Power of Nanotechnology Video Blow Your Mind
Related: Robotics and Nano
• Eworld-Future
RoboBrain: Robots Begin to Develop ''Culture'' by Learning From Each Other
By Nicholas West Machine learning continues to advance with new artificial intelligence systems that are beginning to acquire and share knowledge in very human ways. I had written last year about robots that were beginning to learn tasks from YouTube. Researchers from the University of Maryland were using the popular video network as a database of information to enhance artificial intelligence in much the same way that many of us will seek out instruction for attaining new skills.
The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1
PDF: We made a fancy PDF of this post for printing and offline viewing. Buy it here. (Or see a preview.) Note: The reason this post took three weeks to finish is that as I dug into research on Artificial Intelligence, I could not believe what I was reading. It hit me pretty quickly that what’s happening in the world of AI is not just an important topic, but by far THE most important topic for our future.
Robots will obliterate America's middle class and unleash mass unemployment, social chaos and global populist revolts
(NaturalNews) In the next generation or so, highly capable robots will obliterate America's middle class by displacing tens of millions of workers. We're already seeing it take shape. Check out this robotic crop production facility that uses robots to produce 30,000 heads of fresh lettuce each day. This is precisely the kind of technology that makes humans obsolete.
27 Science Fictions That Became Science Facts in 2012
We may never have our flying cars, but the future is here. From creating fully functioning artificial leaves to hacking the human brain, science made a lot of breakthroughs in 2012. 1. Quadriplegic Uses Her Mind to Control Her Robotic Arm At the University of Pittsburgh, the neurobiology department worked with 52-year-old Jan Scheuermann over the course of 13 weeks to create a robotic arm controlled only by the power of Scheuermann’s mind.
BioAPI physical evidence from chemtrails
This web sites not bother with the scientific details or patents behind the actual nano-tech. I, like yourself I'm sure are not a nano-tech engineer. If you want details you can read for the next ten years if you want. Patents are easily found for all of this. They want and need you to focus on the super technical nonsense, look past it; the closer you look , the less you will see
Future - Facebook is a growing and unstoppable digital graveyard
The day after my Aunt’s passing, I discovered she’d written me a lovely note on the front page of the Shakespeare collection she’d given me. “I know how important the written word is to you,” it read, “this then is my gift to you.” With all of my love, as always,
Introduction To Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology, also referred to as nanotech, is the science and technology of building devices, such as electronic circuits, and controlling molecular structures that are less than 100 nanometers in size. One nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter. Nanotechnology is literally invisible to the naked eye. Nanotechnology is a newly emerging and very promising area for business investors and the struggle has begun on who owns the 'nano bank' of patents. There is a lot of debate on the future implications of nanotechnologies.
It Begins: Bots Are Learning to Chat in Their Own Language
Igor Mordatch is working to build machines that can carry on a conversation. That’s something so many people are working on. In Silicon Valley, chatbot is now a bona fide buzzword.