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Global cities of the future: An interactive map - McKinsey Quarterly - Economic Studies - Productivity & Performance

Global cities of the future: An interactive map - McKinsey Quarterly - Economic Studies - Productivity & Performance
Over the next 13 years, 600 cities will account for nearly 65 percent of global GDP growth. Which of them will contribute the largest number of children or elderly to the world’s population? Which will rank among the top 25 cities by per capita GDP? Explore these questions by browsing through this revised and updated interactive global map below, which contains city-specific highlights from the McKinsey Global Institute’s database of more than 2,600 metropolitan areas around the world. Interactive

14 Bloom's Taxonomy Posters For Teachers 14 Brilliant Bloom’s Taxonomy Posters For Teachers by TeachThought Staff Bloom’s Taxonomy is a useful tool for assessment design, but using it only for that function is like using a race car to go to the grocery–a huge waste of potential. In an upcoming post we’re going to look at better use of Bloom’s taxonomy in the classroom, but during research for that post it became interesting how many variations there are of the original work. The follow simple, student-centered Bloom’s graphics were created by helloliteracy! The following “Bloom’s pinwheel” comes from Kelly Tenkley and

The new growth frontier: Midsize cities in emerging markets - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing - Sectors & Regions Senior executives searching for growth face a stark new reality: roughly 400 midsize cities in emerging markets—cities they mostly will have never heard of—are posed to generate nearly 40 percent of global growth over the next 15 years. That’s more growth than the combined total of all developed economies plus the emerging markets’ megacities (those with populations of more than ten million, such as Mumbai, São Paulo, and Shanghai), which together have been the historic focus of most multinationals. Learning about consumer attitudes in the emerging markets’ “middleweight” cities (three-quarters of which have less than two million people), figuring out market entry strategies for them, and deciding how to allocate resources within and across them will all be crucial priorities in the years ahead. New research from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) seeks to arm executives with the knowledge they’ll need to tap into global urban growth. Interactive About the authors

A dozen public accounting ideas that don't work anymore I recently heard an excellent sermon on the importance of letting go of the past so that we can each pursue our intended future. The speaker referred to a book by Robin Meyers in which he asserts that there may be an eighth deadly sin: nostalgia. From what I gathered, Meyers suggests that we go astray when we believe that “the vices of the present prove not only that all is now in disarray but that this ‘awful’ age is inherently inferior to some golden age that came before it.” When I heard these assertions, I was overwhelmed because they crystalized an issue that seems to plague so many CPA firm leaders: an attachment to some bygone “good old days” that might not have even been that good. When we focus on what’s “wrong with today’s (fill in the blank),” it allows us to delay making the significant—almost radical—changes needed to address modern realities and embrace a future when things will be very different. Wanting to retain the ability to be “right” and make the new way “wrong.”

Redes Sensoriales Inalámbricas - ZigBee - Mesh Networks Smart Cities: sensor cities that interact with us in a smart way January 19th, 2011 - Alicia Asín The concept of city is changing as we knew it. The new technologies transform the cities into an entity capable of intelligently manage the water used to irrigate parks and gardens, measuring the amount of contamination in the air, or even generate alerts according to the level of dangerousness of the solar rays. Optimizing the amount of water used in irrigation of parks and gardens, managing the lighting in a smart way, providing an information system of free parking spaces or water leaks in pipes are problems common to most cities: they all could be treated with an intelligent monitoring system that would help in the daily management of resources. The cities of the XXI century The main idea behind any monitoring system in a city is to optimize decisions through data collection, interaction with citizens and coordination between services with the aim of making cities better places to live.

AED Center for Leadership Development Comprendre les lois de la ville - Blogs Geoffrey West (Wikipédia) est physicien et travaille depuis quelques années sur le thème de la ville à l’Institut de Santa Fé, un Institut de recherche dédié à l’étude des systèmes complexes, rapporte le New York Timesdans un étonnant article sur ses recherches, signé Jonah Lehrer. L’objectif de West : découvrir les lois cachées qui régissent l’organisation urbaine. A l’heure où la majorité de la population mondiale vit en ville et où cette urbanisation ne cesse de s’accélérer, nous ne savons pas grand-chose du rôle des villes, rappelle le journaliste scientifique Jonah Lehrer. Certes, les économistes ont bien mis l’accent sur le rôle des villes dans le produit intérieur brut ou l’amélioration du niveau de vie, tandis que les psychologues ont étudié l’impact de la vie urbaine sur la mémoire à court terme et sur notre capacité à l’auto-contrôle… Mais force est de reconnaître que la théorie urbaine ressemble à un domaine sans principes ni règles. Vers une théorie prédictive des villes ?

Haines Centre for Strategic Management House & Home - Liveable v lovable Vancouver is Hollywood’s urban body double. It is famously the stand-in for New York, LA, Seattle and Chicago, employed when those cities just get too tough, too traffic-clogged, too murderous or too bureaucratic to film in. It is almost never filmed as itself. No. The big cities it seems, the established megacities of the US, Europe and Asia are just too big, too dangerous, too inefficient. All the surveys use an index. So that’s the mountains, lakes and huge cups of generic coffee accounted for. To even begin to understand how these slightly unsettling results are arrived at, we need to understand who compiles them and who they are for. Most of these people are profoundly concerned with things like well-designed street furniture, a proliferation of eye-wateringly expensive artisanal retail, boutique hotels with good (English-speaking) service and environmentally friendly mayoral policies. I spoke to Joel Kotkin, a professor of urban development, and asked him about these surveys.

Robots Aren't the Problem: It's Us - The Chronicle Review By Richard Florida Swikar Patel for The Chronicle Review Everyone has an opinion about technology. Depending on whom you ask, it will either: a) Liberate us from the drudgery of everyday life, rescue us from disease and hardship, and enable the unimagined flourishing of human civilization; or b) Take away our jobs, leave us broke, purposeless, and miserable, and cause civilization as we know it to collapse. The first strand of thinking reflects "techno-utopianism"—the conviction that technology paves a clear and unyielding path to progress and the good life. The technology critic Evgeny Morozov dubs today's brand of technology utopianism "solutionism," a deep, insidious kind of technological determinism in which issues can be minimized by supposed technological fixes (an extreme example he gives is how a set of "smart" contact lenses edit out the homeless from view). On the other side stand the growing ranks of "techno-pessimists." This either-or dualism misses the point, for two reasons.

I.B.M. Study Quantifies the Pain of the Commuting Motorist I.B.M.A speedometer graphic represents “the emotional and economic toll” of commuting in 20 international cities. Mexico City, with a score of 108, ranked as the most onerous. I.B.M. knows your pain. Not the pain of the frustrated desktop user or the stymied motherboard programmer, but of the commuting motorist. And there is plenty of pain to go around in cities from New York to Nairobi, according to I.B.M.’s fourth annual Global Commuter Pain survey, which looks at the connection between traffic congestion and commuters’ emotional response to it in some of the world’s largest cities on six continents. The survey, which began in 2008 and surveyed only residents of cities in the United States, has been expanded worldwide. The index suggests a big disparity in the pain of the daily commute, with Mexico City, at a score of 108, outranking all other cities surveyed and Montreal, at 21, reporting the lowest level. For more information on the survey, click here.
