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7 Essential Reading Strategies Your ESL Students Must Know (and YOU Must Teach)

7 Essential Reading Strategies Your ESL Students Must Know (and YOU Must Teach)
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STAAR Reading Test Passages Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 STAAR Reading Test Passages | Free Printable STAAR Reading Passages PDF Grade 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 STAAR Critical Thinking READING TEST Passages | Inference, Main Idea, Authors Purpose, Sequencing, Summary, Character Traits, Fiction and Non-Fiction (nonfiction) | STAAR ONE PAGE Printable CRITICAL THINKING Reading PASSAGES ALIGNED TO the TEXAS STAAR Assessments and the COMMON CORE ELA Standards from Depaul University More Resources 2nd-3rd Grade Reading Leveled Vocabulary Tier 1, 2, and 3 The Reading Passages are aligned to CCSS and TEKS reading standards because they share the same goal of college and career readiness! Side by side studies showCCSS and TEKS share 70-90% of the same performance goals and reading objectives. CCSS and TEKS reading assessments use and share exactly the same Tier 1, 2, and 3 Academic Reading Vocabulary. 2015 Grades 3–8 STAAR Assessments GRADE 3 STAAR READING PASSAGESThe Ants and the Grasshopper

Literature Based Word Lists VocabularySpellingCity provides a wide range of literature-based vocabulary word lists to support your students in their reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. English literature reading lists are provided at every grade for fiction and poetry, with drama beginning in 7th grade. Each grade, from kindergarten through 12th grade, features ten literature-based lists from works recommended by the Common Core State Standards. These text exemplars include classic stories, poems, and plays appropriate for each grade level. A Word About Reading Levels At VocabularySpellingCity we know that you need to teach your students at their reading level and that in every classroom a broad range of reading levels is to be expected. The Grade Level Equivalent (GLE) is based on the median scores of students in a particular year and month of school. Choosing Literature for Your Students Ready-Made Word Lists You can use VocabularySpellingCity literature lists in different ways.

Argumentation year 9 Reading Skills & Strategies Posters I’ve been wanting to create Reading Skills and Strategies Posters since the beginning of the year. I started a set in September or October, but didn’t have time to complete them at that point in the year. I’m on a kick of trying to improve things this year so I can have more in place next year at the beginning of the year. I created the posters to be reference points for myself and my students throughout the year. I pulled these skills strategies from several sources. Each organizer has the title, a prompt (a question related to skill or strategy) a sample graphic organizer and sentence frames (when applicable) to help students respond to the prompt in a complete sentences. When I teach reading comprehension, I usually provide my students with the vocabulary and sentence structure they need to answer the questions I’m going to ask them about the text. Also included are additional display cards for types of figurative language and genres. These are available in my TpT store.

Teaching Resources | Instruction, Classroom Management, Study Skills & Special Education | Recently Popular Curriculum & Instruction Articles 10 Steps to Better Lesson Plans Master teachers are also master lesson planners. They can look at a learning goal and piece together key components that will ensure that their students meet the goal. Not all lessons need to be a reinvention of the wheel, but there are several hallmarks of well-crafted lesson plans.

Inglês para crianças - Lingokids - The Playlearning™ App in English Lingokids é um aplicativo para ensinar inglês para crianças de 2 a 8 anos. A melhor forma de aprender um idioma nessa idade é através de exercícios e jogos divertidos que prendam a atenção e ofereçam um aprendizado efetivo. Comece a sua semana grátis! O plano de estudos foi desenvolvido por especialistas no ensino de novos idiomas para crianças pequenas e é apoiado pela prestigiada editora britânica Oxford University Press. A plataforma do Lingokids está especificamente desenhada para crianças e oferece um ambiente 100% seguro, sem distrações nem publicidade. Ajude-as a se tornarem bilíngues enquanto se divertem! Lingokids – Inglês para crianças, contém vídeos, atividades, músicas infantis e jogos interativos em inglês que se adaptam a diferentes graus de dificuldade, segundo a velocidade de aprendizagem do estudante.

ESL Kids Puzzles, Printable Crossword and Word Search Puzzles for Children Download ESL kids puzzles and make your lessons more fun. These puzzles will greatly ease the teaching of spelling, reading, writing, vocabulary and other lexical skills. These worksheets can be used in conjunction with the videos and quizzes of this website. Puzzles are below. Phonics Games & Videos Online - Teach Your Child to Read with Phonics - Phonics Games Online, Phonics Worksheets, Phonics Video Tutorials English Lessons for Children - For Parents & Teachers of Kids - We offer Video Tutorials, Games, Worksheets, Powerpoint,Flashcards, Placement Tests - Kids Math Exercises : Math Practice for Kids - Pre-K to 8th Grade. ESL Ebook Packs for Kids : Resources You can't afford not to have. Free Interactive Fun Games for Classrooms - Goodbye Classroom Boredom! ESL Classroom Fun Games: They simply rock! Revision Games for Level 1 - 6 Primary Learners - You have to try these games Free Printable ESL Board and Card Games Free Powerpoint Games For ESL Teaching Share to Facebook
