system that supports collaborative ontology editing. The multi-user mode - allows multiple clients to edit simultaneously the same ontology hosted on a Protege server. This user guide applies to both multi-user and standalone mode of Collaborative Protege. Collaborative Protege is distributed with the full installation of Protege. Stand-alone mode Install the full distribution of the latest version of Protege 3.*. Save the project. Multi-user mode If you want to use Collaborative Protege in multi-user mode, you will need to do some additional steps. Do all the steps for the installation in Stand-alone mode. Test the Protege server and client Ontology notes
pipe2py - GitHub Semantic Web Pipes - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software Scriptius: Automate your work and save your time! Romulus - Domain Driven Design and Mashup Oriented Development The main concept of is researching on novel methods for increasing productivity and reliability of web software development, in particularly, focused on Java web development. proposal is based on recognising some of the deficiencies of standard Java Enterprise Edition, and proposing a new paradigm for developing web applications taking advantage of new trends in software engineering, such as domain driven design combined with agile development methodologies, and some of the principles from Ruby on Rails. In order to have a serious impact, the project does not start from scratch, it is based on two mature open source projects, Roma and LIFERAY, which will be extended according to this proposal needs and following an open source project development methodology, in order to disseminate and exploit the results of the project. Integrating a “Mash-up oriented development” in the process. Web Services Mashups, such as Google Maps or Yahoo Pipes. Develop vertical solutions
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Welkin What is this? Welkin is a graph-based RDF visualizer. What's New in Version 1.1 Works on Windows, Linux and MacOSX. Ok, how do I run it? The easiest way is to run Welkin thru Java WebStart. If the application doesn't start when you click the link above, you don't have Java WebStart installed in your machine. Cool, now what? Welkin visualizes RDF models. A word of warning: above 1000 nodes, real-time drawing performance degrades dramatically even on beefy machines. How can I learn more about it? The best way is to read the Welkin User Guide. Where do I download it? You can obtain Welkin in two different ways: In case you want to download the files from the repository (for example, if you want to have the latest and greatest development snapshot), you need to have a Subversion client installed. svn co welkin at the command line and the latest welkin distribution will appear in the "welkin" directory. Licensing and legal issues Credits
XCase - Tool for XML Data Modeling Visual programming language In computing, a visual programming language (VPL) is any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually. A VPL allows programming with visual expressions, spatial arrangements of text and graphic symbols, used either as elements of syntax or secondary notation. For example, many VPLs (known as dataflow or diagrammatic programming)[1] are based on the idea of "boxes and arrows", where boxes or other screen objects are treated as entities, connected by arrows, lines or arcs which represent relations. Definition[edit] VPLs may be further classified, according to the type and extent of visual expression used, into icon-based languages, form-based languages, and diagram languages. Visual programming environments provide graphical or iconic elements which can be manipulated by users in an interactive way according to some specific spatial grammar for program construction. Visual languages[edit]
ConceptNet What is ConceptNet? [top] ConceptNet is a freely available commonsense knowledgebase and natural-language-processing toolkit which supports many practical textual-reasoning tasks over real-world documents right out-of-the-box (without additional statistical training) including topic-jisting (e.g. a news article containing the concepts, “gun,” “convenience store,” “demand money” and “make getaway” might suggest the topics “robbery” and “crime”), affect-sensing (e.g. this email is sad and angry), analogy-making (e.g. The ConceptNet knowledgebase is a semantic network presently available in two versions: concise (200,000 assertions) and full (1.6 million assertions). ConceptNet is a unique resource in that it captures a wide range of commonsense concepts and relations, such as those found in the Cyc knowledgebase, yet this knowledge is structured not as a complex and intricate logical framework, but rather as a simple, easy-to-use semantic network, like WordNet. Download ConceptNet [top]
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