Eight Ways of Looking at Intelligence Big Ideas In “Thirteen Ways of Looking At A Blackbird,” poet Wallace Stevens takes something familiar—an ordinary black bird—and by looking at it from many different perspectives, makes us think about it in new ways. With apologies to Stevens, we’re going to take the same premise, but change the subject by considering eight ways of looking at intelligence—eight perspectives provided by the science of learning. A few words about that term: The science of learning is a relatively new discipline born of an agglomeration of fields: cognitive science, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience. Its project is to apply the methods of science to human endeavors—teaching and learning—that have for centuries been mostly treated as an art. As with anything to do with our idiosyncratic and unpredictable species, there is still a lot of art involved in teaching and learning. 1. Situations can be internal or external. On one level this is obvious, but on another it is quite radical. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Smartificial Vivemos em um mundo onde gadgets são, cada vez mais, uma espécie de extensão dos nossos corpos e mentes. Por isso, parece apenas inevitável vislumbrar futuros onde seremos, mesmo, apenas um com a tecnologia. E o grande agente dessa transformação talvez seja a necessidade de antecipação de informações, que se desenrola na produção e consumo de conteúdo que acontece o tempo todo, em todos os lugares. Todo esse fluxo e ritmo aparecem ditados por uma tecnologia que alia suas preocupações com o mundo com informações sobre o hiperlocal, de forma que eu possa estar – e saber – sobre tudo sempre. O inebriante sabor da onipresença é um poderoso reflexo da tendência SMARTIFICIAL. Nela, sensores e conteúdo geolocalizável são vetores de uma sociedade mais inteligente, e “the Internet of things” tornará possível prover conteúdo relevante para cada situação e necessidade a ser vivida. Outro gadget que ajuda a cuidar da saúde, além de apresentar recursos mais básicos de um smartphone, é o Emopulse.
Matteo Flora: LifeHacking For Hackers La Technique Pomodoro ou l'art de gérer son temps grâce à une tomate | Changer et devenir meilleur - Etre Meilleur La gestion du temps est un sujet qui me passionne. Il existe un nombre impressionnant de méthodes vous promettant de devenir maître de votre temps. Certaines sont redoutablement efficaces, du moins au début quand l’effet nouveauté vous motive à expérimenter la promesse de la technique ultime. Très vite, le manque de discipline aidé de son copain le manque de motivation vous font retomber dans vos bons vieux travers. Voilà pourquoi, il est important de trouver le système le plus motivant donc le plus simple. Parlant simplicité, j’ai découvert la technique Pomodoro (The Pomodoro Technique ou littéralement la technique de la tomate). En quoi consiste la technique Pomodoro ? La philosophie derrière la technique de la tomate consiste à ne se consacrer pleinement qu’à une tâche à la fois. 1 – Pendant 25 minutes, vous n’allez porter votre attention que sur une activité (appelée tomate) unique et rien d’autres Votre intérêt ne se bornera qu’à la réalisation de cette tâche. Discipline du temps
Google Glass Gets Fancy New Frames and Shades Google has announced a new collection of frames and shades for Google Glass. Called the DVF | Made for Glass collection, they were created in a collaboration with American fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg. Five new fames and eight new shades will be available through the Google Glass website and Net-a-Porter starting June 23. The sunglasses from the collection, which include a grey, rainbow-hued and a brown option, will sport a DVF logo in the corner, akin to sunglasses from brands such as Ray-Ban. The new collection of frames and shades adds to Google's Titanium Collection, launched in January. Furthermore, Google announced in March it has partnered with Luxottica, which should eventually yield Ray-Ban and Oakley-branded frames and shades for Glass. Originally available only through a very limited beta program, Google Glass opened up to everyone in May 2014, though the price is quite prohibitive: $1,500. Have something to add to this story?
Critical Thinking Abilities Weak versus Strong Critical Thinking Critical thinking involves basic intellectual skills, but these skills can be used to serve two incompatible ends: self-centeredness or fair-mindedness. As we develop the basic intellectual skills that critical thinking entails, we can begin to use those skills in a selfish or in a fair-minded way. In other words, we can develop in such a way that we learn to see mistakes in our own thinking, as well as the thinking of others. Typically, people see mistakes in other's thinking without being able to credit the strengths in those opposing views. We call these thinkers weak-sense critical thinkers. Another traditional name for the weak-sense thinker is found in the word sophist. Sophistic thinkers succeed only if they do not come up against what we call strong-sense critical thinkers. Perhaps even more important, strong-sense critical thinkers strive to be fair-minded. Figure 3.1. Figure 3.2.
Five Steps to Enterprise Gamification Gamification is a hot new trend in business. As with any emerging trend, the best practices are still emerging. Some businesses are taking a “chocolate covered broccoli” approach by simply adding points, badges, and leaderboards to their applications and calling them gamified. This article offers another approach. It outlines a road map to meaningful gamification via a five-step process called Player Centered Design. What is Gamification Gamification is the application of game design principles to non-game environments. The Buzz around Gamification Type “gamification” into Google Trends and you will see the term started piquing our collective interest in 2011 and has steadily trended upwards since. There have been several articles about Gamification in popular business journals. "…by 2014, 80% of current gamified applications will fail to meet business objectives…"tweet this Player Centered Design Step 1: Know Your Player Step 2: Identify Your Mission The next step is to define the mission.
The Ultimate Sign Of Success: An Open Calendar "Busy" is the modern equivalent of "fine." Ask people how they’re doing and they’re highly likely to tell you they’re “keeping busy” or “we had a busy summer” or “you know, busy as usual!” We like to think of ourselves as industrious bees, buzzing around from one thing to the next, our sense of self-worth coming from being in high demand. I absorb this mind-set as much as anyone, and so when I call to interview people, I often say “I promise I won’t take much of your time.” Her point, I soon realized, was that she had decided to talk to me. Needless to say, most of us don’t have that luxury. Empty space means that you control your time, and that you do not have to bend to other people’s schedules and whims. That is power. [Image: Flickr user Liz West]
Article - les lois de la gestion du temps Nous avons beau rédiger nos planning en heures de travail, nous sommes forcés de constater qu’une heure de travail ne ressemble pas à une autre. Outre la nature de l’activité, plusieurs facteurs entrent en jeu : le stress, le plaisir, l’apprentissage, l’enrichissement personnel que l’on en tire, le niveau d’énergie, la frustration ou l’insatisfaction. En fait ce n’est pas tant la quantité de temps passée qui compte mais sa qualité. Comment s’organiser de façon à tirer le meilleur de chacune de nos heures de travail? 1. En 1949, Edouard A. Depuis, cette loi est généralement exprimée par : “si quelque chose peut mal tourner, alors cette chose finira infailliblement par mal tourner”. 2. En 1951, Sune Carlson constata dans une étude sur le travail des managers qu’ils étaient interrompus en moyenne toutes les vingt minutes. Il en tira la loi des séquences homogènes, selon laquelle “une tâche effectuée en continu demande moins de temps et d’énergie qu’une tâche réalisée en plusieurs fois”.
Case Study: Pain Squad Mobile App—Helping Young Cancer Patients Track Pain Every year, thousands of children with cancer are treated at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children (or SickKids). The pain these children endure is one of the worst parts of their sickness. Doctors, nurses and researchers continually work on innovative ways to manage and minimize the pain their patients experience during treatments. To help the children do this, these individuals ask their young patients to record how they feel twice a day in their pain journals. The more information on pain the researchers receive, the better the pain protocols for current and future patients. As a result, SickKids approached us to help find a digital solution to collect this vital data every single day. Budget Under $500,000 Research To better understand the issues that prevent patients from chronicling their pain, we met with children at SickKids. What we discovered is that children with cancer are still children: they love to play and have fun. Strategy Challenges Effectiveness Additional information
How to Implement Deep Learning Characteristics in the Classroom | The Educato... Deep learning is the foundation on which I instruct my students; whether it is through the use of practical thinking skills, human dimension activities, and/or data gathering. There are other deep learning characteristics I implement daily, but these are most commonly used in my classroom. These strategies help to... Deep learning is the foundation on which I instruct my students; whether it is through the use of practical thinking skills, human dimension activities, and/or data gathering. There are other deep learning characteristics I implement daily, but these are most commonly used in my classroom. These strategies help to keep me focused on one common goal for all my students: to promote better learning outcomes for all students-ones that are transformational. Engaging students actively in their own learning, and encouraging understanding of presented materials, should be the main goal of all educators. Practical thinking skills are an essential part of my lesson planning.
6 Tips for Getting Employees to Accept Your Gamification System Having Employees Accept Gamification Can be Tricky Julie has recently been hired to a global sales team, she is eager to prove her worth. She keeps receiving countless emails letting everyone know her new co-workers are being awarded badges and accumulating points in some way. When she tries to find out why she is getting all these public notifications that are clogging up her inbox, her manager tells her it’s some gaming platform his boss made him use – “it’s a mandate from up high, I had nothing to do with it”. During lunch, her cubicle mate tells her that three months ago the company decided to implement a gaming platform announced with great fanfare by the higher ups, but since then the only thing that’s different is that they have a desktop app that gives them “meaningless points for meaningless actions”. Could this have turned out differently? Assign a process leader — that is, a change manager that will set the tone of the app. CC Flickr Image by cpennywcupa
experience - Overcoming slow problem solving due to increased knowledge of what might go wrong I had the (likely) same problem many years ago, it lasted for a few years and I overcame it. So maybe it would be of some interest to you to know how I achieved that, even if I'm not sure my way will also apply to you. You should also have a look here : The Seven Stages of Expertise in Software Engineering It shows that productivity is in great part a side effect of skill level. Now I start with biographic testimony. A bit of context. As a result when I turned 20, whenever starting any programming task I knew many ways to solve the given problems and was very conscious of the many parameters and pitfalls at hands, and drawbacks and limits of any method. At some points (say about 26 years old) it became really difficult for me to write any program at all. I never totally stopped trying to program nevertheless. Basically I forced myself not to care about code efficiency (that was my main roadblock, avoid inefficient designs), but just go the easiest way.