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Funny English

Funny English
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Stylehouse: My Room Rules Share this page: Here's How to Enter: Just upload a video of your room or dorm. Give us a tour and tell us what you like best about your space, and what makes it completely yours. Video Requirements: We'll accept your uploaded video or original tape, either miniDV or miniDVC format, or a DVD with the unedited video file as either a .mov or a .mp4 file. Videos should be no longer than 5 minutes. Video Submission: There are two ways to enter your video! Or send in your tape or DVD clearly labeled with your name and phone number. Mail to: My Room Rules Entries 151 Union Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Top Tips for Making a Great Video: Tell Us About Yourself Remember to give us your first name on camera. Tell Us About Your Room Remember to be detailed when you're describing what you love so much about your room or what makes your dorm so great. Don't Be Shy Be sure to turn the camera on yourself a few times so we know just who you are. Hold Steady Shhh... What Not to Wear

activités quotidiennes en anglais Cours sur la routine quotidienne en anglais, les activités de tous les jours, les actions quotidiennes.Vocabulaire sur les activités quotidiennes en anglais : diaporama avec illustrations commentées en anglais (par Agnès Pihuit Imbert) Vocabulaire illustré sur la routine en anglais : 25 activités quotidiennes en anglais (englishwsheets) Vocabulaire sur les activités quotidiennes en anglais ( Vocabulaire illustré sur les activités de préparatifs du matin dans la salle de bain en anglais (Agnès Pihuit Imbert avec outil de création par Vocabulaire sur les activités de routine quotidienne avec liste de "défi-mémoire" (fiche élaborée par Céline Blanchard) Cours et exercices sur la routine et l'heure en anglais (Laurence Hacquet) Vocabulaire illustré en anglais sur 16 activités quotidiennes + exercices : matching+crossword ( Exercice sur les activités quotidiennes en anglais : "daily routine - matching" 25 expressions (englishwsheets)

myenglishproject - Grammar Help Wikispaces was founded in 2005 and has since been used by educators, companies and individuals across the globe. Unfortunately, the time has come where we have had to make the difficult business decision to end the Wikispaces service. We first announced the site closure in January 2018, through a site-wide banner that appeared to all logged-in users and needed to be clicked on to dismiss During the closure period a range of banners were shown to users, including a countdown banner in the final month. Why has Wikispaces closed? Approximately 18 months ago, we completed a technical review of the infrastructure and software we used to serve Wikispaces users.

Superhero worksheets, flashcards, projects and super power activities to print Super Powers: breathe under water, control the weather, climb walls, become invisible, see through walls, shoot lasers, freeze things, make force fields, lift anything, run fast, stretch very far, talk to animals, fly, become anything, shrink large flash cards, medium flash cards, bingo, a handout color pictures with black and white backings: medium flash cards, bingo PowerPoint flashcards Mark's note: This is a good jump to subjunctive practice for a little older students. I also have the Superhero Project in the V-Key Pals section. Autonomy in the classroom - Mrs Recht's Classroom D-Day approche et je recommence à fouiller mon ordi pour retrouver des documents de rentrée. Il faudra un jour que je trouve une organisation pour mes fichiers car même si, avouons-le ce n’est pas trop mal, c’est loin d’être parfait. Enfin, bref, parenthèse fermée, voici quelques idées pour attaquer cette rentrée sereinement. Embauchez un élève Comme vous le savez sans doute si vous suivez ce blog, je suis une fervente pratiquante des “rituels”. Par exemple, je récidive tous les ans avec mes Teachers’ Assistants. Développez leur autonomie J’ai aussi mon “Fast Finishers’ Corner” avec à disposition des élèves rapides ou en demande: la bibliothèque de la classe (livres, magazines, CD à emprunter), un classeur de worksheets, un livret de phonologie et une boîte de jeux faits maison en rapport avec nos séquences. PS: Le “One Dollar Word” est un must! Gérez les îlots

ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets Question Words Cartoon Chart | Woodward English We have just created this new chart about Question Words in English (Who, When, Why, What, Where, Which, How). If you would like to see more information about these Questions words with a lot more examples of their use, check out:Question Words in English UPDATE: We now have a printable version of this chart that English Teachers can use in the classroom. We have a wall chart as appears above but we have also includee each question word on its own page which can be used as large flash cards. Related Questions Tags You know what Questions Tags are, don't you? 29 August, 2014 In "Learn English" This That These Those We have a NEW English Grammar chart for you. 25 September, 2014 Subject Pronouns in English We have created a new chart using cartoons to show simple Subject Pronouns in English. 7 March, 2013

- New Year's Resolutions Laurence Bernard, notre collègue de Martinique, a créé une séquence sur New year's resolutions pour les élèves de troisième, mais vous pouvez l'adapter à d'autres niveaux. C'est un travail très complet, qui propose une démarche pour faie une production écrite, mais propose aussi des ressources intéressantes comme les résolutions de Bridget Jones, des cartoons et un court film. Allez voir: Si vous préférez travailler avec d'autres sources, voici des suggestions: The best sites as usual, our colleague Michèle Henry has selected the sites she find the most useful especially with beginners and intermediate students. Tips about what resolutions to take Laurence Bernard also recommends those videos. List of resolutions A very easy list of resolutions, and the children vote for the one which is most important to them. Another lesson plan A lesson plan with the history of the resolutions, and how to keep them.

Advanced level English - EFL resources for students Get the Free app ! Get instant access to the Linguapress English grammar for android phones and tablets from Google Play store. Free app; no intrusive ads, no login. Advanced level English Guide to levels:CEFR / TELC Levels C1 and C2 (Proficiency) IELTS levels 7 to 9 ACTFL Levels Advanced-high – Superior Resources for English teachers and for students with a good working knowledge of English, and a good understanding of essential vocabulary. Copyright information. Free to view, free to use, free to print, but not free to copy. Some other pages you might like to visit Photo top. Click to contact Linguapress

Whose room is it? It's Julie's room! - English Day by Day Wednesday 5 june 2013 3 05 /06 /Jun /2013 13:53 - Posted in: 6ème 4 - Freshmen Hey guys, today we worked on recapitulating what you had said about the house, the good and bad points. Then you practised reading out loud the dialogue and had to give a special intonation to the agent when she was lying. She even made a mistake when she pronounced /the/ ... Pronunciation of / the / : Deux prononciations possibles selon le son qui suit: Son voyelle = [i] Son consonne = [ə] Cela fonctionne de la même façon pour a / an an = avant un son voyelle a = avant un son consonne Finally, the Masons (Julie's family) moved in a new house. Vocab: a window / a wall / the floor / a carpet or a rug / a cupboard / a desk / a chair / a bedside table / a shelf but 2 shelves / a bed / the curtains a teddy bear / a doll / an alarm clock / a computer Where is ... ? -> Where is Julie's doll? Her doll is on the bed, next to the teddy bear. -> Where are her books? They are on the shelves. -> Whose computer is it? Homework:
