6 Best Twitter Tips Every Teacher should Know about
I just came across this great graphic entitled 5 Best Twitter practices and I thought you might be interested to have a peek. Twitter as you know is a social networking website with a huge educational potential and Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has been posting a lot about it in the last couple of years. Check out the Twitter for Educators section we have here to learn more about how to use Twitter with your students, in your classroom or for your professional development. Have a look at the 6 practices included below and share with us what you think of them. Enjoy courtesy of edudemic
Rachat de Twitter : lâché par plusieurs cadres, Elon Musk reçoit un avertissement officiel des autorités
L'Agence américaine de la concurrence suit "les récents développements chez Twitter avec beaucoup d'inquiétude". Article rédigé par Publié le 11/11/2022 11:14 Mis à jour le 11/11/2022 11:35 Temps de lecture : 1 min. L'acquisition tumultueuse de Twitter par Elon Musk continue de faire des remous. Ce dernier a rappelé que la plateforme doit respecter certaines règles selon les termes d'un accord passé avec l'agence concernant la sécurité et la confidentialité des données. >> On vous explique comment utiliser le réseau social Mastodon, populaire depuis le rachat de Twitter par Elon Musk Or, de nombreux employés au fait de ces régulations ne sont plus chez Twitter. Des centaines de personnes étaient déjà parties cet été, et les démissions de cadres ont continué la semaine dernière. I've made the hard decision to leave Twitter. D'autres directeurs ont aussi fait leurs adieux d'après le Washington Post. Partager : actualités analyses vidéos Prolongez votre lecture autour de ce sujet
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: How to Twitter in 60 Seconds
Our Educational Twitter section here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is growing bigger and bigger. I know all of you have a Twitter account but I am not sure if you all use it for educational purposes or not and this is exactly why I created the section I mentioned earlier. I want those of you who still could not find their way through educational Tweeting to be able to learn how to use this social media first to grow professional and also to improve their teaching and learning. After going through the infographic below I decided to add it to our growing repository of Twitter resources.The graphic is a simple and easy guide that will walk you through the different steps you need to follow to tap into the educational potential of Twitter.
'X' logo installed atop Twitter building, spurring San Francisco to investigate permit violation - ABC13 Houston
ByJANIE HAR and HAVEN DALEY Associated Press Saturday, July 29, 2023 4:30PM SAN FRANCISCO -- The city of San Francisco has opened a complaint and launched an investigation into a giant "X" sign that was installed Friday on top of the downtown building formerly known as Twitter headquarters as owner Elon Musk continues his rebrand of the social media platform. City officials say replacing letters or symbols on buildings, or erecting a sign on top of one, requires a permit for design and safety reasons. The X appeared after San Francisco police stopped workers on Monday from removing the brand's iconic bird and logo from the side of the building, saying they hadn't taped off the sidewalk to keep pedestrians safe if anything fell. VIDEO: 'The everything app': What Musk's rebranding of Twitter to X could mean for future of his companies Erecting a sign on top of a building also requires a permit, Hannan said Friday.
Building a professional learning network on Twitter SmartBlogs
Thanks for reading SmartBlog on Education’s Friday Feature. We’re here to help educators like you engage, innovate and discuss. This week, veteran educator and SmartBrief contributing editor Tom Whitby provides a framework for expanding your professional network using Twitter. For those who do not know, here are two basic Twitter principles: 1. If you only follow ten people, you will only see the general tweets of those ten people. 2. I often say that the worst advocates for using Twitter as a PLN are power users. Building a PLN consisting of quality educators, who responsibly share quality information and sources, takes time and requires a plan. How do you find those quality educators to follow in order to add value to your PLN? The very best sources for good people to follow on Twitter are the best people you already follow. Additionally, many tweeters have lists of people culled from all of their followers for the purpose of grouping. Hashtags add range to tweets.
Twitter Tips we should all know, and care, about #edchat
I use Twitter a lot. Perhaps too much. I, like many others, have learned the hard way about hashtags, avatars, profiles, “tweetiquette” (or ‘twettiquette’), URL shorteners, keeping it real, keeping it professional, keeping it polite (well, I do), etc. Someone coming to Twitter now, all fresh and eager to get stuck in, might find it hard to find their own voice in the noise that the rest of us are making.
Top 25 Twitter Tips for Your Professional Development
Although LinkedIn gets a lot of love as a professional social media site, Twitter is a force that can’t be ignored by up-and-coming young professionals. It’s a great place to get connected and informed, and an especially good resource for growing professionally. But how exactly can you use Twitter for professional development? Check out our list to find 25 different ways. Keep your Twitter profile employer-focused: Maximize the space that you have in your profile to share a professional description of yourself. Once you’ve started connecting and sharing on Twitter, consider how you’ll manage your presence on the site.
3 tips for teachers new to Twitter SmartBlogs
A colleague who knows that Twitter is my favorite social space stuck her head in my room the other day with a complaint. “Bill, Twitter’s not working for me. No one ever replies to any of my questions. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Anyone who has taken the digital leap into the Twitterstream has felt lost and unloved at some point in their early work to use the short messaging service as a learning tool. To convince similarly frustrated peers to give Twitter another chance, I always offer three bits of advice: 1. Educators have embraced hashtags — unique identifiers that start with the # sign — as a way to efficiently share information with each other. Following the hash-tagged resources that are filtered and sorted by other teachers will make the early time that you spend in Twitter worthwhile — and if the early time that you spend in Twitter is worthwhile, you’ll be more likely to continue tinkering with the service. 2. I probably should have known better, right? 3.