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Engaging Students, Transforming Schools

Engaging Students, Transforming Schools
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Virtual Teacher Australian History Trove Pictures of Australia Take a look at the Picture Australia site. This site will not be officially lauched for a while yet. I provides a single point of access to over 450,000 digitised images from pictorial collections of many leading cultural heritage institutions. It's a fantastic resource. Bushrangers The Ned Kelly Gang Would you like to learn what errors there are in the information you may have read about the Kelly gang? Not Just Ned From the National Museum of australia. Australian Explorers Project Gutenberg - Australia This site is very comprehensive with many links and covers, a lot of primary source material for download. eBooks and excerpts - quite delightful. Convicts Port Arthur Convict Site. Convict Central an interesting resource where you can research your convict past. in London. Claytons Convicts Fill in this dialogue box and makeup your own convict history. First Fleet Welcome to the unwonderful world of kids, crims, and other convict capers. Gold War

Deborah Meier on Education Educational assessment The final purpose of assessment practices in education depends on the theoretical framework of the practitioners and researchers, their assumptions and beliefs about the nature of human mind, the origin of knowledge, and the process of learning. Alternate meanings[edit] According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary the word assessment comes from the root word assess which is defined as: to determine the rate or amount of (as a tax)to impose (as a tax) according to an established rate b: to subject to a tax, charge, or levyto make an official valuation of (property) for the purposes of taxationto determine the importance, size, or value of (assess a problem)to charge (a player or team) with a foul or penalty Assessment in education is best described as an action "to determine the importance, size, or value of Types[edit] initial, formative, and summativeobjective and subjectivereferencing (criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, and ipsative)informal and formal. Basis of comparison[edit]

Common Core Standards in Connecticut | 深耕--教與學電子報 - 從促進教師發展「學科教學科技知識」能力之觀點... 然而,教師修煉自己成為一個本科專業的飽學之士,是否就算得上是位稱職的教師呢? 可能不止於此,不斷精進專業領域知識是身為教師的本分而已,更重要的是──如何將學科專業內容透過「適合」的方式「教會」學生才是卓越教師的價值所在。 古今中外,一般人對師資的價值觀多專注在教學者的「專業領域知識」(domain knowledge)上──亦即著眼於教學者擁有的學歷文憑、經歷職銜,以及證照著作等,因為這些客觀的、可具體「量化」的實證資料,更勝過「質性」的、內隱的,以及個人主觀認定的教學策略與技巧能力。這種師資專業認定的迷思不啻是把「優質研究者」與「優質教學者」直接畫上等號;雖然在許多案例中這個「等式」成立的機會頗高,但也有愈來愈多的個案顯示一位在特定領域表現優異的研究者(學者),不見得必然會在「教學」或「其他領域」上同樣優異,因為在不同領域擅場所需要的技能與思維邏輯常常是不同的──譬如,企管名嘴教授不見得會是個教學卓越的教師;諾貝爾獎得主更不見得會是個教育政策專家…。 鑒於這種「教學專業」價值判定上的迷思需要釐清──有必要重申教師「教學專業」發展的重要性,史丹佛大學的Lee S. Shulman教授在1986年即提出了「學科教學法知識」(Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK)的概念,其強調教師除了學科專業知識(Content Knowledge, CK)以外,也需積極發展攸關學科領域教法的教學法知識(Pedagogical Knowledge, PK),亦即教師要綜整並養成具備該學科教學(與學習)特色的學科教學知識(PCK)能力。 Shulman所倡議的PCK觀點即在闡述教師養成「學科教學法知識」的重要性與必要性。 觀察Shulman的PCK框架,其中並未特別強調「科技」(Technology)在教學上的應用;這可能是早在80年代之際,所謂的「科技」融入教學仍侷限於單純的黑板、模型教具、簡單的視聽設備,以及幻燈片、賽璐珞投影等應用,較先進的教學單位也頂多利用電視進行同步(實況)或非同步(錄影)的「遠距教學」。 以下即針對TPCK架構中的各個組合知識體作重點敘述: 當數位學習已成為當代「學校教育」與「企業培訓」的火紅顯學後,教學科技中的「科技」一詞也開始有了更具體的定義。 「ICT」一詞的內涵會依所論述的背景與專業領域不同而有不同解釋。 表1. Lee S.

Walker Books Classroom — A helping hand for teachers and librarians MUSE Game based learning Educational games are games explicitly designed with educational purposes, or which have incidental or secondary educational value. All types of games may be used in an educational environment. Educational games are games that are designed to help people to learn about certain subjects, expand concepts, reinforce development, understand an historical event or culture, or assist them in learning a skill as they play. Game types include board, card, and video games. An educational game is a game designed to teach humans about a specific subject and to teach them a skill. As educators, governments, and parents realize the psychological need and benefits of gaming have on learning, this educational tool has become mainstream. Video games[edit] With the increase and availability of technological devises, there has been a shift in what types of games people play. Game based learning[edit] Game-based learning (GBL) is a type of game play that has defined learning outcomes. Origins[edit] [edit]

Curriculum Guides Featured Curriculum: Understanding News Media The goal of Understanding News Media is to help young people think critically and act responsibly as they navigate communication media. The features and graphic organizers were created for middle school students but with modification could be used by younger or older students. New York Times NIE Curriculum Guides These New York Times curriculum resources are made to be used with any daily issue of The Times. English Language ArtsWriting Skills and StrategiesGrammar RulesThe Careful ReaderCurtain Up, Teaching About TheaterSAT Success History, Government, Social StudiesGlobal EconomicsChecks and BalancesGeography ThemesHuman Rights in History and Today ScienceCurrent Knowledge InterdisciplinaryLiteracy Skills Across the CurriculumElementary Enrichment ADDITIONAL CURRICULUM The material which follows was developed by The New York Times Newspaper in Education program for sponsored educational programs.

Integrating Educational Technology in the Classroom - 1. Meaningful Learning (1) Identify the characteristics of meaningful learning(2) Contrast learning FROM technology and learning WITH technology(3) Give examples of classroom methods that support the National Education Technology Standards (NETS)(4) Describe how technology can foster "21st Century Skills"(5) Describe the components of "technological pedagogical knowledge"Part One:What exactly IS Meaningful Learning?Key Understandings - These are some general concepts that you should know before we breakdown Meaningful Learning.1. Learning is driven by understanding and persisting on a task/activity (one of the reasons the USA's 'No Child Left Behind' program doesn't work, and why we hope it doesn't come to Quebec).2. Part Two:How Does Technology Facilitate Meaningful LearningThis section relates to Objective 2 of the chapter.Learning FROM Technology vs Learning WITH Technology -New technology is not being implemented in new ways.

Project Gutenberg Australia A Pattern Language A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction is a 1977 book on architecture, urban design, and community livability. It was authored by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein of the Center for Environmental Structure of Berkeley, California, with writing credits also to Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King and Shlomo Angel. Decades after its publication, it is still one of the best-selling books on architecture.[1] The book creates a new language, what the authors call a pattern language derived from timeless entities called patterns. As they write on page xxxv of the introduction, "All 253 patterns together form a language." Patterns describe a problem and then offer a solution. It includes 253 patterns such as Community of 7000 (Pattern 12) given a treatment over several pages; page 71 states: "Individuals have no effective voice in any community of more than 5,000-10,000 persons." According to Alexander & team, the work originated from an observation that
