The Instructional Use of Learning Objects -- Online Version
This is the online version of The Instructional Use of Learning Objects, a new book that tries to go beyond the technological hype and connect learning objects to instruction and learning. You can read the full text of the book here for free. The chapters presented here are © their respective authors and are licensed under the Open Publication License, meaning that you are free to copy and redistribute them in any electronic or non-commercial print form. For-profit print rights are held by AIT/AECT. In addition to reading the book, at this website you can participate in discussions of the book's chapters with the authors and others, submit any corrections should you find errors in a chapter, and discuss other issues related to learning objects, instruction, and learning. The book is divided into five major sections. 1.0. 2.0. 3.0. 4.0. 5.0. This site is maintained by David Wiley. Copyright © 2000 by the authors listed above.
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Wayne Hodgins
Wayne Hodgins was the strategic futurist at Autodesk Inc. for over 20 years and now an Autodesk Fellow. Wayne brings keen foresight and thought-provoking perspectives on human performance improvement, knowledge management, learning, and the general nature of design to a broad range of corporations and organizations worldwide. His exceptional vision, versatility, and ability to discern trends and complex patterns make him a trusted advisor to senior management at Autodesk, as well as clients at Fortune 500 companies, national governments, NGO’s, military, academic, and other institutions. A highly sought-after speaker, Wayne uses his unique ability to put together eclectic combinations of existing elements into new models that are easily understood so that others become inspired and enabled to use this new information to design their own future. Wayne’s passion for effecting change has made him a leader in initiating and developing international standards.
USDLA - United States Distance Learning Association: Home
Learning Object Articles at
Learning Object articles for educators: The Instructional Use of Learning Objects. Use and Abuse of Reusable Learning Objects. Learning Objects by WBTIC. Preparing Teachers To Use Learning Objects. The Learning Objects tutorial. Course Design and Content Organization: A Psychological Perspective Learning Object articles for the technically inclined: Everything you ever wanted to know about... Thinking XML: Learning Objects Metadata. Learning Objects by NLII The Instructional Use of Learning Objectsedited by David WileyIntroduction This provides access to the online version of The Instructional Use of Learning Objects. In addition to reading the book, at its website you can participate in discussions of the book's chapters with the authors and others, submit any corrections should you find errors in a chapter, and discuss other issues related to learning objects, instruction, and learning. Use and Abuse of Reusable Learning Objectsby Pithamber R.
e-learning for kids
LiNE Zine - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Learning Standards
History shows that revolutionary changes do not take off without widespread adoption of common standards. For electricity, this was the standardization of voltage and plugs; for railroads, the standard gauge of the tracks; and for the Internet, the common standards of TCP/IP, HTTP, and HTML. Common standards for metadata, learning objects, and learning architecture are mandatory for similar success of the knowledge economy. Fortunately, the work to create such standards for learning objects and related standards has been going on around the world for the past few years. As we experience a boom in online education, learning technology standards are critical to our industry’s success because they will help us answer the following questions: How will we mix and match content from multiple sources? How do we develop interchangeable content that can be reused, assembled, and disassembled quickly and easily? How do we ensure that we are not trapped by a vendor’s proprietary learning technology?
Wayne Hodgins
H. Wayne Hodgins 2002 Hans Karlsson Award ________________________________________________ "For extraordinary leadership and vision that led to the first learning technology standard that was instrumental in moving an entire industry to pursue a standards-based rather than a proprietary approach" Wayne Hodgins is recognized around the world as a strategic futurist and one of the leading experts on human performance improvement, knowledge management, learning and training technology. With over 30-years of experience in business and education, Wayne has developed thought-provoking and visionary perspectives on how learning, technology, and standards can revolutionize workforce productivity. Wayne began his career as an educator of young adults and professionals, teaching industrial design and technology in Vancouver, Canada. In 1989, Wayne joined Autodesk, Inc. to develop and manage the company's teacher training and CAD standard programs.
Adam Cooper « CETIS Publications
Link: CETIS Analytics Series vol 1, No 9. A Brief History of Analytics (pdf) Link: CETIS Analytics Series vol 1, No 9. A Brief History of Analytics (MS Word .docx) The potential of analytics according to this definition is to help us to evaluate past actions and to estimate the potential of future actions, so to make better decisions and adopt more effective strategies as organisations or individuals. Several factors are coming together at the moment to stimulate interest in making more use of analytics. This paper, one of the CETIS Analytics Series, is aimed at readers who wish to be introduced to the range of techniques that are being pieced together and labelled as Analytics.
2º ) Divisão dos textos pela turma para tradução; Para a realização desta actividade, a turma decidiu criar um wiki, por iniciativa da colega Maria João, que se costuma disponibilizar para esta tarefa. Assim, foi criado um espaço no PBworks. A experiência da turma neste tipo de actividade colaborativa foi um factor preponderante para o sucesso da mesma e rapidamente foram encontrados voluntários para a tradução das diversas páginas. 3º) Junção dos contributos individuais e revisão global dos textos pela turma, tendo em vista apresentar a sua versão final; Uma vez que nem todos os alunos são especialistas em língua inglesa, foi necessário a entreajuda na tradução de algumas frases. e também pedi ajuda nas traduções: Finda a tradução de cada página, o texto foi revisto pelo grupo. Abordagens à avaliação da qualidade em e-learning Modelo de sucesso em E-learning (Holsapple e Lee-Post, 2006) APedro