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Holy Experience : Ann Voskamp

Holy Experience : Ann Voskamp

If Anything Matters…Everything Matters! « Windrumors | The Official Site of Wm. Paul Young, Author of "The Shack" "If anything matters… everything matters" – comes from the conversation in The Shack in which Mack is wondering (as he anticipates his return to ‘real’ life), if what he does in his day-to-day experience even truly matters (has any significance). I think there are a lot of us who wonder that, especially in a world that reduces individuals to numbers and statistics. What is significant about the daily routine of getting up, going to work, cleaning the house, making meals, doing laundry, changing diapers etc.? In addition, there is such a drive for performance, especially in religious circles, but also in the culture at large, that the question easily morphs a little into, "Does what I do matter enough (to God, to others, to the expectations of others etc.)?" In my opinion, one of the most fundamental lies resides at the core of this issue, and that is, "Significance is related to Doing (Performance)". The truth is this: "Significance originates from ‘being’, not from doing."

Molly's Herbals Natural Care for Pets & People- for the health and care of your goats, dogs, cats, horses, and other pets as well as humans *Disclaimer: The products offered on this web site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. The information and statements presented on this site have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The use of herbs and essential oil for the prevention, treatment, mitigation or cure of disease has not been approved by the FDA or USDA. We are not veterinarians or doctors. Jenna Lucado Bishop - Blog Farming for Dummies (Like Us) - Home Emergency Preparedness Supplies & Emergency Kits - Blog It’s the “Out with the Old, In with the New” holiday, my favorite time of year. Before the Christmas cookies had cooled, I was already dreaming about all the purging and planning I was going to do this week. I could hardly wait to make a new schedule, find new recipes, and buy new packs of multi-colored gel pens. But I’ve come to believe that the best New Year’s resolutions are to keep the old ones. For most of us, sitting at Jesus’ feet only happens if we wake up early enough to make time to sit. Rising early is an ancient habit, indeed, explains Charles Spurgeon: Early rising has the example of Old Testament saints to recommend it, and many modern saints having conscientiously practiced it, have been loud in its praise. Too many “disorderly days” have driven me back to this old resolution for the New Year. We started The 5 O’Clock Club for this reason: because we all need accountability and encouragement to keep this most important habit. ~from the archives Emmanuel has come to us 52home

Compassion « Glory to God for All Things The Elder speaks on the circumstance of being harmed by a brother in Christ: If it is necessary to grieve at all, then we should grieve for the loss of that person who has harmed us, not for the loss of our possessions. For, that person has done injustice to himself by being cast out of the heavenly kingdom. ‘Wrongdoers shal not inherit the kingdom of God’ (1 Cor. 6:9). As for you that have been done injustice, the person that has wronged you has in face procured life for you. It is indeed said: ‘Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in Heaven’ (Matt. 5:12). In effect, God has placed us in an order of many members, which have Christ our God as their head, as the Apostle said: “Just as the body is one and has many members, and the head of all is Christ” (1 Cor. 12:12). From the Reflections of Abba Zossimas Author comments have a tan color background for you to easily identify the posts author in the comments

Internet Cafe Devotions Ken Davis | Christian Comedian
