Related: Games/Interactives
The Coop Times All stories written in this game are automatically published to The Coop Times newspaper - read them here. By Adam Carr - @2HitAdam with special thanks to Omeed Dariani, Jola Pez and Matt Carr for submitting extra prompts! Music "Big Fish" and "Full Hand" by playonloop.com CC BY 3.0 If you've enjoyed my game and it's within your means, please consider giving back <3 I'm near broke at the moment, and donations help me keep making these games! So you wanna be a journalist, huh? You play as a journalist trying to get a piece out before a deadline. More games by 2 Hit Studio
The Coop Times All stories written in this game are automatically published to The Coop Times newspaper - read them here. By Adam Carr - @2HitAdam with special thanks to Omeed Dariani, Jola Pez and Matt Carr for submitting extra prompts! Music "Big Fish" and "Full Hand" by playonloop.com CC BY 3.0 If you've enjoyed my game and it's within your means, please consider giving back <3 I'm near broke at the moment, and donations help me keep making these games! So you wanna be a journalist, huh? You play as a journalist trying to get a piece out before a deadline. More games by 2 Hit Studio
Découvrez Google Drive : tous vos fichiers au même endroit. Tout Google avec un seul compte Connectez-vous pour accéder à Google Drive. Localiser mon compte Mot de passe oublié ? Se connecter avec un autre compte Créer un compte Tout Google avec un seul compte 21 Digital Tools To Build Vocabulary - 21 Digital Tools To Build Vocabulary by Kimberly Tyson, Ph.D If you follow this blog, you know that I believe effective vocabulary instruction is just about the most important instructional activity for teachers to get right. For lots of reasons. Vocabulary influences fluency, comprehension, and student achievement. How’s that for starters? In addition, a broad vocabulary is important for effective speaking, listening, reading and writing. I write frequently about the importance of effective vocabulary instruction and my recent infographic – the 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Vocabulary Instruction – has proved very popular having been Pinned over 31,000 times. In today’s 21st century classrooms, digital tools must coexist alongside more traditional tools. Digital tools have advantages. The following digital tools show promise to support word learning, review, and playing with language. 21 Digital Tools to Build Vocabulary Reference Tools 1. 2. Looking for a visual thesaurus? Shahi 3. 4.
Serious game Click on the image to start the game Scenario For more than a century people have been using and depleting energy resources carefree, as if they were endless. In 2020 the world could find itself in a deadlock. The player has the power to go back in time and to rewrite history. The player’s objective: to reduce the consumption of energy, increase energy efficiency and choose the best renewable energies. Why a serious game ? Inspired by active learning, the serious game proposes an immersive learning mode to develop critical thinking and motivation. 2020 Energy offers a perspective for debate and adds to traditional learning, which it couldn’t replace. The game offers complex questioning on the issues of efficiency and the reduction of our energy consumption, renewable energies and sustainable development. Based on the codes and rules of video games, 2020 Energy‘s gameplay is at the crossroads between playing and learning.
Interactive Learning Sites for Education - Home 12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students - 12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students by TeachThought Staff Many of the most successful apps–in any category–are characterized by their ability to adapt to a variety of user and user goals. Minecraft is a perfect example of this–a game that the player can use as they wish to create what they want. It can be played by users of a huge range of ages and ability levels. Other apps like YouTube, Google Music, Duolingo, and others can be used flexibly by children, teens, or adults as well. But due to the inherent nature of language, vocabulary apps are different. With that in mind is a list of 12 of the best vocabulary apps for middle and high school students. Also included are apps that, like Knowji’s offerings, depend highly on visual representation of ideas. 12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students
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Super Teacher Tools Cram.com: Create and Share Online Flashcards