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Innov8Social - Exploring Social Innovation Convergences | Vers un monde équitable et durable Research & Publications | Social Innovation Generation Report from Ola Tjornbo Early this fall, the community of researchers at the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience (WISIR) met to design a research strategy to pursue in the near term. The core goal of the institute remains to generate new inter-disciplinary knowledge about social innovations and the social innovation process (the dynamics of learning, adaptation and resilience) in Canada and internationally. Frances Westley The Stanford Social Innovation Review, which is known for informing and inspiring leaders of social change, has published Frances Westley's article entitled "Social Innovation and Resilience: How One Enhances the Other" Read the full article here On the desks of our researchers Frances Westley, Sean Geobey, Kirsten Robinson In this paper we propose the creation of a Social Innovation Change Lab, what such a permanent process would entail and what it would aim to achieve. Sean Geobey, Frances Westley, Olaf Weber Frances Westley, Nino Antadze, Darcy J.

InSTEDD iLab América Latina Keeping tabs on Canada’s Parliament | Engine Service Design Force de proposition : 660 cerveaux appellent à changer d'Ere C’était toute l’intention du dernier Forum Changer d’Ere (deuxième édition) : co-construire une Force de Proposition pour changer d’Ere. Et bien, 10 jours après le Forum, la promesse est tenue ! Force de Proposition est en ligne, téléchargeable gratuitement sous licence creative commons, et diffusée à l’ensemble des grands dirigeants et leaders d’opinion ! Retour sur la co-création de Force de Proposition Après le Think Tank, le Do Tank : passer à l’action, ensemble, pour montrer que la société avance et que les solutions existent. Un Colab géant de 2h, conçu spécialement par NoveTerra, sous forme d’ateliers participatifs, autour de 4 grands questionnements (axes de travail commun) dont un transversal : Les règles du jeu ont changé (valeurs, cultures, pratiques, etc.) : vers une société collaborative, en mouvement ! NoveTerra s’est attaché à proposer aux participants 4 expériences uniques pour libérer au maximum la créativité et le plein potentiel des cerveaux en présence.

A (Very Informal) Who’s Who of Social Innovation in Canada Note: This article is the second of three blog posts originally published on Challenge Your World and cross-posted on In this blog series for Challenge Your World, Peter Deitz examines the current state of social innovation in Canada — what it is, who’s doing it, and how it might be measured. All comments welcome. Second only to tightrope walkers, social innovators are people who often have to block out the world around them in order to get from point A to point B. The process of creating a successful social enterprise requires nothing less than total concentration, often at the expense of getting to know one’s peers and following their progress. This blog post is an effort to reverse the trend by crowd-sourcing a directory of individuals and organizations who make up Canada’s social innovation sector. Please use the comments section below to highlight three or more people on this (very informal) Who’s Who of Social Innovation in Canada. Follow Adam Spence on Twitter

Open Living Labs | The First step towards a new Innovation System Calgary Climate Action Network – Building the climate movement in Calgary KNOW-HUB KNOW-HUB bridges the gap of shortage of knowledge, skills and experience of European regions in designing and implementing smart and effective strategies for innovation. The practitioners from 10 EU regions will collaborate in reviewing their policies and practices to identify issues for improvement and good practices to share with others. They will learn together how to apply the knowledge and experience identified in the peer review process, and sharing this knowledge with the aid of modern knowledge management tools. Now, more than ever before, Europe needs to remove the obstacles to the knowledge based economy in Europe, such as little demand for innovation, poor social capital, red tape, institutional barriers, shortage of skills and competencies of human capital or poor connectivity between innovation actors. European regions have a crucial role in helping their economies to develop and gain durable competitive advantages. The objective The activities: Benefits for the partn

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