The Present Simple Tense Spelling Tip In the present simple 3rd person singular (he, she, it), add s, es, or ies to the base form of the verb. To regular verbs just add an s – Ex: travel >travels, give > gives, play >playsTo verbs that end in s, ss, sh, ch, x, and o, add an es – Ex: wash > washes, mix > mixes, go >goesTo verbs end in y after a consonant (any letter that isn’t a vowel), change the y to i and add es. Ex: study > studies, fly > flies Sometimes the present simple tense doesn’t seem very simple. We use the present simple tense to express the following ideas: To state facts or general truthsTo express habits or customsTo relate future plans (often regarding programs and timetables)To tell jokes and stories or to report sporting events in real time. Examples of the Present Simple The sun sets in the west.We produce lasers for cosmetic surgery.They move into their new home next week.So, I go to Mr. Forming the Present Simple Time Expressions in the Present Simple Negative Sentences in the Present Simple Tense
What are adjectives? The Quick Answer Adjectives are describing words. The Different Types of Adjectives Adjectives are describing words. Possessive Adjectives Possessive adjectives are used to show possession. Read more about possessive adjectives. The Articles The words a, an, and the are known as articles. Demonstrative Adjectives Demonstrative adjectives are used to demonstrate or indicate specific things. Indefinite Adjectives Unlike demonstrative adjectives, which indicate specific items, indefinite adjectives do not point out specific things. Numbers Numbers are classified as adjectives too.
Future I Simple going to Exercises on Future I Simple with going to Going to future expresses a conclusion regarding the immediate future or an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared. Form of going to Future Use of going to Future an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared example: I am going to study harder next year. a conclusion regarding the immediate future example: The sky is absolutely dark. Signal Words in one year, next week, tomorrow Exercises on going to Future Tests Future I Simple going to: Level 1 • Level 2 • Level 3
What Are Adverbs? What Is an Adverb? An adverb can be added to a verb to modify its meaning. Usually, an adverb tells you when, where, how, in what manner, or to what extent an action is performed. Many adverbs end in ly — particularly those that are used to express how an action is performed. Although many adverbs end ly, lots do not, e.g., fast, never, well, very, most, least, more, less, now, far, and there. Examples: Anita placed the vase carefully on the shelf. Click on the adverbs: She quickly defended her position, nervously adding that ladybirds usually eat plant lice. Types of Adverbs Although there are thousands of adverbs, each adverb can usually be categorized in one of the following groupings: Adverbs of Time Press the button now. Adverbs of Place Daisies grow everywhere. Adverbs of Manner He passed the re-sit easily. Adverbs of Degree That is the farthest I have ever jumped. Adverbs Can Modify Adjectives and Other Adverbs
English Grammar Tenses: Stories, Exercises and Answers Welcome to the English Grammar Tenses – The Ultimate Resource! One of the easiest ways to teach and learn grammar is through stories. Click Here for Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice All English Tenses So we at Really Learn English made this huge collection of stories and exercises available for you, completely free of charge. You can read the stories online, download the story PDF files, print and use them by yourself or with your students, and check the answers using the answer key. All we ask in return, is that if you find this resource useful, please link to it and share it with your students, colleagues, and anyone else who may benefit from it. Thanks for your support! What does TENSE Mean? A tense is a form of the verb which shows the time at which an action happens. It comes from the Latin word "tempus", which means "time". Click here for the full article on what tense is. Please share this page with others: For example: Lisa dances every day. Simple Present Story 1 Mr.
Adjectives Vocabulary Word List Advertisement. is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages.Click here to learn more. (Already a member? Click here.) Related Reference Pages, Activities and Worksheets: More Word Lists The Best Sites For Grammar Practice I haven’t been a real big fan of putting a lot of time into direct grammar instruction. I generally believe, and I know some research has shown, that students can develop grammar skills through reading, and prioritize helping my students find high-interest reading materials. In addition, I use concept attainment (see posts near the bottom of The Best Resources About Inductive Learning & Teaching) to help students learn grammar concepts inductively. And I just hate “drill-and-kill” grammar worksheets. A number of our ELL students who have gone on to community college have been telling us they wish we had put more time into direct grammar instruction. However, I am reflecting on if I should make any changes in how I help my students develop grammar skills. One very small change I am making is having students spend a little more time on grammar practice when we go to the computer lab — but spending it strategically on common challenges I have identified through their writing. And, it’s free.
Get to Know Your Camera: What is ISO? It used to be that you had to change your film roll to adjust your camera's sensitivity to light. Now it's just a setting that you can adjust from the menu called ISO. It's a numeric scale, so if you set your camera to ISO 400 it is twice as sensitive to light as when it's set to 200. Depending on the type of photograph you're trying to take, the ISO you'll want to use can vary greatly. The first thing you have to understand is that ISO is only one third of the equation when it comes to taking a properly exposed photograph. Even though the sensitivity exhibited at a certain ISO is standardized—ISO 100 is the same no matter what camera you are using—the performance is not. Pixel density is pretty easy to figure out. The higher you boost a camera's ISO, the more noise you introduce into your images. We test every camera that passes through PC Labs to see how it performs at varying ISO settings using the Imatest software suite.
English Grammar Online 10 Photography Tips for Beginners Digital photography has democratized the medium. More people are taking more photos than ever before, and they're sharing them online with friends and family in record numbers. It's easy to place the blame on the camera if your images aren't as nice as some others you see online, but by following a few guidelines you can improve the quality of your photos—without having to shell out big bucks for a new camera. Keep these 10 easy tips in mind next time you head out to capture the world around you. And if you have any tips that have helped you take better pictures, please share them in the comments section. 1. 2. If a photo is too light or dark you can either delve through the dozens of scene modes that are available in modern point-and-shoot cameras, or simply dial in a bit of exposure compensation. 3. 4. 5.
ESL worksheets, English grammar printables, ESL handouts Spelling to Sound Relations in English - LEA Phonetics U - /u:/ - boot Look at the Alphabet sounds in the following words. Say the words to practice:A - /ei/ : sail, rain, paid, mail, trainE - /i:/ : breeze, stream, leaf, feedI - /ai/ : time, dine, file, siteO- /əU/ : home, coat, phone, frozeU - /u:/ : suit, fool, tune; /yu:/ in the following: use, fume, muse Look at the spelling of the vowel sounds in the words. What do you notice? ______________________________ You should have noticed that there are two vowels in each word, that the first letter is pronounced with its alphabet letter sound, and that the second vowel is silent. The "Two-Vowel Trend for Alphabet Vowel Sounds" If there are TWO vowel letters in a one-syllable word:1. Part 2: VOWELS: Relative Vowel Sounds and The "One-Vowel Trend for Relative Vowel Sounds"Sometimes the alphabet vowel letters stand for a different sound, a short relaxed vowel. Look at the spelling of the vowel sounds in the words. The "One-Vowel Trend for Relative Vowel Sounds" Stressed vs.