Educational Virtual Museums Developed Using PowerPoint
During ISTE 2010, I had the privilege of learning about a new method of using non-linear PowerPoint. Michelle Lynn of Fox Creek Elementary in Highlands Ranch, Colorado along with Jessie Bertman, Kim Eikenberg, Lindsey Moore, Katie Patterson, Angel Wolf, and their students presented a poster titled "Interactive Primary Lesson or Non-linear Moon Phase PowerPoint." Their students combined a graphic of moon phases with the non-linear technique to create a project that demonstrated their understanding of their science content. You can see some examples of their student work at After viewing their presentation, I realized their were many other ways to use the platform to teach or reinforce cross-curricular content. Of course, many have seen the techniques used to make game boards in the past, but here are some other ideas I hadn't seen before.
3 Steps to Creating an Awesome Virtual Museum in Class
You're spending an afternoon browsing the exhibits at an art museum. If you're anything like me, you'd probably appreciate the art a lot more if you could bring someone along that could explain the history and nuances of the pieces on display. Now imagine pointing a device at the painting and seeing it morph into a dynamic video giving you all the information you wanted about the art. Welcome to augmented reality. Virtual reality replaces the real world with an artificial, digital environment. The Virtual Museum I've worked with teachers at several schools to created virtual museums - student created exhibits that use augmented reality to display student videos when a device is pointed at an exhibit. We used a popular augmented reality app called Aurasma. Visitors were sent an email asking them to download the free Aurasma app and bring their device. We talk about the importance of "depth" in education. I'm sure you'll come up with lots of ideas of your own. A. Media: Create video. B.
5 Interesting Virtual Museums and Activities for Students
As field trip budgets are increasingly trimmed at schools everywhere, teachers will need to find some alternative virtual activities for students. Here are five museums that offer excellent virtual tours and activities for students. The Vatican Museums website hosts a fairly detailed virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel. The tour allows visitors to zoom in on small areas and details of the interior of the Sistine Chapel. Visitors to the virtual tour can turn 360 degrees to view the interior of the Sistine Chapel from various angles. In addition to the tour of the Sistine Chapel the Vatican Museums host virtual tours of five other places and exhibits. The European Virtual Museum is the product of collaboration between twenty-seven European museums. Tenement Museum is a resource for US History teachers that can best be described as an interactive virtual museum. The JFK Presidential Library and Museum website has four interactive exhibits for learning about John F.
40 usos de las herramientas de GOOGLE en Educación
Colaborar en las programaciones didácticas Mantener un registro de las reuniones Crear un repositorio compartido de unidades didácticas Mejorar el proceso de escritura del alumnado Publicar le trabajo de los y las alumnas Coordinar los partes de asistencia Personalizar los boletines Recopilar, analizar y compartir datos, tanto el alumnado como el profesorado Crear y guardar diapositivas Plus Utilizando el historial de revisiones de los documentos compartidos, podemos ver los cambios hechos por los y las diferentes participantes en la elaboración de, por ejemplo, un trabajo escrito. Crear formularios Enseñar al alumnado a presentar respuestas y analizar sus resultados Adminsitrar las evaluaciones Encuestar a los alumnos y alumnas Realizar evaluaciones diagnósticas Seguimiento de las dificultades y problemas más comunes en el aula (p.g., comportamiento) Generar formularios automáticamente con Flubarro Agrupar a los/as estudiantes por materia y curso Crear grupos para familias
Constructor 2.0 - Descubre
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