Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and give Monsanto's Roundup the heave ho
(NaturalNews) There's been lots written recently about the toxicity of Monsanto's poster child product Roundup, exposing how harmful it is for the earth and how poisonous it is on exposure for both animals and humans. However, what is not common knowledge to most organic gardeners and back yard enthusiasts is how they can manage weed control safely without the need for dangerous pesticides. Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and safely, with no side effects to you, your pets, wildlife and mother earth. Killing weeds naturally with vinegar allows you to target exactly what weeds to eradicate, and it's cheap and easy to use. Vinegar is not choosy and cannot differentiate between broad-leaf weeds, narrow-leaf weeds, grass, flowers or vegetables. The best way to apply vinegar for weed control is with a spray bottle or pump sprayer. Spray or paint the vinegar on liberally to kill weeds naturally. Use vinegar to kill weeds before the weeds go to seed to prevent new weeds from growing.
82 Sustainable Gardening Tips - Organic Gardening
Most gardeners have sustainability on their minds. After all, growing your own food is a huge step toward leading a sustainable lifestyle. Organic, chemical-free methods are inherently more sustainable — for human health, wildlife, the soil and the water supply — than non-organic techniques. To find out what’s going on in sustainable gardens across the United States and Canada, we surveyed the thousands of members of MOTHER’s Garden Advisory Group. Reusing and Recycling Materials in the Garden 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Saving Water and Conserving Energy 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Zero-Waste Gardening 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Integrating Livestock in Your Gardening 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. (For more on the many ways animals can help in your garden and other areas of your property, see Homestead Helpers: Sheep, Cattle, Pigs and Poultry. — MOTHER) Sustainable Gardening Tools, Supplies and Amendments 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Sustainable Seeds 45. 46. 47.
Experimentet Dagens Arena
Kan en femhundring i handen ha samma effekt som mediciner? En svensk forskare bestämde sig för att ta reda på det. Det här är berättelsen om psykologen som utkämpar sin sista strid. Och om Harry och Karina som tack vare sedeln får glänta på dörren till ett bättre liv. Läs Lars Berges reportage från kommande numret av Magasinet Arena. Harry stannar vid en plåtdörr på husets gavel och fiskar efter nycklarna i fickan på sina prassliga joggingbyxor. Det kan vara en middag på restaurang. Det tyckte åtminstone JB Educations vd Anders Hultin och lade upp en bild på en uppkorkad Tignanello på Facebook. Njut! Harry skakar på huvudet. Harry har inget Facebookkonto. Han har en Nokia 8210 med kontantkort. För drygt tio år sedan brakade Harry rakt in i väggen och förlorade allt. Därför jobbade han hårt, mycket hårt. En rykande kopp kaffe hjälpte honom att vakna nästa dag. Harrys kropp hade slutat lyda honom. Men tyvärr, allt var på riktigt och Harry spelade huvudrollen. ”Sedan fick jag välja.
7 Natural Uses For Baking Soda In The Garden
Share Baking soda is a vital part of green cleaning and has so many uses in the house, but what about the garden. Here are 7 ways to use it in the garden. 1. Mix 4 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 gallon of water. 2. Powdery mildew is causing major problems with impatiens this year, but also can be a problem for other plants, like lilacs, cucumbers, squash and zinnias. Spray Recipe: 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 gallon of water, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid Mix all the ingredients together and spray plants weekly. 3. Mix in 1 gallon of water, 4 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon biodegradable soap. 4. Pour or sweep baking soda in a thick layer into cracks on a sidewalk or patios. 5. Mix equals parts flour and baking soda and dust plants (cabbage, broccoli, kale) being eaten by cabbage worms. 6. Simply wet the crabgrass, pour a heavy dusting of baking soda on the weed. 7. Source: Plant Care Today
Home Remedies for the Garden « Central Coast Gardening
Whatever you’re paying for high-priced garden solutions, it is far too much! Many concoctions can be made with ingredients you have in your pantry. Here are a few recipes I’ve found to be effective and can be made at home by any frugal gardener. ROSE SPRAY-helps prevent diseases such as rust, blackspot, and powdery mildew. Mix together: 1-tablespoon baking soda1-teaspoon mild dishwashing detergent1-tablespoon vegetable oil1 dissolved aspirin Add: 1-gallon water Mix together and pour into a spray bottles. DEER REPELLENT-will keep deer from nibbling plants for up to two weeks. Blend and put through cheesecloth to remove lumps: 1 raw egg Add and mix: 1-tablespoon Tabasco sauce1-tablespoon fish emulsion Some have said to put this in the sun for a few days but I’ve found it to be stinky and very effective straight from the kitchen. MOLE REPELLENT-will send moles to another garden. Blend together: 1-tablespoon castor oil1-tablespoon dishwashing soap1-tablespoon water
Homemade Bug Spray for Gardens - Homemade Bug Spray
Since Spring finally decided to stop being on vacation and show up this year many are finally being able to plant those beautiful and yummy gardens! The only problem is that with this beautiful weather also comes another visitor-little buggies. These of course can be the most annoying and destructive aspect of planting a garden. If you're a first time gardener-they may push you over the edge a bit! Trying to figure out what to spray on your garden to get rid of these pests can also be such a pain. Many, if not most, pesticides on the market today are filled with such harmful chemicals-it would completely defeat the purpose of planting your own garden! I hope to have a bigger garden someday soon, but because of our HOA we are not allowed to have very much. After doing a bit of research (well, quite a bit of research actually) I found what I think is the best all-natural bug spray for your garden. Homemade Bug Spray For Gardens What You Need: Directions: Toss in container with oil.
Havemand opdager mirakelmiddel mod dræbersnegle
»Revolutionerende nyt - Hold dræbersneglene væk - så enkelt og billigt kan det gøres !!!!!« Begejstringen er til at tage og føle på på havesiden, hvor havemanden Kjeld Nielsen skriver om en ny metode til at holde dræbersneglene væk. Brug dødt mos, lyder det enkle råd. To sikre metoder Havesiden har gennem et par år forsøgt sig med flere forskellige metoder til at bekæmpe dræbersneglene eller at holde dem væk. »Den første metode går ud på, at du bruger Havebrugskalk, som du lægger hele vejen rundt om din grund i en bræmme på cirka 10 cm. Så derfor er mosmetoden den bedste. LÆS ARTIKELRyge: Sådan skåner du vinbjergsneglene Kjeld Nielsen opdagede ved et tilfælde, at dræbersneglene ikke ville ind i et bed, hvor han havde lagt noget dødt mos ud på jorden. Det blev så efterprøvet i et større bed, der ligger ud til en mark, hvor dræbersneglene altid kom fra om aftenen. »Vi gik i gang med at skaffe dødt mos. LÆS OGSÅRyge: Middel slår alle snegle ihjel
Homemade Weed Killer – Make Your Own Weed Killer
So we've taken care of the bug problem in our gardens, but what about weeds? They can be just as much of a terror as the little creepy crawlies. No matter if you have a full blown garden or just a patch of grass-weeds can creep in and mess it all up. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Getting rid of weeds doesn't mean running to the store and purchasing a bunch of chemicals to spray in your yard. Do you have any other ways you've learned to get rid of weeds? Disclaimer: This post may contain a link to an affiliate.