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Watch_Dogs WeAreData

Watch_Dogs WeAreData
Dans Watch_Dogs, la ville de Chicago est gérée par le ctOS, un système de contrôle informatisé hautement perfectionné. Ce réseau utilise les données qui lui sont transmises pour contrôler l’ensemble des infrastructures urbaines et résoudre les problèmes complexes liés à la circulation routière, la lutte contre la délinquance, la gestion de l’électricité, etc. Mais aujourd’hui, cette situation n’a plus rien de fictif : les villes « intelligentes » sont une réalité. Chaque jour, une quantité incalculable de données sont recueillies et traitées avant d’être rendues publiques et accessibles à tous. Watch_Dogs WeareData est le premier site Internet à rassembler en un même endroit les données publiques de Paris, Londres et Berlin. Chacune de ces villes a été recréée sur une carte en 3D, de manière à permettre aux utilisateurs du site de découvrir en temps réel comment les villes modernes d’aujourd’hui organisent et traitent ces données. Ce que vous allez découvrir ici est la pure réalité. Related:  Geek

Watch_Dogs WeAreData Amazing 3D Fractals Inspired By Faberge Eggs Fractals, repeating patterns that are similar at different scales, are a popular choice for art on paper on flat screens - but artist Tom Beddard has taken them into the third dimension. "I have a fascination with the aesthetics of detail and complexity that is the result of simple mathematical or algorithmic processes," Beddard says. "For me the creative process is writing my own software and scripts to explore the resulting output in an interactive manner. The 3D fractals are generated by iterative formulas whereby the output of one iteration forms the input for the next. "The fascinating aspect is where combinations of parameters can combine to create structural 'resonances' of extraordinary detail and beauty—sometimes naturally organic and other times perfectly geometric," Beddard says. Beddard, who works under the name subblue, is using his website to encourage people to sign up to get them to donor registration lists. H/T My Modern Metropolis

Alt codes list (all symbol codes Guides If you don't yet know how to make symbols with keyboard → pick your system and read how. ➲ Windows PC Guide on how to write computer symbols from your keyboard by using Alt codes. ➲ Windows Laptop Guide on making symbols by using Alt codes on laptop keyboard. ➲ Other Type symbols by their keyboard codes. Symbols If you only know about alt code symbols, you're missing out on a lot of other cool symbols and stuff that's made using them. ╔╗──╔╗ ║╚╗╔╝║ ╚╗╚╝╔╩═╦╗╔╦═╗ ─╚╗╔╣╔╗║║║║╔╝ ──║║║╚╝║╚╝║║ ──╚╝╚══╩══╩╝ █▀▀█ █▀▀█ ░▀░ █▀▀▀ ░▀░ █▀▀▄ █▀▀█ █░░ █░░█ █▄▄▀ ▀█▀ █░▀█ ▀█▀ █░░█ █▄▄█ █░░ ▀▀▀▀ ▀░▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀░░▀ ▀░░▀ ▀▀▀ Aɴᴅ ᴇʟᴇɢᴀɴᴛ ғᴏʀᴍ.̶̪͍͚̘̱̭ Yᴏᴜʀ k€ЏßØα®d ᴄᴀɴ ᴅᴏ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ. (¬‿¬)

How Dozens of Companies Know You're Reading About Those NSA Leaks As news websites around the globe are publishing story after story about dragnet surveillance, these news sites all have one thing in common: when you visit these websites, your personal information is broadcast to dozens of companies, many of which have the ability to track your surfing habits, and many of which are subject to government data requests. How Does This Happen? When you load a webpage in your browser, the page normally includes many elements that get loaded separately, like images, fonts, CSS files, and javascript files. These files can be, and often are, loaded from different domain names hosted by different companies. For example, if a website has a Facebook Like button on it, your browser loads javascript and images from Facebook's server to display that Like button, even if the website you're visiting has nothing to do with Facebook. Why Does This Matter? Each time your browser makes a request it sends the following information with it: Who is Using Third Party Resources?

Prism est mort... vive le prochain Prism est mort... vive le prochain Publié le 04-07-2013 à 20:20:22 dans le thème Réseau - Sécurité Pays : Europe - Auteur : Damien Bancal Pub : Tous les logiciels anti-spam gratuits disponibles sur Internet Le Parlement européen a adopté une résolution sur le Programme de surveillance de la NSA, les agences de surveillance dans différents Etats membres et l'incidence sur la vie privée des européens. Jeudi 4 juillet, le Parlement européen a adopté à une large majorité une résolution sur le Programme de surveillance de la NSA américaine, les agences de surveillance dans différents Etats membres et l'incidence sur la vie privée des citoyens européens. Pendant ce temps, la Quadrature du Net exprime ses doutes, un an jour pour jour après le rejet d'ACTA. Le Parlement a cependant rejeté les amendements appelant au report des négociations de l'accord commercial trans-atlantique, le Trans-Atlantic Free Trade Agreement ou TAFTA (aussi connu sous le nom de TTIP). Tweet Derniers contenus

Infographie : la taille des vaisseaux spatiaux de la science-fiction L’illustration géante d’un artiste permet de comparer les tailles de centaines de vaisseaux spatiaux de la pop culture, de Star Wars au Cinquième Élément. Du X-Fighter à l’Eggdome, ils sont tous là. (Crédit image : Dirk Loechel) “Entre l’Étoile Noire et l’Enterprise, à ton avis qui gagne ?” Le choix est large : les principaux navires de Star Wars et Star Trek sont présents bien sûr (à l’exception de l’Étoile de la Mort), mais aussi ceux de l’univers Warhammer 40 000, des séries Stargate SG-1 et Dr Who, du jeu vidéo Mass Effect, de l’anime Cowboy Bebop, des films Le Cinquième Élément et Wall-E… Mince, il y a même les différents vaisseaux de Dr Eggman dans Sonic The Hedgehog. L’auteur s’est concentré sur des vaisseaux dont la taille varie de 100 à 24 000 mètres d’envergure, pour des raisons de lisibilité – d’où l’absence de l’Étoile de la Mort de Star Wars, précise-t-il. Cliquez sur l’image ci-dessous pour voir l’infographie en grand. Cliquez sur l’image pour l’agrandir.

5 Free Twitter Tools to Schedule Tweets for Future | Free Software Here are five free Software to Schedule Tweets in Future: CoTweet, FutureTweets, SocialOomph , Twaitter and Twuffer. These Tweet scheduling software let you easily schedule tweets. CoTweet: CoTweet is a widely used Twitter scheduling tool used by companies and other businesses to build and bridge gaps towards their costumers. Sponsored Links CoTweet lets you easily schedule tweets for future. Here are some other features of CoTweet: Manage multiple Twitter accounts: CoTweet can manage number of accounts with multiple number of users at the same time.Easy keyword findings and trending: Twitter and CoTweet are intergrated through interface on CoTweetAssignments: You can follow up your colleagues with regards to individual assignments to easily make a job done.Notifications on-duty: You can share certain responsibilities while on duty and receive notifications by email when updates are sent on Twitter. You can try CoTweet here. FutureTweets Socialoomph: Here are the base features: Twuffer:

Personal Data Takes a Winding Path Into Marketers’ Hands “What’s in it for you?” said the flier from MS LifeLines, a support network for patients and their families that is financed by two drug makers, Pfizer and EMD Serono. “Strategies for managing and understanding your symptoms. The thing is that my friend, who requested that I keep her name out of this column, does not have multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. But last year, she did search online for information about various diseases, including M.S., on a number of consumer health sites. Now she wondered whether one of those companies had erroneously profiled her as an M.S. patient and shared that profile with drug-company marketers. In our data-happy society, the case of the mistaken M.S. patient illustrates a lack of visibility for people interested in how information about them changes hands. Americans, he says, should be allowed “to be left alone.” In part, this belief stems from his own nature. “The principles are remarkably simple,” Mr.

Looking 4 data visualization 23 jeux cultes des 90′s pour jouer depuis votre navigateur Geek- Vendredi 28 mars 2014 · Tags: jeux video· 5 commentaires Petite pause au pays du RetroGame avec ces 23 titres de jeux vidéo des années 90 dénichés par PancakeRiot. Vous pouvez y jouer à partir de votre navigateur sans rien installer. Du premier Prince Of Persia aux Tortues Ninja de 1992 en passant par le fameux DOOM, votre pause déj va prendre un sérieux coup de rétroviseur. Prince of Persia (1989) – Jouez ici : Mortal Kombat II (1992) – Jouez ici – Sonic 2 (1992) - Jouez ici : Turtles in Time (1992) – Jouez ici : Super Mario Kart (1992) - Jouez ici : Doom (1993) – Jouez ici : Alladin (1993) – Jouez ici : Alone in the Dark (1992) – Jouez ici : Mega Man X (1993) – Jouez ici : Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (1991) – Jouez ici :

AutoTweeter - Desktop twitter application to schedule automatic tweets AutoTweeter is a java based twitter application developed to help you schedule your tweets. Jot down the tweets that you want to be tweeted into a text file and schedule the time interval after which the tweets should go out. AutoTweeter tweets each line in the specified text file at intervals as set by you. Being a java application, AutoTweeter should run on any platform. It needs JRE 1.6 (don’t worry, it would most probably be already installed in your pc). You can start and stop the auto tweets through the context menu. There are some nice ways in which you can put this application to use. Update: AutoTweeter has been completely revamped, especially the user interface. Managing multiple twitter files has become dead simple with the new user interface. Quickie Set tweets to be tweeted at regular time intervalsJava based desktop application supports all types of OSNeeds JRE 1.6Start and Stop auto tweets anytime you wish AutoTweeter Says

Start-Up Lets Users Track Who Tracks Them Is your Web browsing history your business – or everyone else’s? A start-up based in Palo Alto, Calif., Disconnect, which helps you track who is tracking you online, this week released its latest tool to help safeguard your browsing history. Its new browser extension works on Chrome and Firefox browsers and is meant to block an invisible network of around 2,000 separate tracking companies. Disconnect offers tools to help track who is tracking you online. Most of the tracking is in the service of advertising: If you were browsing a camping goods site over the weekend, for instance, don’t be surprised to see an ad pop up for hiking boots when you log in to a news site the next morning or even, when you open up your Facebook page. It is a tried-and-true digital advertising strategy called retargeting. The Disconnect filter, which Brian Kennish, a former Google engineer, started building two years ago, is squarely aimed at controlling that kind of targeted advertising.
