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北美世界日報 Ukraine Web links to Kyiv Post material are allowed provided that they contain a URL hyperlink to the material and a maximum 500-character extract of the story. Otherwise, all materials contained on this site are protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced without the prior written permission of Public Media at All information of the Interfax-Ukraine news agency placed on this web site is designed for internal use only. 中央廣播電台新聞頻道 Cambodia As mass garment strikes enter a second week, fast-approaching buyer deadlines have manufacturers fretting about transport costs and mounting bills. At least two of Cambodia’s hundreds of garment manufacturers, which ceased operations last week after workers walked off the job demanding a 100 per cent wage increase, will consider paying more than three times their usual transport costs to meet due dates and avoid late penalties. Nam-Shik Kang, the managing director of Injae Garment Co in Phnom Penh, said manufacturers are expecting to have to fork out thousands of extra dollars to send their shipments by air freight instead of by ship to meet the looming deadlines and avoid penalties. This scenario, however, is still contingent on workers returning to finish off orders for shipment, an unlikely prospect in the short term. “All manufacturers are facing the same issues. “I am very upset as I have been forced to close my factory. Shipping levels have remained steady throughout December.

自由亞洲電台普通話主頁 四川甘孜州道孚一藏人自焚身亡 四川甘孜州道孚县孔色乡藏人赤列南杰于星期二在当地自焚抗议,当场身亡。 东莞裕元鞋厂工人持续罢工 劳工维权组织赴当地遭扣押驱离 有干事表示,当地政府包庇企业导致事件难以解决。 内蒙古通辽数百特警强征地爆发冲突村民被抓打 数十村民被打伤及拘留。 网站导航 中山格兰仕工人暴力维权 大批特警进驻戒备抓捕 厂区内多处损毁严重,大批防暴特警进驻戒备并抓捕示威者。 浙江处处喊“拆”教堂忽成违章建筑 温州基督徒征全球签名护教 当地政府通知,要求在本周五之前自行拆掉,否则由政府强行拆除。 重庆乡政府截留移民补偿款遭数百村民围堵 周一,村民和乡长发生肢体冲突,乡长在慌乱中逃走。 胡耀邦逝世25周年祭 拨乱反正功德深得民心 “他的率真坦诚,他的疾恶如仇,他的朴实亲民,他的拨乱反正……” 习近平访问后荷兰国会辩论中国问题政策 2014年4月9日,荷兰国会举行了第一次有关中国政策的辩论会。 民进党立委刘棹豪谈台湾新政治力量崛起民进党是否被边缘化 刘棹豪表示,太阳花运动所证实的台湾一个新的政治力量的崛起。 河南截访“与时俱进” 你中央改变反腐的招数,我地方自然“与时俱进”,打造截访升级版。 石油帮出身赵苗被查或牵涉周永康 胡锦涛访胡耀邦故居为挺习打虎? 四川成都市组织部长赵苗因涉嫌严重违纪违法被调查。 广东东莞裕元鞋厂未交养老保险 万名工人集体罢工 抗议厂方不按劳动法的规定,为员工缴交养老保险和公积金。 维族青年闯红灯与官冲突被警射杀 数百人抬尸游行千警催泪弹镇压 当地维族人本周一告诉记者,有数百人抗议,而镇压的特警达上千人。 维族留学生穆塔力浦案转检察院 伊力哈木被拘整三月仍在侦查 乌鲁木齐看守所的消息称,案件已在本月上旬移送检察院。 四川石渠县寺院被严控数人被捕 并以涉嫌政治问题为名拘捕了部分藏人。 杨匡“偷越国边境”案择期宣判 声援人士途中遭拦截 律师称杨匡因遭没收回乡证,但绝没有社会危害性。 香港立法会议员上海行落幕 与北京官方普选分歧依然存在 有议员认为,此行没有收窄双方分歧,北京干预普选的立场很强硬。 美国对北京高院有关许志永案的终审裁定“深表失望”;中国对美国反唇相讥 美国和欧盟要求中方立即释放许志永等政治犯。 官方掀扫黄运动 波及数十个文学网站 媒体人则认为有关方面量定的扫黄仍是官方一贯“运动式”的作风。 福建福清台资鞋厂二千多人罢工 福建福清台资鞋厂二千多人罢工,抗议工资太低。 英国外交部对中方滞后人权对话感到失望 今日视频 要闻

Ethnic traditions vanishing as Myanmar opens up By Denis D. Gray / AP, KAMPALET, Myanmar High in the hills of Myanmar’s Chin state, Shwe Mana plays a gentle song on a bamboo flute using only her nostrils — one of the last of her tribe to preserve this ancient skill. A dark, intricate web of tattoos covers her face, harking back to a time, it is said, when women disfigured themselves to dampen the lust of lowland marauders. Her university-educated daughter, resting a hand gently on the 53-year-old’s shoulder, makes it clear she will not be getting similar tattoos in what she calls, “this Internet age.” “My daughter thought it would be too painful and she would not look pretty,” said Mana, whose house hugs a 1,370m ridgeline in the pleasant town of Kampalet. Their story is becoming a common one in a country not long ago described as a place where time stood still. The end of military rule three years ago and the launch of economic and political reforms are accelerating change.

自由亞洲電臺 粵語主頁 四川又有藏人自焚死亡 四川藏区道孚县藏人赤列南杰(音译)(Thinley Namgyal),周二(15日)中午12点左右在家乡孔色乡自焚,当场身亡。(维灵报道) 近千学生反污染堵路抗议 警以催泪弹对付 陕西省宝鸡市一间专科学校,近千学生抵受不了邻近一间采砂场,日以继夜发出噪音及制造环境污染,周日(13日)走出校外堵路抗议,造成交通严重挤塞。 业主成功维权 大型垃圾站叫停 四川成都温江区金河谷,正在施工的大型垃圾中转站突叫停,政府将重新选址,30多名区内业主代表,周一晚获告知有关消息。 谭作人坚持完成豆腐渣工程调查 汶川地震维权人士谭作人服刑5年后,上月27日刑满被软禁在重庆两星期,上周五重返成都。 胡耀邦忌辰25周年 民间活动悼念 4月15日,即周二,是中共前总书记胡耀邦逝世25周年纪念日。 国企钢铁厂污染叫停员工讨偿遭镇压 安徽省合肥市一家国企钢铁厂,因污染环境被勒令停产后,分别因下岗赔偿及工人血铅超标等问题引起纠纷。 家电厂员工疑工资低打砸饭堂泄愤 广东省中山市一家电器厂,约200员工周日(13日)通宵聚集打砸饭堂,警察联合保安近百人处理,事件扰攘近七小时才平息。 北京报复英人权年报批评取消两国对话 对于英国人权年报指中国公民权利及自由仍受到很大限制,中国外交部强烈批评年报对中国人权状况作出无理指责及污蔑,并取消与英国原定周三举行的两国首轮人权对话,以示报复。 中石油子公司高层被带走 涉中共前政治局常委周永康的中石油窝案继续发酵,继蒋洁敏﹑王永春﹑李华林等人被调查后,大陆《财新网》周二报道,中国石油天然气重庆销售分公司总会计师李建华,已于今年三月初被检察院办案人员从办公室带走。 宜春原副市长受贿千万被判无期 江西省宜春市原副市长龚细水因受贿罪,周二(15日)被南昌市中级人民法院一审判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产。 黑省人代遭主播情妇举报贪污判监11年 黑龙江省双城市原人大代表孙德江,涉嫌贪污及诈骗罪,被法院一审判囚11年。 亚洲空气污染趋严重 令风暴更强大 美国《国家科学院学报》最新出版的月刊发表一份研究报告,指科学家从1850年到2000年的空气污染水平进行了比较,结果发现来自亚洲因人类活动造成的悬浮微粒影响了太平洋的风暴轴,可能会对全球大部分地区的天气产生影响。 数千群众抗议建火葬场 市民指有死伤 3维人骑车冲红灯警开枪1死2伤 数百人示威 兰州自来水可饮用 5 市民告水厂索偿

Oped site Chicago Tribune: Chicago breaking news, sports, business, entertainment, weather and traffic Bolivia Gives Legal Rights To The Earth Law of Mother Earth sees Bolivia pilot new social and economic model based on protection of and respect for nature. Bolivia is to become the first country in the world to give nature comprehensive legal rights in an effort to halt climate change and the exploitation of the natural world, and to improve quality of life for the Bolivian people. Developed by grassroots social groups and agreed by politicians, the Law of Mother Earth recognises the rights of all living things, giving the natural world equal status to human beings. Once fully approved, the legislation will provide the Earth with rights to: life and regeneration; biodiversity and freedom from genetic modification; pure water; clean air; naturally balanced systems; restoration from the effects of human activity; and freedom from contamination. The legislation is based on broader principles of living in harmony with the Earth and prioritising the “collective good.” Bolivia Rain forest The Law of Mother Earth includes the following:

紐約時報中文網 國際縱覽 中央廣播電臺新聞網 分類:台灣 - 維基新聞,自由的新聞源 欢迎来到维基新闻台湾频道。更多撰写指引,请查阅编辑部。要察看最新消息,请更新页面。 撰写中的台湾新闻 没有符合条件的页面。 子分类 本分类有以下51个子分类,共有51个子分类。 分类“台灣”中的页面 以下200个页面属于本分类,共1,345个页面。 (前200个)(后200个)(前200个)(后200个)
