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Un médecin italien veut greffer des têtes humaines

Un médecin italien veut greffer des têtes humaines

20 Movie Stills Hilariously Replacing Guns With Thumbs-Ups Thumbs & Ammo is a humorous photo blog with an interesting tagline: Real tough guys don’t need guns, they just need a positive, can-do attitude. As you can see, the guns in each action hero’s hands have been ‘shopped into thumbs-ups. It’s a place where instead of being antiheroes with dark pasts and ambiguous morals, action stars get to be happy dudes and ladies with winning personalities. Here’s 20 best ones that might bring you some fun. Mission Impossible 3 Rambo Reservoir Dogs Se7en Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Full Metal Jacket No Country for Old Men Die Hard Hellboy Robcop Django Unchained Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (again) Wanted The Big Lebowski Star Trek Pulp Fiction Scarface The Matrix Looper Other Brilliant Movie Posts On The Web

Thèse en ligne : Ambiances olfactives dans l’espace construit Le thèse de Suzel Balez vient d’être déposée dans l’archive Tel des thèses en ligne. Elle n’était disponible qu’en version papier dans les centres de documentation du Cresson, Cerma, ENSAG. Ce dépôt est une contribution majeure au thème des ambiances olfactives. Ambiances olfactives dans l’espace construit : perception des usagers et dispositifs techniques et architecturaux pour la maîtrise des ambiances olfactives dans des espaces de type tertiaire. Balez Suzel. Cette recherche se propose d’explorer les ambiances olfactives dans l’espace construit, de façon à se donner des moyens pour en tenir compte dans la conception architecturale. Imprimer ce billet Mots clefs : odeur Posté dans : Thème, Ambiance, Thème, Architecture, Veille, Publication

Les annonces de "Benoît de l'Essonne" sur Le Bon Coin Ces hommes et ces femmes sans sexe déterminé Lorsque l'enfant paraît, c'est la première question : fille ou garçon ? Pourtant, une fois sur quatre mille environ, la réponse ne s'impose pas et le joli scénario de la naissance déraille. "J'étais encore sur la table pour la délivrance quand le médecin m'a mis le sexe de mon bébé devant le nez et m'a dit : "Regardez : on ne sait pas ce que c'est." Inès (1) a bien observé ces deux minuscules testicules et ce pénis collé, "comme une boursouflure". " Pour moi, ce petit zizi, ce n'était pas grave. L'Australie a adopté une troisième case, "x", sur les papiers d'identité Et si le sexe n'était pas binaire ? En France, ces initiatives font figure de fantaisies. Fin mai, une pétition signée par plus de 270 000 personnes a eu raison de l'amendement Sommaruga (loi sur la Refondation de l'école), qui proposait de former les enseignants à l'égalité entre les genres, histoire de lutter contre les stéréotypes liés au sexe. Un homme peut passer sa vie sans s'en rendre compte Son sexe a été "customisé"

Améliorez votre accent anglais grâce au site de l’Elysée | Une Vigie Rue89 Magie de la lecture par synthèse vocale : le site de l’Elysée propose une version audio du communiqué en anglais publié par la présidence de la République après la mort de Margaret Thatcher. Le résultat redonnera sans doute le sourire aux Britanniques endeuillés. (Signalé par @DelphineLegoute sur Twitter) La version audio du communiqué en anglais de l’Elysée Mise à jour le 18/04/2013 à 16 heures. Lire sur

Ca' Corner Pieces by Ay-o, George Brecht, Philip Corner, Al Hansen, Dick Higgins, Alison Knowles, Takehisa Kosugi, Shigeko Kubota, Joe Jones, George Maciunas, Walter Marchetti, Nam June Paik, Ben Patterson, Terry Riley, Tomas Schmit, Mieko Shiomi, Ben Vautier, Robert Watts and La Monte Young were presented, and for the occasion several works by John Cage were reinterpreted in the spirit of this avant-garde: Fontana Mix (1958), Sounds of Venice and Water Walk (1959), Variation III (1962). Counterexamples to Relativity From Conservapedia The theory of relativity is a mathematical system that allows no exceptions. It is heavily promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to mislead people in how they view the world. (add to list) For a discussion of attempts to rebut some of these counterarguments, see Essay:Rebuttal to Counterexamples to Relativity. See also Notes

The Real Neuroscience of Creativity | Beautiful Minds So yea, you know how the left brain is really realistic, analytical, practical, organized, and logical, and the right brain is so darn creative, passionate, sensual, tasteful, colorful, vivid, and poetic? No. Just no. Stop it. Please. Thoughtful cognitive neuroscientists such as Anna Abraham, Mark Beeman, Adam Bristol, Kalina Christoff, Andreas Fink, Jeremy Gray, Adam Green, Rex Jung, John Kounios, Hikaru Takeuchi, Oshin Vartanian, Darya Zabelina and others are on the forefront of investigating what actually happens in the brain during the creative process. The latest findings from the real neuroscience of creativity suggest that the right brain/left brain distinction is not the right one when it comes to understanding how creativity is implemented in the brain.* Creativity does not involve a single brain region or single side of the brain. Importantly, many of these brain regions work as a team to get the job done, and many recruit structures from both the left and right side of the brain.

TrashTrashTrash | Attention, l’écoute de ce son peut provoquer des lésions irréversibles, en tous genres et j’insiste. Ce son est extrait du film Maitresses très particulières, film pornographique méconnu de 1979 aux dialogues aussi crus que le pire du pire que vous ayez jamais connu, EVER. En cherchant des samples de film pour le prochain Fubiz Broadcast, j’ai compris qu’il était possible de trouver un extrait dans lequel chaque phrase est… enfin, chaque phrase peut être cul(te). Edit : C’est notre bien-aimé Dominique Paturel qui se charge du doublage masculin de cette séquence. Comme je me suis marré comme un petit fou avec l’extrait vidéo, j’ai voulu trouver le son dans sa totalité… Moui. Credit : Maîtresses très particulières (extrait de 9min10) Tags : Dialogue, mp3, Porno, Sample Leave a Reply

Outsider Thinking: What Science Can Learn From Art | Think Tank "When I told my uncle who is a doctor that I’m speaking at TEDMED," says the artist Raghava KK, his uncle was dumbfounded. "Has the profession suffered some cardiovascular attack?" he asked. Not at all, Raghava replied. So what can the field of medicine learn from Raghava's art? Just as Raghava wants the spectator to be an active participant, he also says that doctors need "to leave the white spaces" for their patients to "take ownership of their health, take ownership of their wellbeing." What's the Big Idea? This is a prime example of outsider thinking, or the idea that "the outside is also the inside," as Raghava puts it. The video below is the first in a special series co-curated by Big Think and TEDMED featuring people with the audacity to imagine and create a better future in health and medicine. Watch the video here: Image is Untitled from Raghava KK's Epic Recital Collection

Le pipotron Trois heures du matin et plus que quatre heures pour terminer ce rapport pour avant-hier dernier délai, et accessoirement prendre du repos. Heureusement, le projet est bien avancé et il ne reste pratiquement plus que l'introduction et la conclusion à parachever, seules parties de l'ouvrage sûres d'être lues. Mais voilà, l'inspiration a disparu avec les derniers rayons du soleil et ce n'est pas cette mixture verdâtre vendue pour du café qui va être d'un grand secours. Heureusement, Cyber! Découvrer aussi : [ L'excusotron - L'insultron v1 - L'insultron v2 - La déclaration d'amour ] Di solito, la fiera dell’agricoltura di Wee Waa non è la meta preferita degli appassionati di musica. Quest’anno però la manifestazione, che si tiene ogni anno nella piccola città australiana del New South Wales, avrà un programma inaspettato. I Daft Punk, duo elettronico francese, presenteranno il loro nuovo album Random access memories in anteprima mondiale proprio al Wee Waa Show, la festa rurale in programma dal 17 al 19 maggio. La conferma è arrivata direttamente dal sito internet del governo locale. Il disco verrà fatto ascoltare per la prima volta da un palco costruito per l’occasione, di fronte a un pubblico di circa quattromila persone. Il nuovo disco dei Daft Punk uscirà nei negozi a maggio e ha visto la partecipazione di artisti come Julian Casablancas degli Strokes, Giorgio Moroder, Nile Rodgers e Panda Bear degli Animal Collective.

Three Reasons to Reverse-Engineer the Brain | In Their Own Words Ray Kurzweil is the author of the recent book How to Create a Mind. The first question we have for him is "why create a mind?" There are three purposes of reverse-engineering the brain. One is to do a better job of fixing it and because that's a business opportunity. We're going to transform this multi-trillion dollar health and medicine industry with these techniques. And its knowledge was not programmed fact-by-fact in lists per some computer languages. That's coming to a search engine near you. So you can have a computer even do a job that's very mediocre compared to human, but then you can apply the scale of computation. So that's where we're headed. Since that helps you through the day, we'll answer your questions before you ask them or even before you realize you have a question, and you'll just get used to this information popping up that you wanted and you'll be frustrated if you're thinking about something and it doesn't immediately pop up with you even having to ask for it.
