Effective Design for Multiple Screen Sizes
So you're a designer and have been tasked with the design of a mobile web site. Chances are, unless you're designing for only one device you're quickly going to be faced with a common problem experienced by designers who work with mobile devices; figuring out what screen size to actually design for. For instance: The iPhone is 320 pixels wide by 480 pixels high.Many Nokia N-Series devices are 240 pixels wide by 320 pixels high.Newer devices often support a landscape mode where the width and height are spontaneously reversed.Older (yet still popular) Nokia devices have displays ranging from 176 by 208 pixels up to 352 by 416 pixels.Blackberry screen resolutions range anywhere from 160 x 160 pixels all the way up to 324 x 352 pixels. This article is intended to help you develop effective design strategies to target a diverse range of mobile devices and screen sizes.
10 Useful iPhone Apps for Web Designers and Developers
The iPhone has revolutionized the mobile device, and the App Store has taken it even further. There are literally apps for just about everything. While some of them are for having fun or passing the time, there are many apps that can help us perform serious tasks. There are even apps to help us web designers and developers do our jobs from anywhere. Having the ability to mange a database or update your blog all from your phone can come in handy.
Porting the Amplitude Application from the iPhone to a Windows M
Many iPhone developers are discovering the potential for new markets and significant revenue opportunities within the Windows Mobile environment and are wondering how to port their Apple applications to Windows® phones. This case study documents the efforts and experiences of an iPhone application developer in porting the iPhone application Amplitude to a phone running Windows Mobile 6.5. Based on his experience, it offers technical depth, code samples, useful links, observations, and tips to help accelerate porting projects. It is intended for developers who have written applications for the iPhone using the Objective-C language and would like to port their applications to Windows phones. All opinions expressed are those of the developer and not necessarily those of Microsoft. About the Developer
Sizes of iPhone UI Elements
How to detect the current device size and kind Other dimensions common to all screen sizes: Points vs. Pixels Apple introduced retina displays starting with the iPhone 4.
UI Guidelines for mobile and tablet web app design
Official user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) guidelines from the manufacturers, links to which you can find below, are a source of inspiration for mobile web and app design. Here, you will find guidelines, samples, tips, and descriptions of common mistakes. Many of the guidelines focus on native application development, but we can apply most parts of them to mobile web design too. Remember to provide the best possible experience on each platform.
20+ Amazing iPhone App Websites
How do the latest and most sought out iPhone applications stand out from the rest? By developing an incredible website design that displays these applications in the best possible way. Many of these sites are clean, run smoothly, and are organized for a better user experience. Below you will find 20+ Amazing Site Designs of Exclusive iPhone Apps for your inspiration. Feel free to comment on any of these designs, or provide a link to one we might of missed. This app allows you to wirelessly listen to audio from your computer on an iPhone or iPod touch using Wi-Fi.
Ready to Port your iPhone App to Windows Mobile? - Windows Mobil
Hello, my name is Constanze Roman and I’m a Community PM with the Windows Mobile Community Team. If you’ve been curious about porting an iPhone app to the Windows Mobile platform, then I have exciting news for you! We have just published a new technical article on MSDN titled Porting the Amplitude Application from the iPhone to a Windows Mobile Device – a Case Study which outlines the real-world experiences of a developer who ported the popular Amplitude application.
IOS Developer Cheat Sheet
Last revision (mm/dd/yy): 04/7/2014 This document is written for iOS app developers and is intended to provide a set of basic pointers to vital aspects of developing secure apps for Apple’s iOS operating system. It follows the OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks list. From a user perspective, two of the best things one can do to protect her iOS device are: enable strong passwords, and refrain from jailbreaking the device. For developers, both of these issues are problematic, as they are not verifiable within an app’s sandbox environment.