Socially Stephanie: LinkedIn Best Practices | Social Media Advice Column Dear Socially Stephanie, I am on LinkedIn, but I must admit, my profile could use some work. I have a lot of endorsements, but they don't seem to do anything to help my cause in finding a job. Designer in Dallas Dear Designer in Dallas, First of all, props to you! LinkedIn is one of the oldest social networks out there, and also one of the most important networks for those in the service industry. Once regarded as merely a "resume holder," LinkedIn is now anything but that. The first thing I want you to focus on is making your profile complete. Now, let's talk about the specifics. While we're on the topic of keywords, listen to me, and listen good: keywords will make or break you. While it's nice that you have endorsements on your LinkedIn profile, they don't count for much. Lastly, showcase your work through your LinkedIn profile. Your visual portfolio will give your future employers a place to check out what kind of work you're capable of and to make sure it fits in with their vision.
How to Write Press Releases: Best Practices for Content That Can B... What to Share Using Social Media, and Social Media Etiquette When using social media, there are general etiquette tips you should follow. Just like in real-life, you don’t want to become known as that jerk who just doesn’t have a filter. Instead, follow these tips, and you’ll understand how to properly use social media accounts. Too Much Information Shouldn’t Be Shared Have you ever heard of the acronym TMI? 100 Pictures of Your Child, Pet, or Anything Else is Irritating Image via Flickr by Alan Bruce Ok, we get it. Don’t Overuse Hashtags Image via Flickr by daneilmoyle Hashtags are great. Keep Personal Information Private It’s important that you keep your personal information private. Vaguebooking is Vague It’s easy to fall into a pattern of posting vague status updates. When you’re on social media, you need to make sure that you’re following good etiquette. Resources: 10 Commandments of Social Media Etiquette 8 Essential Tips for Social Media Etiquette Practice Good Facebook Etiquette Ladylike Laws: Social Media Etiquette By: Emma Kavanagh
7 Hot Community Jobs at UNICEF, Uber and More Unemployed, underemployed or somewhere in between? The Mashable Job Board is here to help. Since 2005, Mashable has been dedicated to providing the hottest digital, social and tech news to our readership of 25 million and counting. Top companies know you excel in the digital world, so they come to Mashable to find the best and brightest minds. New jobs — including ones exclusive to us — are added every day to the Mashable Job Board. Below, we've gathered seven recently posted community positions. Position: Digital StrategistCompany: UNICEFLocation: New York, N.Y. The Digital Strategist is responsible for the development and implementation of digital strategies and social media campaigns for UNICEF. Position: Jr. We are seeking an LA-based Jr. Position: Community and Venture Programs CoordinatorCompany: Dingman Center for EntrepreneurshipLocation: College Park, Md. Position: Social Media Community ManagerCompany: Factory 360Location: New York, N.Y. Image via iStockphoto, Vladgrin
Når popularitet kan telles - Jeg har fått fem nye følgere bare i dag, utbryter 11-åringen ved middagsbordet. - Mhm, sier mor som ikke helt klarer å dele sønnens begeistring. - Kan du ikke legge bort telefonen mens vi spiser, sier far, som bekymret merker seg at gutten snart er like avhengig av smarttelefonen som ham selv. - Jeg skal bare trykke liker på bildet til Gunnar, først, for han likte mitt i stad. Jeg er faren. Og nå skal jeg være litt bekymret. Det er selvfølgelig lett å avfeie foreldres bekymring over barnas eksperimentering med nye medier, men la oss likevel holde muligheten åpen for at ikke alt som er nytt og blankt er udelt positivt for den oppvoksende generasjonen. Iallfall ikke for alle. Ved første øyekast er Instagram en fototjeneste. Men for fjortisene, og ungene som kanskje ikke får lov å registrere seg på Facebook, fungerer Instagram som noe ganske annet. Voldsom vekst Instagram ble lansert høsten 2010 og har hatt en voldsom vekst i takt med utbredelsen av smarttelefoner. - Alle gjør det!
Is Freedom of Tweet a Right or a Wrong? inShare110 Twitter and Facebook are under fire for the role each platform plays in unknowingly tolerating flagrant hate-fueled, public-facing obscenity and outright threats. Twitter was targeted as the result of an advocate for honoring women on British currency was deluged with sickening rape threats. Facebook too has been criticized for its molasses-like pace for contending with hate posts and groups. In the case of Twitter, its UK branch reaffirmed its position against hate by publishing a post that acknowledged complaints and also introduced new mechanisms for flagging offending posts. When my friend Doug Gross at CNN reached out for comment on whether or not Twitter, Facebook and social networks as a whole were doing enough to protect users, I had to speak up. Expressed hate and abuse is unfortunately part of our society and it is now also part of our real-time digital culture.
Helt ute på tasta-tur - VG Nett om Mads A. Andersen kommenterer Dette er en beskjed til deg som «twitrer for egen regning»: Det er totalt nytteløst å informere om det. For det er alle andre enn deg som avgjør hvem eller hva du forbindes med. Og dette er totalt uavhengig av dine egne nedskrevne skillelinjer på sosiale medier. Det er som tidligere rådgiver for Erna Solberg, Odd Hoen-Sevje, skrev da han jobbet i Høyre: «Twitrer privat helt til jeg twitrer noe som er dumt nok til å havne i en avis». Dette er ikke ordentlig tullete før du for eksempel som journalist i VG, nestleder i Oppland Høyre eller rådgiver i KrFs bystyregruppe påpeker at du «twitrer kun på egne vegne» eller «for egen regning». For du gjør ikke det. Den høyst profilerte lederen for Seksjon for volds- og seksualforbrytelser i Oslo politidistrikt, Hanne Kristin Rohde, twitrer også «for egen regning». Senest forrige uke sikret hun seg et oppslag etter å ha kritisert kolleger i politiet på Twitter. Det tror jeg Maria Amelie profilerte kjæreste, Eivind Trædal, har gjort.
How to use #hashtags properly. | Vato Co. Digital Creative Agency It’s a little sad that so many people in 2013 still don’t understand what a hashtag is and how it works. Hopefully this blog article will help put an end to the fact that you radiate stupidity everytime you post something. Firstly, if you don’t know what a hashtag really is for, and have no intention of reading the rest of this article, how about this.Stop using hashtags. Just stop. So what is a hashtag? A hashtag looks like this: #examplehashtag You can use them on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in your updates. Tagging has been around for a long time in the blog world. The same applies in Social Media, except most of you simply don’t get it. Just as on a blog tag, clicking on a hashtag will allow you to see other similar posts. It means, that if my friend posts a photo of a nice sunset, and tags it with #sunset, I can click on #sunset and see all the other beautiful shots of sunsets on Instagram recently. The uneducated The stupid Read that 5 times, and then write it on your hand. ps.
Bruken av sosiale medier er fortsatt stigende i Norge | Ipsos MMI Like under 3 millioner av Norges befolkning har nå profil på Facebook, og over halvparten er innom Facebook hver eneste dag! I en landsrepresentativ undersøkelse Ipsos MMI har gjennomført blant 1080 personer 18 år og eldre, fremgår det at hele 75 % har profil på Facebook. Til sammenlikning har 22% profil på Google+ (864 000), 21% profil på Twitter (825 000), 20 % profil på Linkedin (786 000). Blant bildedeletjenestene har 17 % av Norges befolkning Instagram (668 000), og 11% har Snapchat profil (432 000). Spesielt interessant er det å se på utviklingen fra vår siste undersøkelse høsten 2012. Fordelingen mellom kjønnene er helt lik for Facebook, mens 6 av 10 brukere av Twitter, Google+ og Linkedin er menn, er 6 av 10 Instagrambrukere kvinner. På høsten 2012 sa 63 % av de brukte Facebook daglig, men i denne målingen sier hele 83 % av de logger seg inn daglig. Et bilde sier mer enn 1000 ord, og det har brukere av sosiale medier tatt till hjertet.
Small Business and Social Media Small businesses owners can attest to the struggles and limitations that come with the territory: few financial resources, a lack of exposure, and not enough time in the day to get everything done. Taking on another responsibility isn’t something small business owners can afford to, but it isn’t something they can’t either. But for many small business owners the thought of managing social media is overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. How Social Media Benefits Your Business Of course managing social media for your small business takes some time and effort, but it’s worth it. With little to no financial investment required, it’s a marketing opportunity you don’t want to miss out on. With social media: You can easily interact with current clients.You can connect with thousands of potential clients.You have access to a global audience.You can build your image and your professional brand. Carving Out Time for Social Media Social networks are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1. 2. 3.
Min viktigste nyhetskilde - Medienorge - fakta om norske massemedier - statistikkmeny Oversikten over hvordan nordmenn vurderer ulike medier som nyhetskilde, er hentet fra TNS Gallups store mediebruksundersøkelse Forbruker & Media. Undersøkelsen gjennomføres via telefon og kartlegger ulike sider ved mediebruken i Norge. I en tilleggsdel til Forbruker & Media blir et mindre utvalg bedt om blant annet å vurdere hvor viktige ulike medier/plattformer er som nyhetskilde. Telefondelen av undersøkelsen foregår blant de som er 12 år og eldre, mens aldersgrensen for deltakerne i tilleggsdelen har variert. Du kan velge å få resultatene fordelt etter kjønn, alder, utdanning, inntekt og bosted, og du kan velge andeler for ett eller flere svaralternativ (enig, litt enig osv.).
Screw virality! Antisocial networks are on the rise By Sarah Lacy On September 23, 2013 I’ve compared Mark Zuckerberg to Bill Gates before. It’s both a flattering and unflattering comparison. The parallels aren’t perfect, but both men have built huge and defensible businesses by commanding monopoly-like positions in our digital lives. But as we all know, just because it’s comprehensive, doesn’t mean Facebook is the best place to have every connection and conversation. An anti-social network isn’t as simple as being a mere Facebook alternative, or a niche social network. Turns out if you want to have conversations with people you know, plan events, and share photos, Facebook is the place to go. How do you succeed against Facebook? When it comes to building a consumer Web company around human relationships, the smartest entrepreneurs aren’t thinking niche. Niche means that Facebook could do it, but you think you could do it better. In case these examples seem too unproven for you, consider LinkedIn. Now consider Twitter.