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Social Innovation Generation (

Social Innovation Generation (

Convergences | Vers un monde équitable et durable Research & Publications | Social Innovation Generation Report from Ola Tjornbo Early this fall, the community of researchers at the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience (WISIR) met to design a research strategy to pursue in the near term. The core goal of the institute remains to generate new inter-disciplinary knowledge about social innovations and the social innovation process (the dynamics of learning, adaptation and resilience) in Canada and internationally. Currently, we are focusing on three related research areas in pursuing this goal: Indigenous... Frances Westley The Stanford Social Innovation Review, which is known for informing and inspiring leaders of social change, has published Frances Westley's article entitled "Social Innovation and Resilience: How One Enhances the Other" Read the full article here On the desks of our researchers Frances Westley, Sean Geobey, Kirsten Robinson Sean Geobey, Frances Westley, Olaf Weber Frances Westley, Nino Antadze, Darcy J. Michele-Lee Moore and Frances Westley Stephen Huddart ed.

Force de proposition : 660 cerveaux appellent à changer d'Ere C’était toute l’intention du dernier Forum Changer d’Ere (deuxième édition) : co-construire une Force de Proposition pour changer d’Ere. Et bien, 10 jours après le Forum, la promesse est tenue ! Force de Proposition est en ligne, téléchargeable gratuitement sous licence creative commons, et diffusée à l’ensemble des grands dirigeants et leaders d’opinion ! Retour sur la co-création de Force de Proposition Après le Think Tank, le Do Tank : passer à l’action, ensemble, pour montrer que la société avance et que les solutions existent. Un Colab géant de 2h, conçu spécialement par NoveTerra, sous forme d’ateliers participatifs, autour de 4 grands questionnements (axes de travail commun) dont un transversal : Les règles du jeu ont changé (valeurs, cultures, pratiques, etc.) : vers une société collaborative, en mouvement ! NoveTerra s’est attaché à proposer aux participants 4 expériences uniques pour libérer au maximum la créativité et le plein potentiel des cerveaux en présence.

A (Very Informal) Who’s Who of Social Innovation in Canada Note: This article is the second of three blog posts originally published on Challenge Your World and cross-posted on In this blog series for Challenge Your World, Peter Deitz examines the current state of social innovation in Canada — what it is, who’s doing it, and how it might be measured. All comments welcome. Second only to tightrope walkers, social innovators are people who often have to block out the world around them in order to get from point A to point B. The process of creating a successful social enterprise requires nothing less than total concentration, often at the expense of getting to know one’s peers and following their progress. Please use the comments section below to highlight three or more people on this (very informal) Who’s Who of Social Innovation in Canada. To get the list started, I would like to draw attention to three Canadian social innovators whose paths I have crossed recently but whose work I have not yet had a chance to fully explore.

Institut pour l'Innovation | Design and Social Enterprise: A New Model for Case Studies Case studies form an integral part of management school curriculum. Pioneered in the 1920s by Harvard Business School, case studies encourage students to focus on the problems facing an organization at a particular moment in time and to use various analytic tools to propose solutions. Until recently, most business case studies have followed the format pioneered by Harvard. Cases tend to be written narratives of 5,000 to 10,000 words describing the problem as experienced by a manager along with a number of exhibits of generally numerical data appended to the narrative. There are tens of thousands of published cases on a diverse set of topics and organizations, including a core group of “bestsellers” that have been found to be particularly good for instruction. In 2006 the Yale School of Management (SOM) began producing its own series of case studies, based on the idea that existing case studies were tailored to fit a particular discipline. Design & Social Enterprise Case Series

Ashoka Notre vision Tous acteurs de changement - Everyone a changemaker™ Devant la complexité des problématiques et les difficultés à répondre aux enjeux sociétaux (pauvreté, problèmes de santé, de mobilité, de mal-logement, d’exclusion sociale et financière, atteintes à l’environnement, réchauffement climatique, etc.), chacunes des parties prenantes de la société est difficilement en mesure de répondre seule à ces besoins ; il est donc nécessaire qu’elles mettent en commun leurs forces et leurs capacités, qui sont variées. Ensemble, les Entrepreneurs Sociaux, les Entreprises et les Pouvoirs Publics peuvent relever des défis dans le cadre de partenariats gagnant-gagnant, qu’aucun de ces acteurs n’aurait pu résoudre seul. En créant de nouveaux modèles hybrides, à la croisée du social et du business, ils vont permettre d’enclencher une transformation sociétale à grande échelle. Pourquoi Ashoka? Notre mission et notre approche 1° Identifier et soutenir les Entrepreneurs Sociaux innovants

Desis Lab » Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability Research Lab School of Design Strategies. Parsons The New School for Design Vision DESIS Lab members explore the relationship between design and social change. Our goal is to advance the practice and discourse of design-led social innovation to foster more equitable and sustainable cities and practices. In a complex world facing numerous systemic challenges, DESIS Lab members rethink assumptions about cultural and economic environments, bringing nuanced approaches drawn from integrated design practices to communities of all kinds. In the DESIS Lab, service design is considered an advanced approach, one integrating many design disciplines. Foundations Three foundations guide our research in design strategies: Bridging structural holes: Social settings often suffer from severe information asymmetries. Local and Global The lab works with local partners in New York City and with global partners through the DESIS Network, participating in large-scale research programs and projects to effect social change. Visit the DESIS Network website for more information.

Fondation Condorcet Amplify: Creative and Sustainable Lifestyles on the Lower East Side – on view through 9/15 Are we growing more than plants? This question — blown up in large pink letters on a white wall in a small gallery on the Lower East Side — frames the core of the Amplify exhibition. Like the Lower East Side, the exhibition, which is the product of over one year of planning, research and design, is undergoing a process of evolution and reinvention. The larger initiative, Amplifying Creative Communities , pioneered by the Design for Sustainability and Social Innovation (DESIS) Lab at Parsons The New School for Design, represents the first stage of a multi-year project made possible, in part, by the Cultural Innovation Fund of the Rockefeller Foundation . As one of the installation’s curators, Lara Penin, an Assistant Professor in the Design and Management department at Parsons, describes it, “The exhibition is a research process, a process of interaction in which the content can change before, during and after the exhibit.” Photo: Eduardo Staszowski

Forum Changer d'ère » Le 5 juin à la cité des Sciences et de l'industrie Using Facebook to Fight Dangerous Driving in Delhi Dangerous Delhi drivers are now under the watchful eye of Facebook's "digital informants." Photo by Mani Babbar. With just 5,000 traffic officers in a city of 12 million people, Delhi Traffic Police are enlisting the help of Facebook to crack down on traffic violations, as reported in The New York Times today. The DTP created a Facebook page a couple of months ago to help manage traffic safety and congestion — especially important for Delhi, which is gearing up for the Commonwealth Games. India is known for its fatal road conditions and needs all the help it can get to improve the situation. “Delhi Traffic Police cannot possibly succeed without the active cooperation, participation and support of all the citizens,” says the DTP’s Facebook page tagline. With more than 17,800 fans and close to 3,000 photographs (plus nearly 50 videos), the Facebook page is an example of how online tools can be used to help improve transportation in cities around the world.
